right I have eaten !!
I am so fed up with being constipated that i have eaten 100 grams of broccoli in my evening soup, do i still deserve my star today ??
i think i do, as it could be a aam portion but without the chicken
anyone mind if i still have my star ?
Hi all the angels - and fallen angels. Sorry i've not been on every day. Firstly was away in Dublin ... and stuck to my 790plan like grim death!! Then traumas at home mean I've not been on as much. But today i have my second spinney and have lost 5lb this week - making a stone in total!! And mostly it's down to the support of you lot on here - so a BIG THANK YOU!!!!!
Hi all,:wavey:
have decided to join you all!
I was ss-ing last week when I was poorly, and even though I ate on sun I managed to loose 4lb this week.....could ahve been so much better ..but there we go!
As i knew I wasnt in ketosis after wi yesterday I ate for england!!!:ashamed0005:arty0051: