"Minimins Fallen Angels"

I'm picking up another star today as I was a gool li'l angel :innocent0002: but I can't fit anything else on my sig so I'll just have to put it on here .....


TWO STATIC :innocent0001::innocent0001:

(OK - I know they're not stars but you get the gist! :D )
Just claiming todays star!:D
2 stars for me and on day 3 of SS - ooooh it's such a breeze this time haha! :) I wish! Just hope it stays like this....Roll on my size 10's again

N xx
not claiming my star for yest i had a rel bad day where i was so low and caved into a packet of crisps and crumpets off to visit cd this morning things have settled down at home too so will claim todays star tonite
Pleased to hear things are better at home KK. I was worried about you.

I have had a good day today so will be 2 good days for me.
YES!!! ive survived the day wine free :D
i was very tempted to have a bottle tonight but the ladies on the sw board talked me out of it so ive claimed another star today weeeeeeeeeeeee :D
well done to everyone for today!!:)

I'm just finishing my 3rd pack now, yummy cappucino!
and ive had my 4litres of water and no cheating

how do i get a star? :D
been weighed tonite and lost 6lbs !!!! whoo hoo so claimed another star
Been good today: three packs and two small tins of tuna (well, that's good for me!)

Could have done better in the water dept: I'll try to drink more tomorrow.


THREE STATIC :innocent0002::innocent0002::innocent0002:
Woo hoo 3 stars for me now, only 3 packs and lots of water for me yesterday so I was a perfect little (fallen) angel :)

Bring on Day 4 - I can crack anything now haha - she hopes

N xx