Morticia and Elizabeth - thank you both for such honesty and the fact that you wrote these things to me... I have been feeling guilty abou tnot replying because both of these replies affected me strongly when I originally read them and have consequently really helped.. I've had no time at all for anything, but I'm nearly done with the dissertation, it's all over on the 20th September.

Self-imposed exile on the living room sofa with a netbook on my lap ends there! Last 2 months have been perpetually, get up between 6-7am, go downstairs, sit, close door and try to start work asap with coffee, eat something throughout the day (usually in the form of a few iceberg lettuces and a medium cauliflower that I nibble), have dinner at 8:30 and then sleep... Every day... With the exception of perhaps 3-4 in the entire 60 days! I'm not quite done yet, but nearly there...
Either way, I meant to say.. .... as my brain has not kicked in yet... I will reply to you both by private messages because I am so very grateful for your inputs. It does mean so much when someone shares things with yoy that come from the heart.

Eliz - especially, I remember that your message had some uncomfortable truths that really did make me view the situation a little more objectively and try to get out before I sunk too low. Thank you.
Either way... my weeks have been stressful... I had some slip-ups, but nothing bad. Nothing as bad as the blind sugar-carb bingeing. Those are truly scary. I can stop myself again now, it's magical. I've missed having self-control.
But I am very worried how even the tiniest amount of white bread affects me. I know to keep away from all the addictive foods, and if I have some I need to 'detox' about a week for it "wear off"... For example... I love curry. Obviously, I make the smarter choice regarding the dish - so go for something with less sauce, like a tandoor, no rice. But I
do have a Naan. God, I love naan. It's very calorific, but it's a very, very rare treat. And I know I'll have to pay the price.
Obviously eating out is a fairly rare occurrence, so I treat myself in moderation... But, I am still very shocked at how the tiniest amounts send me into destructive spirals. It's easier to see from a "detoxed" state of being, because you still have the power to control the situation. But it does leave me wondering - will I ever be able to eat anything
other than protein, vegetables and a little fruit? Not that I have any problem with it, I love these things.
I just have to make sure my OH understands that. I have to keep reminding him not to offer me carbohydratey/sugary things. He loves me, bless him, and likes to share everything - and he
does know that I have an issue with it, just forgets in his good will

) ). But I suppose he doesn't quite fully understand what a Binge Eating Disorder entails - and that it can mean that eating may never stop when started. It's a hard concept to grasp. But just like a recovering alcoholic can never truly touch alcohol, a BED sufferer cannot touch trigger foods. It seems like an unlikely comparison to make, but it's true. Both are mental and chemical addictions.
I think - since 1 March, today, on 13th September I can finally say that I have control back. Not the SUPER-DUPER control I used to have - but I
don't want THAT back. It was too scary. But I can stop when I
want to again. It's liberating. And I can choose not to stop too. I eat enough not to get foggy and lethargic, I do need my strength. Fell off the wagon a few times (but nothing major) - but recovered because blips are nothing in the grand scheme of things. I have 12lbs to go until my target, and maybe I'll achieve this by Christmas. I hope anyway!

But, if I don't, it's not a tragedy. Life will keep going in the New Year and I'll lose it then.
Plus, there's going to be some celebrating next week... A full year of extremely hard work (what's a weekend?), patience, real perseverance and pushing myself to the limit though some severe emotional losses - comes to an end. My Masters will be finished on the 20th. Surely, a cause for a
little over-indulgence?