Hey Guys
Well, my show on sunday was okish...It was REALLY hard to not do it with a drink inside me and was even harder not 'coming down' from the high of the show with a large kebab and chips with lots of salt on!
Anyway, I'm happy enough with the show and they've asked me back so it can't be all bad eh
So, today was a FANTASTIC day....
I haven't been to my day job since last Weds as I thought I deserved a good few days break.
Anyway, I walked in and everyone was saying how, even over that short time, my face has changed and how my clothes looked like they were hanging off me!

I was over the moon!
So, this evening, after my grueling gym and swim session (I'm a good boy aren't I

) , I went to Tescos for a little reward shopping.
Now, let me explain my relationship with Tescos.. I Love Tescos food but I have, until now, HATED the fact that their XXL shirts were tight on me and they didn't stock any trousers in my size

So, today I went and decided to see how much I've really lost size wise....
I managed to fit a very nice pair of 46" Trousers, a couple of pairs of tracksuit bottoms (which was impossible before with my large wobbly bum), and I also picked up 2 pairs of 44" trousers which were slightly too tight at present but won't be by the end of next week!

. I also managed to get 2 tops in XL that fitted really nicely AND I bought a couple of very nicely fitting 17 1/2" Collar shirts (my present work ones are 19")
I am SOOOOOO Happy.
Oh, one bad thing that is recurring at the moment. I know they say you don't get hungry, and, to be honest, I don't.... But from day 1 of this diet I have had a mass craving for a Chicken Cesar salad....I haven't wanted anything else through the time I've been on this...why is it this one food that is just stuck there...and what an odd thing to crave!
Anyway, off to parade around in my new clothes
Love you all (and hope you all love me)