"Minimins Fallen Angels"

This is the spinning star for 1 full weeks worth of being an angel. Before copying it and pasting it into your signature, you must update us on the thread.
No cheating though you do need 7 days of clear ssing, or sticking to your points, syns or listening to your body......obviously depending on the diet you follow.
Dont forget to delete your other stars though so we can start afresh this new coming week.
i did wonder how we were gonna cope with loadsa stars... now i get it. lol
Done better today but still not good enough for a star. Had a minor slip at lunch time but nothing major.
Need to get a bit more prepared in a morning. I forget to take any water or a packs with me to the stables and end up getting starving by lunch time.
I am going to have a star by the end of tomorrow though - i'm starting to feel left out ;)
Hi everyone, can I join?
I have been on and off Ss'ing for ages now and I am so down about it. Its always the weekends where I c**k up and I am so angry at myself as I was doing so well last week up until Thursday night.:break_diet:
I really need some support, well not just some, quite a bit I think. I'm back SS'ing today feeling bloated, miserable and just plain despondant. I cant bear to be this size or any bigger and I dont have anyone here who I can turn to as my DH just thinks its a waste of time seeing as I keep on failing.
I dont want to be a whinger and I dont want to be a failure, I want to turn my life around before its too late.

I dont want to go home tonight and eat. I really need to tell myself and believe it that I can do this.
Ok, I am on day 1 of my being good diet.....

I have been very good so far, no chocolate or crisps have passed these lips!! Aiming to cut the crap out for a couple of days & then need to decide if I am CDing again....

Keep up the good work people!
Oooooh, that star looks gorgeous. I want one! Just a few hours left!!! :D I've hardly eaten a thing today, I think my appetite has gone on holiday. Never in my life did I think I could ever end up with a relationship with food like this. My fridge is full of everything delicious, my cupboards are heaving with chocolate and yet muggins here has just got excited about having a cup of tea! :eek:

I am joining a dancing class tonight for exercise (and fun!) so I know I won't eat much before I go.
Hi everyone, can I join?
I have been on and off Ss'ing for ages now and I am so down about it. Its always the weekends where I c**k up and I am so angry at myself as I was doing so well last week up until Thursday night.:break_diet:
I really need some support, well not just some, quite a bit I think. I'm back SS'ing today feeling bloated, miserable and just plain despondant. I cant bear to be this size or any bigger and I dont have anyone here who I can turn to as my DH just thinks its a waste of time seeing as I keep on failing.
I dont want to be a whinger and I dont want to be a failure, I want to turn my life around before its too late.

I dont want to go home tonight and eat. I really need to tell myself and believe it that I can do this.

welcome to the angels :D u can do this rachel....no doubt about it! i expect hubbys attitude doesnt help but we can all support eachother thru this. Im exactly the same as u...always blipping and getting frutrated but i have found this thread so encouraging :) my hubby is always waiting for me to fail on a diet...not cos he doesnt care but because i always fail lol. we can do this tho!!! get cracking!

Woohoo! Congrats on your losses ladies!! The spinning gold star is beautiful and I am aiming to get one myself next Monday! ;)

Thank you for the welcomes, it feels great to be here! It's Monday and is 11:20am where I am. I have been good today as everytime I think of "straying off" I think of you guys and how inspired I am by all of you. As well, I want a star and I'm not going to get one unless I'm good so...good I shall be! :D So halfway through my day so far. *phew* I will report back in tonight as to how the other half went. ;)

Keep up the great work everyone! Janey, I just KNOW you will get your spinning star today! And Mini, you WILL get there too! 1 more day! This is so awesome, rewards are great aren't they! :)
well....im gutted!! been so good and lost half a flipping lb. only had a bag of crisps one day and the rest of the time been good. still....i deserve a gold star for today.

i trust u have all done better than me lol. hope so for ur sakes.

Hi guys, how is everyone? Been good i hope. I have earned my second gold star wooohooo and did not cave when asked if i wanted chinese buffet for dinner. Oh yeah who's the mama.:party0049:
well....im gutted!! been so good and lost half a flipping lb. only had a bag of crisps one day and the rest of the time been good. still....i deserve a gold star for today.

i trust u have all done better than me lol. hope so for ur sakes.


I can't believe how quickly you got back and made this post.

Anyway, i know you wanted more but a loss is a loss and maybe it will be much bigger next week ;)

If not you will just have to get back to CD and you, me and sonkie can have a proper competition? :D
Fuzzy angel

Welcome to our newcomer...... RachelA

Well this is going to get a bit confusing now....as we have some new starters......Most of us will be deleting our stars tonight/tomorrow ready for our new start tomorrow.
ooo does that mean u r joining our 9 stone race sal? :D
ooo does that mean u r joining our 9 stone race sal? :D

9 stone from now? Phew too big a target - little steps first - race you and sonkie from here to 5 (start from now so we can let Jo judge us?) and then maybe if i'm not sick of the sight of shakes i'll go the extra 4?:party0049:

You both up for eating the dirt i kick up as i race away from you? :sign0151:
As i type, Steve is trying to tempt me with fresh strawberries and raspberries from the garden and they look lovely :sigh: