"Minimins Fallen Angels"

ooooooo you answered me while I nodded... thanks sonya!
I'm that shattered at the moment with early starts, extra hours as holiday cover, and hospital visiting.... I nod off too easy on my lovely comfy sofa!

Right... I want to learn to eat intuitively... the idea being to eventually live free from diets and excess weight..... by learning to eat anything I want, but only when I'm hungry... to savour every mouthfull.... eat slowly with full concentration.... and stop when satisfied or full...
First step is to learn what my hunger signals are. I've had a couple of tries at this, but not completed a full day yet.
welcome sammy and lesley! this lil (big) group is helping me loads so i hope it will do the same for you xxxx

so...my day...i have been 100% good tho i have been tempted. i have this stupid idea that if i buy lowfat crisps then its not really cheating! the thing with me tho...if i do it once, i'll do it daily and then twice daily lol. the whole idea i want to be so strict is so that my craving for savory rubbish (especially crisps) will decrease more and more the longer i go without them. So!! i picked up a packet of low fat crisps in the co-op...thought about what i really want, decided crisps aint gonna get me there and i put them back. yay!!

instead i focused on waiting for my grilled steak and veggies. i made brown rice for everyone else but didnt even have so much as a spoonful for myself so ive had a great day.

protein target of 97g reached! (i had 98.7grams) and calorie intake was 823 (i missed a shake). had all my vitamins and 2.5 litres of water and my protein drink.

a perfect dieting day and i feel great! now am awarding myself my 2nd star on the way to my spinny. yippeeee!

hope u lovely people have had a good day and if u havent, im sure we can make sure tomorrow is 100% fab.

Hi Girls,
this is just a quickie, just finished a night shift and i am KNACKERED!!! Been a bad girl AGAIN, not as bad as most days though. will try again when i wake up. thanks to all of you who have welcomed me aboard. Shar xx
G'night Shrm, have a good sleep! Tomorrow is a new day! :)
I was almost done typing my post and lost it! :sigh:

(Argh! Was only able to lurk during the day as it's hard to type with a toddler on your lap. :( )

Welcome Sez, Sammy and Lesley! :)

Congrats on losing 3lbs Bex, that's awesome! :) :party0011:

Also, WTG Janey, Sonya and Karen for earning another gold star! Great job! :party0011:

And Nathalie, WOOHOO for earning your third star! *thumbs up* :)

As for me, day 3 of my first week is finished (I'm off to bed in 5min) and I did well once again! YAYYAY! I followed my diet and exercised today again! Doing the tricords with dh and even added 20 crunches! :D Man, am I ever fat and out of shape...I used to be able to do at least 40!! :sigh: I've decided to try and do at least 20 crunches a day...hopefully adding 2 a day. AHHHH! We'll see! :eek: Well, it's 11pm here...gonna go make my vitamin shake and go to bed. G'night everyone! See you tomorrow! :)
wow gonnadoit! u sound very determined to beat the bulge. good on ya! hope u had a good sleep. xxxxx
Fuzzy angel
its a new day bex! i personally can only do this diet from the comfort of home. if i went to a restaurant i would let my CB talk me into eating whatever i wanted lol. so in a weird twisted way...its kinda good hubby rarely takes me out lol. im sure u will earn ur star today Bex. xxx
Day 4 and on track! :)

Morning all,

Well day 4 was a breeze for me yet again! Woo Hoo I might have cracked this ss malarkey hehe :confused: Although I was v bad and only had 2 shakes again as I was out and didnt want to eat any normal food and by the time I got in 2am! I decdied to go straight to bed.

As it's been 2 days on the trot whereI have missed one today will be a 790 plan to try and catch up so Iv got some grilled chicken slices and lettuce from m&s with me for my 'lunch'. I am soooo proud of myself for sticking to it and as today is day 5 Im even more happy yay!

Oh and as well as being fantastic on the diet I went to the gym AGAIN this morning so thats 4 times so far this week...size 10 here I come Only a stone or so to go :)

Hope you are all ok, weather here is miserable today so Im not too happy :mad: as I have to go into town at lunch time to have a sight test and a contact lense appointment and I was going to walk in for some more exercise but Im not trecking in the rain!

N xx
OMG that is so true. Thats me, lurking and feeling sorry for myself. I will try so hard not to do this to myself anymore.

At the moment my feelings are very low. My chatterbox is in overdrive, I have picked at so much food - cheese (mainly), couple of pepperami minis, couple of little fruit snacks. I have been sick, a fact of which I am def NOT proud. I am feeling like I will not make it to my goal, yet again. I am however very happy to have joined the Angels and will post daily as requested!

Oh and my mood is not helped lately by the amount of hair I am losing, it was the one thing I was proud of and its going.......

Hi Sez,

I have suffered from the hair loss on and off during my diet journey and it does grow back. Try not to worry about it.

Hope you have a better day today!

Love Mini xxx
please please please can I join too?

I have made a pact with Sez that I will go to bed tonight and sleep and hopefully wake up tomorrow with a new head on..

Really really need the help


Welcome Sammy and I hope you feel good after your early night ad it is good to have you with us:)

I need to learn to NOT diet, but to eat intuitively. To allow my stomach to control my food intake. I'm struggling to keep track of how I'm doing... can I join in here? :)

Hi Lesley,

Your very welcome and I also hope one day to have control of my food.

In my case my eye is bigger than my belly:DLOL

Love Mini xxx
wow! well done nathalie! u r on fire!! very inspiring bunch u lot r lol. xxxx

SEZ AND SAMMY, i have just read both ur other threads and see how close u r both to wanting to stop. we really really do whatever we can to help as thats what minis is all about. personally i jumped ship from CD as it just wasnt for me. dont get me wrong, not trying to turn u away from SSing, im just saying...u can lose this weight and if u really want to, u will lose it but if it gets so bad that u dont wanna SS anymore...consider changing as that would be better than stopping and just aimlessly going back to eating the way u were. im sure u can pm anyome on here if u want some extra help or support. uve both done incredibly well til now and i hope we can all get thru diet hell together lol.

Hi Girls,
this is just a quickie, just finished a night shift and i am KNACKERED!!! Been a bad girl AGAIN, not as bad as most days though. will try again when i wake up. thanks to all of you who have welcomed me aboard. Shar xx

Hi shrm,

It is good you feel you have not gone all the way as usual and I think it is important to pat yourself on the back when you do see you had some control.:patback:

Bit by bit you can take back your control. You can do it, you have shown already you can.:)

Love Mini xxx
Hi Char,

Well done on your three stars and your exercise!!!

Bex! sounds like you made some good choices for yourself, getting there:)

Sonya, your going well and I see your on your second star, well done!!!

Janey, I think we are neck and neck, I was jumping ahead of myself yesterday:eek:

Karen, well done you, two gold stars and thanks for the help yesterday!

Oh and as well as being fantastic on the diet I went to the gym AGAIN this morning so thats 4 times so far this week...size 10 here I come Only a stone or so to go :)

well done Nathalie!!! four gold stars!!!

Only a stone to go:clap:

Well done everyone and I hope you all have a good day!

I hope D_Q, fallenangel, Kirsty, Sally, Helen, Gen, Geri, gg2007 and Mandi are getting on well today and we would love to hear from you.

Love Mini xxx
Thanks Mini - I want this stone to go and a few extra pounds for a back up :) then it's the hard part learning to eat again and not binge/ss/binge/ss uh oh! Well done on your's as well thats 9 days in now isnt it - it will be a breeze from here on in!

Karen - well done on your protein intake I know how hard herbalife can trying to monitor everything and get your vitamins etc You are doing fabulous hehe :)

N xx
Thanks Mini - I want this stone to go and a few extra pounds for a back up :) then it's the hard part learning to eat again and not binge/ss/binge/ss uh oh! Well done on your's as well thats 9 days in now isnt it - it will be a breeze from here on in!

Karen - well done on your protein intake I know how hard herbalife can trying to monitor everything and get your vitamins etc You are doing fabulous hehe :)

N xx

Hi Nathalie,

Gold Stars and this thread it is 9 days done, this is the tenth day.

Diet wise I have sixteen days done on CD 790 plan and it is going very well, this thread is really helping me to stay focused:)

I also think this plan is helping me to be more in control around food as I was in the same cyle of on and off and over eating...:cry:

I dream of being a size 10, but to tell the truth if I wear a size 14 I would be over the moon.

I think my goals were first set too far away and out of reach, now I have become much more realistic...but I still dream of size 10:D

Love Mini xxx
i think its important that we dont set ourselves up for a fall and it makes achieving what we want far more likely. not to say that aiming lower is the way to go...but instead to achieve it all in bite-size chunks :) errr...i think im trying to say "one day at a time". lol

one of my problems is that i have always aimed for gold and nothing less is acceptable...so when i fall on my butt, i feel like a failure and go back to what i know...even if it makes me unhappy and takes me much further away from what i truely want. SO! although im racing to lose 9 stone all in one go, according to my ticker and race with sonkie....i also have it firmly in my head that i am taking this one day at a time (which is where this thread is so incredibly helpful) and aim for half a stone at a time. this is making ALL the difference to my frame of mind and my positive attitude to really achieving what i want this time.

gosh im getting a bit "deep" for a thursday morning!

heres to a successful day to all us angels!
