Oooops....sorry mini i forgot you hun
Well done on your 2 spinning stars & well on the way to your
Hope i haven't forgotton anyone else, if i have i'm sorry...x

Thanks Mandie
Mini wow giving up chewing gum......I went through a phase of constantly I do when cooking/preparing food so I dont nibble.
It was easy Sonya as Orbit have changed their chewing gum and I don't like any of the others. I am glad to have stopped as I was like an old cow chewing the cud.

Now the tea is proving to be a little more difficult as I am a tea drinker, but determined to do it. Not easy...:coffee:
That is sooo true and sooo bizarre... I was thinking exactly the same this morning!!!
I have tried and tried to get back on track... but my head obviously just wasn't in the right place... now it seems it is!!!
Maybe we should start listening to our bodies a bit more and stop going against them

It can and does come back Mini you are sooo right
Hi Gen,
I was waiting for the motivation to come back and time was flying and I said if I don't do something it will be the winter AGAIN

No one likes to leave their comfort zone

It is all about choices we make and I want to be slim

Pierce's graduation is in October and I am not going to be fat in this family photo....
Saw a reference to this thread on the LL forum and thought it sounded like me. I have managed to keep losing but I'm not sticking to it 100% and I know that it's going to bite me on the bottom one of these days!
Can I lurk here for a bit of support?:cry:
Welcome Sandra to the Fallen Angels
Well done on losing weight!!! Hopefully we can encourage you to stop nibbling, the Gold Stars are a very good motivation I find.
well here I am had a good day yesterday,4 litres 4 packs way hayyyyyy
hungry today water is not going down too well, off I go to glug some more
nat x
Hi Nat,
Can you treat yourself to some 'me time' and do something to distract yourself.
Here's a group hug :grouphugg:
I find playing with my virtual model helps sometimes...
My Virtual Model - Home
I haven't been bad this week but my mind has been on another planet. Last night I cooked myself a bowl of stir-fried cabbage which isn't really within the BC way of thinking although it was ultra good. I don't know whether I deserve gold stars for the past two days because although I haven't been bad at all and still ate out of a small bowl only when hungry, I did go and stock up on lots of vegetables yesterday with a view to going back to my old diety ways. I haven't got an appetite at all today and have only had a tincy bit of pasta and chickpeas for lunch. I've listened to PMK three times today to try and pull myself out of feeling so low.
Sorry to hear your feeling low Janey, we missed you about the place. I think you deserve a Gold Star
I think there is something in the air - I'm not with it today and am in a foul mood! I really want to just go out for dinner (Chiquita's) eat loads and get a family size bar of fruit and nut and snuggle up in bed and gorge on it

I'm trying hard to resist and I know I can be strong and get through it. I just feel fed up today, work is rubbish the weather is rubbish, i feel rubbish, flat hunting is even more rubbish and iv got so much going on with my ex bf etc (not sure if weve made a mistake but seeing him tomorrow for the 1st time in 3 weeks as he lives in belfast and now my head is all over the place!) Im just sooooooo fed up
MUST BE STRONG - I WANT TO BE SLIM (think I am going to chant it at my desk hehe)
N xx
It's Friday and I think the weekends are so much associated with letting your hair down and having a good time which normally involves going out to dinner or cooking something special and of course the treats for after.
Hope your meeting with your ex goes well tomorrow. You have a lot going on just now. Write down on a piece of paper what you want to achieve for yourself and why, ask yourself what you want. When you meet your ex tomorrow you will have things clearer in your own head.
Be sure to let us know how it goes...I am such a romantic:cupid: