It really was good, long time since I've had takeaway Chinese and it was worth it xxYour chinese looks fantastic I could just eat it lol. Sounds like you have a fab food day planned as always yum yum
Well done, that is brilliant. next week - 9 stone!
Just what ive said on my thread hun - ive been naughty today and I know ive not had anywhere near enough to drink :-(
I love pastrami. Heb bread, topped with hea light philli, pastrami and sliced gherkins. A-maz-ZING. Your day looks good. Let us know how the flan turns out.
Here is my flan.... Ready for after dinner!
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That looks delish hun how u made it?
That is a bit strange... but can understand why! XxMinks I am so jealous. I love flan cases and could actually just eat one by itself, weirdo! Haha!
I've got such a sweet craving and nothing in. Sob!
thank you mrs chocolate! XxWell done. Almost 9st. Amazing!
it does look a bit like frogspawn but lord it's good! XxI want that flan! Mmmm! Minus the passion fruit though, yuck lol xxx
I've got another 3 portions, if the boy doesn't eat it all! XxIm droolinggggggggggggggg lol