Me too. My GP is lovely and I know she'll try her best. After all I saved the nhs money by not accepting my place for CBT, so the buggers owe me
Well no harm in reminding her of this too.
The V V's thing is more complicated than merely cosmetic. They ache, they become inflamed (phlebitis) they cause ankle swelling which in turn stresses the skin which can lead to discoloration (nasty brown patches) & ultimately ulcers.
Ask any district nurse if she'd get her Vv's dealt with in middle age to avoid all the nasties in old age etc.
Sorry about hte ££££...sort of thought it'd be more modest than that.
Don't suppose your radio-5-live fat busting clinic does veins too?
Changing the subject completely I've cut a fringe into my hairI had a moment of madness and wandered what I'd look like with a fringe, before I knew it I'd cut a lump of hair off. Actually I quite like it, not sure what my hairdresser will make of it though.
Hairdresser be blowed!
you'll have to have new fridge magnets made!
( I just love the current pic though. I think you have the longest index finger I've ever seen)
Also aquired a treadmillOne of my clients no longer wants it as they are moving and have no room, so she has given it to me
Lol I haven't informed Scott of this new toy, I think he'll be a bit annoyed as our house isn't exactly the size of a mansion. My plan is to place it in the conservatory once the guinea pigs are back out in the garden.
Sainthood comes at a price you know!LOL Just noticed I'm the only person actively keeping a diary in the maintenance diary section
Where is everybody
Feeling very lonely now:wave_cry:
Or....get a v large wheel & share it with the pigs.
I Bet Scott'll moan about the space it occupies but will then monopolise it himself
I'm not sure it'll take his weight
Sainthood comes at a price you know!
Hiya Tracey
Sorry I deserted you!! I also felt a bit like I was rattling round in here, I got the impression that not many people visit the maintenance section. Also occurred to me that I might be better off in the members only section. Now I've found you I will make sure I pop by on a regular basis... just got to have a quick read through and catch up!!
move to the members only section and I'll read you .... I keep forgetting to look in here
Now I've found you I aint going anywhere!!
Was interesting your post re clothes on Dancing's diary as I have the same mentality and wondered whether the novelty wears off, good to know that 11 months in you are still enjoying the pleasure of finding new things and choosing what to wear each morning!
I read your posts here,occasionally post, but just lately I have been flying by the seats of my pants and not posting much anyway! I will from now on then!!! Honest
KD has posted many threads with regards maintaining all about statistics etc. but there were never really many diaries actively being used.
I had a few on here, but ended up moving or deleting them because it got rather lonesome. You're doing well for replies though :clap: Glad you're going to hang around here![]()
yep, great to see you in here, I never got the hang of maintaining so I darent come in hereIm a serial maintainer, better than a serial dieter I know but still not got there, never mind, great to see you in here x
Not sure I've got the hang of it yet either, but all the time I can still fit into the new me clothes I'll stick around
PS do you still not smoke??
Good plan ... I will do my best to remember you are here and read it every now and then - heck I may even post
hmmm I like the idea of the swans, still rather have a magnet though![]()
Lol!! I am still waiting for them to arrive! As soon as they come I'll pm you for your address and one will be on it's way to you
Re the loving shopping - I threw all my clothes out today that don't fit that were sat in my wardrobe, just left with 1 pair jeans, 1 pair black pants and 1 pair adidas bottoms and a few t-shirts .... then went shopping and was fearing the worst and came home with a total clothes shop of 2 white Gap t-shirts and 2 new bras .... that was it....... not got a clue what I'm gonna wear to work all next week - might need a couple of those swans strategically placed![]()
Hi there, I come and read how it's going regularly. I felt the same about my so called maintenance diary. So called in my case as I'm above my target weight - but slowly making my way back down.
I leave my diary here, because when I was doing CD, it cheered me up to see that people didn't put the weight back on the instant they finished.
That's how I feel also.
Also, one of the reasons I do a diary is that I noticed that people who posted maint diaries seemed to maintain more or less, but I often read posts from returners who had put the weight on and hadn't had a diary. So I kind of use the diary to help me understand that maintenance is what you do with daily choices and coming to post helps me face any weght gain faster.
I totally agree! I kept a weight loss diary and I felt it helped me to stay on track, and the same goes for my maintenance diary too.
I am not the perfect maintainer and have my ups and downs, but as long as I still fit my clothes, I'm not too worried about a fluctuating couple of lb.
But I do have trouble with what to post when all is going OK!
I think it is great you are staying put - in fact I think I may even join you!
Hi RuthGreat to hear from you!!! How is maintenance life your end? Oh yes please start a diary it'll be lovely to see how you're getting on. Still doing the Body Shop parties?
I have been thinking about starting a diary thread and have been umming and aahhhhing about whether I should put it here or in the members only section - think when I get around to it I'll pop it in here.
Enjoy your treadmill Tracey. We bought one a year ago, off the internet and when it came it was enormous, took up so much space in the living room, it was a bit of an eyesore! Got more room for it here but TBH haven't actually got around to using it yep - oops