Hello everyone. Sorry to have joined and then stayed silent. Our router is playing up & sometimes needs to be forced to go online (?) If OH is not here when that happens , then its no internet for me! Also been very busy with kids, work etc!
If I could, I'd like to start my week as from Friday, as that is the day after my weekly WI. This week, despite me picking and eating I managed to lose almost 3lbs, although I have been told my loss might be smaller next week as a result.
Yesterday was not perfect foodwise, but much much better than it has been. I ate a peanut M&M, and a spoonful of hot chilli (I miss that !!!). However, I gave the kids pizza for tea, and my daughter left he edges as she always does. Now, those cold crispy, cheesy crusts were sat on the plate, on the table in front of me, just shouting at me & the chatterbox was saying "It would be so rude not to answer them. Just go over & pick one up...". Well, this conversation went on for ages. I didnt go over to them for fear of my hand , over which I have little control, reaching past the plate and actually picking up a crust by mistake!!! So, I asked my son if would prise his hands off his PSP, just for a moment, and lift his bottom off the sofa (I was not sure he could, it had been there for so long.) and put those damn crusts in the sink, with water all over them.
Before long the voices had been quieted, and I was content! I made a mushroom soup poppadom, with added pepper, had a cup of Marigold, and went to bed early, where I watched two episodes of Criminal Minds! (My fave!!)
All in all a good day for me, but not sure if I earned a star as I did eat!
So far today though, all is well! Had a litre water for breakfast, black coffee and nut crunch for an early lunch and will have the rest of my packs later. It is Carnival Day today in Dorchester,and the school I work at always has a float and often wins forst prize! I have been press ganged into helping put it together later, and being in the procession too. (my 8 yr old attends the school & she is a butterfly on the float, the theme is The Four Seasons.) My day will, from now, be a bit erratic, so not sure when the water will fit in! Also bit concerned about a long time with no access to a loo!! (Bit like a small child actually...)
Anyway, I will try to post later tonight and see if you guy think I can claim any stars!
Have a good day all.
PS Fingers crossed for a dry day at least!