Mike 24's Diary

Congrats' Mike on your loss of four and half pounds and enjoy your new clothes and work out at the gym.

Good luck with your show, wish I was near you as I would love to see your act!!!

Perhaps you will come to a meet up:confused:

Love Mini xxx

Of course! I'd love to come to one of the meet, just keep me posted as to when and where ;)

I perform all over the country so I'll prob be around near you all at one point or another ... I'll keep you updated :D
That's a great idea - any excuse for an evening out!
Well done Mike, you're doing really well, nearly 2 stone gone already - way to go.

Used to live near Winchester, lovely place, but would love to come & see you so do post where you're going to be.

Take care
Hello :p

Anywho... other than that I have very little to say today...I'm off to the gym in my new tracksuit bottoms (oh get me! :D ) and a little swim and thats about it. Roast dinner is cooking away downstairs so I need to get out :p roast potatoes are most definately the best thing about a roast dinner...and the broccoli (I know, sad aren't I :p )

Love you all

How many times a week do you exercise ? Its just ive started doing some daily exercise (20-30 mins on a rowing machine), and i've noticed my weight loss has been a bit slower. I spoke to my councellor today, and she reckons people on this diet should do a max 1-2 days a week.

She said that exercise is good to reduce your waist size etc, but you essentially build muscles which add to your weight. Just thought i'd let ya know
Well, as far as I'm aware, your diet doesn't contain enough proteins to be able to build significant muscles. I spoke about it with my councilor as well and she agreed. You need lots of protein to be able to do that! Even if slight muscle is developed, I'd rather loose the weight slower and be healthy than just loose fat and not have any stamina etc. (does that make sense? You can be thin but unhealthy etc.)

I do cardiovascular work about 3-4 times a week. Either just on the running machine/crosstrainer/bike normally 45 min workout) or with a swimming session as well (50 lengths ((I used to swim for my county)) ) to build up stamina.

hope that helps Polska :)
What diet/detox plan are you on? I'm on the one that costs £45 a week (think its cambridge), but im aware that there is a more expensive one - that costs £60 odd quid a week. I'm not sure of the names of the diets, as i give me mum the money, and she buys the food packs and prepares the meals for me.

All i know is that on my diet, apparently exercise is only a good thing once you hit maintenance. My councellor had a client who went 3 weeks doing regular exercise whilst also following the diet. Whilst the man lost a few inches from his waist, he only lost 3-4 pounds in weight.

Still, your progress whilst doing exercise has been excellent, so why spoil something that is clearly working :)

Im just worried that when i eventually get to my target weight, i will have a load of excess skin which i cant get rid of. Hence i wanna start my exercise now.

Hello people...

well, if you've seen the LL pages you will have seen that this week I had a colonic which I must say was actually quite pleasant.

Other than that my week has been pretty normal except for the fact that I've now decided the only pack I like os chocolate with coffee in LOL!

Anyway, Just a quick one to tell you I lost 7lbs this week! :D :p :D

Am completely over the moon about that too! Also being week 4 and being the mens group we admitted new people in and we have 2 new starters who both seem really nice guys so good luck to them both! :p

Week 4 is also our time for our measurements to be taken:eek:

I have lost: 5 inches around the chest
6 1/2 inches around the waist :eek:
4 inches around the hips


Oh, and as for the gig last night in Winchester...it was fabbblas! please see attached pic of Miss Tonics smaller face :p

Love you all



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Annnnd (Sorry for adding this so late but I had to rush out earlier)

I fitted into my nice 'incentive' Trousers I bought 2 weeks ago that didn't go near me :) .... YEY!

Got a hard week ahead. I'm away for 3 days from tomorrow for my day job staying in a nice hotel with expenses paid, including all my meals....and I can't eat any of it! BLOODY TYPICAL :(

*think thin thoughts*

Annnnd (Sorry for adding this so late but I had to rush out earlier)

I fitted into my nice 'incentive' Trousers I bought 2 weeks ago that didn't go near me :) .... YEY!

Got a hard week ahead. I'm away for 3 days from tomorrow for my day job staying in a nice hotel with expenses paid, including all my meals....and I can't eat any of it! BLOODY TYPICAL :(

*think thin thoughts*


So the "Incentive" trousers fit now Mike!!!:D It's a great feeling isn't it?
What's the next target with clothes then?

Just close your eyes to all the grub at the hotel this week as it will be soooo worth it in the end.:)

You're doing amazing....keep rocking hun.

Lacey xxx:D
Hiya Mike - love the new photo.

You're doing amazingly well, inches as well as weight loss, you must really be able to see the difference in yourself. Do you need new stage costumes yet?

Interesting read about your colonic, something I've thought about, but not sure about it, must be nice to feel clean and have all that rubbish out of you. I eat a good healthy diet now, be nice to know that my insides were good & clean too :)
Such a difficult week

Well, this evening I got back from 3 days away for work.

It has been SO hard...staying in a hotel with bistro standard food on offer for free (well, on the company :p) and being surrounded by gorgeous buffet food during the day while training.

I got to the stage of opening one of the free packs of biscuits you always get in a hotel room and nearly putting one in my mouth...I had to crunch all of the biscuits up in the room and throw them in the bin :break_diet:

Anyway, feel on a bit of a low today...I was training until 3pm and then had a 5 hour drive home and I only got to have 1 Lemon bar in the whole day. I've just downed 2 shakes but it hasn't really picked me up :(
Week 5 weigh in

Hey guys

You may have seen my other thread from last night (The Night Before I think it's called).

Anyway, even after my weigh in I feel no better.

I lost 4lbs which, after such a crappy week doesn't make me feel good at all. Thats my lowest loss so far and I just wanna crawl away and cry. :cry:

I KNOW I shouldn't expect miracles but I just feel completely disheartened.

As I said in my other thread, I have no intention of eating. To be honest the thought of eating is starting to disgust me now (Which I'm not sure is a healthy thought). I just do not want to be on this journey for any longer than I have to be and I really feel like I'm doing something wrong.:break_diet:

I know I should be happy, but right now my head is not in the right place for that.

Hi Mike,

4lbs. is still a very good weight loss and there is no other diet where you can achieve such big losses over the month.

Your just feeling down and you would probably feel like this whether you were back eating or not.

Remember you have got into those trousers that were too small and you have come along way already!

At times like this it is best to get your before photo out and compare it to one of you now and you will see the difference as sometimes it is so hard just looking at ourselves in the mirror.

Stick with it and this dark cloud will pass over you and you will feel on top again.

Could it be possible you are over doing it in the gym?

You also could be experiencing a plateauing effect that happens for any numbers of reasons.

You may find this is the week you have come down more inches.

If you have been traveling a lot in a car etc. you sometimes find that you have fluid retention from sitting too long.

when out shopping lift up four pounds of lard and have a good look at it! This is what you have lost from around your internal organs and overall body fat this week.

Love Mini xxx
Thanks mini :)

Well, actually I only went to the gym 2 times and one was just swimming.

I think I'm gunna start working on the old 10k steps this week and see if that helps.:rolleyes:

I know 4lbs is good and, at the end of the day, if I lost 4lbs each week I'd be at my target weight by June which would be nice but you know what its like, you see a great loss the week before and then, on top of a bad week, you get a lower weight loss.

I think it must be Ginny's TOTM :p
A fab week! and water DOES make a difference!

Hello chickens! :p

Well, this week has been really good! Its been positive which makes a change LOL! :D

As a conscious decision I decided to up my water intake to look at the affects on a) my mood and b) my weight loss. I made sure each day I drink 6 litres rather than the usual 4.

And it has made a difference

This week I have lost 6 1/2lbs! I low sit at a 43lb weight loss which is 3 stone and 1lb and puts me at 18 Stone. I've not been this for a loooong time (talking 3-4 years and remember I'm only 24!).

My mood was also a lot better this week. I told the bat at work not to keep telling people what I'm doing diet wise which she didn't appreciate but I can't be bothered with her anyway!

Also on Thursday I went with my friend who has just had a gastric band put in for his top up just off Harley street (they increase the restriction every month). He's done very well and has lost 1 1/2 stone in about 2 1/2 months which, for him, is quite an achievement (well for anyone really I suppose). It was nice to see him and see how he's getting along. I'm not sure about the surgery though as he still basically easts the same cr*p he used to just in smaller quantities! Sure, its gunna make you loose weight but it can't be healthy for you still eating all the junk?:confused:

Anyway, I went into my fave store, H&M. Basically when I was 18 I was able to fit into their clothes and ever since I've just looked for afar and wished something would go remotely near me. Anyway, big revelation came when I bought a hooded top and it FITTED (HURAH!). It's and XL and it actually goes around me. Mucho Kudos! :p

I've also saw a gorgeous pair of Jeans in Next online (too small at the moment alas!). I cannot WAIT to fit into them (they are goooorgeous I tell you! :p). Was rather piss*d off though coz once I'd made the order it was saying about an account...me being stupid I didn't realise you had to open an account with them, and somehow it set up an account. Must burn the account number otherwise I'll go crazy and buy nice incentive clothes LOL! :D

Anyway, word of advice from Dr Michael Fuller..drink lots of water :p

Love you all as always and, if your reading this and live in London, go to the Lighter Life forum bit on this website and register your interest for a meet in London...I'm trying to arrange it :p