"Minimins Fallen Angels"

Thanks for that Sonkie :eek:

But seriously thanks for all the lovely comments - will spur me on to resist those sandwiches tomorrow - phut :sign0137:
and maybe will get me my first ever star :D

Your looking fantastic Sally, your a glow with happiness in your new avatar:)

Love Mini xxx
Hi everyone, can I join?
I have been on and off Ss'ing for ages now and I am so down about it. Its always the weekends where I c**k up and I am so angry at myself as I was doing so well last week up until Thursday night.:break_diet:
I really need some support, well not just some, quite a bit I think. I'm back SS'ing today feeling bloated, miserable and just plain despondant. I cant bear to be this size or any bigger and I dont have anyone here who I can turn to as my DH just thinks its a waste of time seeing as I keep on failing.
I dont want to be a whinger and I dont want to be a failure, I want to turn my life around before its too late.

I dont want to go home tonight and eat. I really need to tell myself and believe it that I can do this.

Welcome RachelA,

When I was trying to stop smoking...I had good days and then something would happen and I would just have one ciggie and I was back to square one again.

I kept on failing...

One day my husband said to me to look at the year over all and to count the days I was a success and I found I had more successful days than failures.

So instead of looking at the glass have empty I began to look at it as half full.

This shift in attitude helped me to keep going and eventually I did stop smoking for good and that was nine years ago last January.

I feel my weight loss journey is following a similar pattern and I know I will conquer this 'monkey on my back' eventually as well.

There comes a tipping point when every day is a successful day and bad days become a thing of the past...

This is where the Gold Stars help as you can chart your progress in the week by the Gold Stars you collect.:) Moving on to the Spinning Gold Stars.

Love Mini xxx
Didnt check in yesterday as i was so busy - life is hectic at the moment but things should ease up after my holiday.

Havent been 100% yet so no gold stars for me - one of my problems is i keep changing what diet i'm doing!! I was going to do 790 but then decided to just do cambridge 1000. Then decided i couldnt face anymore cambridge shakes so decided to do WW!!

Am pretty much decided on WW now. I cant afford to do Cambridge or go to WW classes but i have all the books for the current WW plan.

I need to figure out how many points i can have a day and then plan my meals. If anyone has any tips or is also following the WW plan then i'd love to hear from you. I could do with a buddy! :)
Well Girls another excellent day for me yesterday and on track for a good one today as well!!

I had 2 shakes, lots of water and 1 bottle of coke zero - spent my night be uhhh hum entertained as was on a date :p so missed my last shake!

So although it was my 3rd good day I have got just the 1 star as I want to join in with you all xx

Well done Nathalie on your 3 good days and give yourself a star for each day and when you have collected seven in a row, give yourself a spinning star.

You have earned them.:clap::clap::clap:

For if we try and fit into the same week as everyone else it won't really work out for there will be no incentive if you break one day in the week to keep going for the rest of the week. If you see my point:rolleyes:

Love Mini xxx
Didnt check in yesterday as i was so busy - life is hectic at the moment but things should ease up after my holiday.

Havent been 100% yet so no gold stars for me - one of my problems is i keep changing what diet i'm doing!! I was going to do 790 but then decided to just do cambridge 1000. Then decided i couldnt face anymore cambridge shakes so decided to do WW!!

Am pretty much decided on WW now. I cant afford to do Cambridge or go to WW classes but i have all the books for the current WW plan.

I need to figure out how many points i can have a day and then plan my meals. If anyone has any tips or is also following the WW plan then i'd love to hear from you. I could do with a buddy! :)

Hi Helen,

Starlight, Sparkle, Sapphire, Vodka, Clair, raudi and Marie to name just a few are doing excellent on WW in the WW forum and they will be able to give you loads of good tips and advice.

Don't think Starlight is going to the classes she is doing it on her own with the other members in the forum.

I was all over the place myself and it took me awhile to settle back into diet mode again. The rebellious child in me:p

Once you settle into what you want to do you will get motoring again and remember Helen how well you have done before, you know you can do it.

Love Mini xxx
Ooh good point Mini - how do I make my star go on 3 times though as when i try and do it it says you cant add the same picture more than once :(
thanks "gonna". im chuffed i stuck with the diet today as usually i would have been tempted to cave in purely on account of a bad weigh in lastnight.


Well done Karen:clap:

Love Mini xxx
I don't mind you asking. :) I was doing Paul McKenna and got absolutely nowhere! So I have just joined the Beyond Chocolate multimedia course and I lost 3 pounds in my first week.

Congrat's Janey on your 3 pounds off and your spinning Gold Star:D!!!
Well done!!!

Love Mini xxx
Well done Bex I see your back in the zone and have lost 3lbs.!!!:party0019::party0019:

Plenty of motivation there for the week ahead.

Love Mini xxx
Didnt check in yesterday as i was so busy - life is hectic at the moment but things should ease up after my holiday.

No problem as long as you let us know how you are getting on when your online.

Havent been 100% yet so no gold stars for me - one of my problems is i keep changing what diet i'm doing!! I was going to do 790 but then decided to just do cambridge 1000. Then decided i couldnt face anymore cambridge shakes so decided to do WW!!

Am pretty much decided on WW now. I cant afford to do Cambridge or go to WW classes but i have all the books for the current WW plan.

I need to figure out how many points i can have a day and then plan my meals. If anyone has any tips or is also following the WW plan then i'd love to hear from you. I could do with a buddy! :)

Pleased you have decided on your plan.....now to get on with it and become a loser like the rest of us....lol.
Hopefully a ww`er will be along soon.
Fuzzy angel

Welcome to our newest member Shrm26......!
Hope I have you all on the list.....we are doing well now.
Dont forget to report your progress at least once a day, then if you have stuck to your diet plan to claim your star.

Well done to all Minimins Fallen Angels we can and will succeed.....hmmmm gonna have to think up a motto....lol.
" Who diets ........shrinks"

instead of " who dares wins......lol.

:cry:am i not allowed in then :(

not that i will get a star today, even Karen's revolting comment didn't sway me. Anyway will be back to normal next week, it's only because i'm on a course this week that i have this temptation in front of me.
Give you two a chance to get a head start on me!!
Hiya all

So Many of us now.... As some of you know i've been away at the download festival, returned on Monday & this has been the first chance i've had to get on line. It's taken me ages to catch up on all the posts, there's been loads i've missed!!!! :eek:

Been 100% good since i got home But whilst i was away....Well that's another matter...lol All my good intension's of sticking with CD went out the window But hey! I really don't care had an amazing time. Gonna be facing the music tonight with my WI, so i'll know what damage i've done then.

I'll update you all when i get back tonight, i'm sure it's gonna be a gain?! :eek:

Well done on all of you that have had loses & :hug99: for those who haven't......xxxx
Well done Karen:clap:

Love Mini xxx

thanks mini. well done to u as well on ur spinny star and the others lol

:cry:am i not allowed in then :(

not that i will get a star today, even Karen's revolting comment didn't sway me. Anyway will be back to normal next week, it's only because i'm on a course this week that i have this temptation in front of me.
Give you two a chance to get a head start on me!!

good lordy woman! u been eating snot sandwiches!! on 4 sandwiches a day u'll most likely have a 5lb loss on monday anyways :mad:

Fuzzy angel
Dibspl the snot eater

there ya go. list updated :p

welcome back fuzzy! glad u had a fab time away and good luck at weigh in. even if u gain, if u r a strict angel this week u'll have lost it b4 next WI so nevermind!

Dibspl the snot eater

there ya go. list updated :p


so eloquently put :rolleyes:
Fuzzy angel

I will change the comment after your user name Sally.....That Karen has no taste.....lol.
oi! u b een looking at my hubby again lol