Of course its possible to get to the target you want theres just no guarantee when and theres no rush either so as you said above stop putting high expectations on yourself and I'd say stop promising your group and us you will do it and just take it as it comes.
I haven't been following your diary for long but get the impression you have worked really hard and lost pretty consistently along the way you are just now at a different stage. Many people seem to have a little blip towards target that they struggle to get through maybe thats what is going on for some reason but while its happening you are learning a lot about what does or doesn't work for you that will be really useful when you do hit that target, like what you say about the syn saving and cravings etc
You are looking fan bloody tastic so remember how far you have come but just take this stage a step at a time and be kind to yourself along the way.
Will be interested to see how you get on at yoga flow the weekend.
I have yoga tonight and am dreading it as usual as know it will be hard work but know I will feel better for it once I have been x
Thanks Ems, I really do need to stop with the pressure that I put on myself and promising other people my weight losses. I guess its because my C makes me out to be such a 'superstar' in group and that people look up to me and it makes it all a bit.... hard.
I will let you know how yogaflow goes, I am looking forward to it. When I woke up this morning I made myself call them to book so I didn't go another week without it. Is there anything that you think I need to know before starting?? xx
You will smash target, my lovely, I know you will.
I've only lost 2 stone but have spent the last 6 months faffing around the final 8lbs! The last bit before target is always the hardest. But we will get there!
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thanks lovely, I know I will get there but I just don't want to take another year to lose the last bit. I would say lets put a plan together to get to target but again, that's putting pressure on it! Grrr! But we can do it, can't we? xx
Losing weight & having the same motivation day in day out is hard, & it doesn't matter (does it really) how long it takes to get to your goal, you know it will happen. You've got a fab week planned ahead, you will get there.
I watched Biggest Loser last night it was amazing, I just love it now as there aren't many weeks left, you can see what they've done so far & the challenges they've overcome, it does put me in a positive mind. I've got up this morning & weighed to see I'm outside my target, which pi$$es me off, but I'm so motivated from last nights Biggest Loser I know by Saturday I'll get back there. If you have Sky try & watch the most recent episode, it's where they are in New Zealand, I'm not a crying person, but it brought tears to my eyes at times.
Awww cheers HH, you really hit the nail about having the motivation day in, day out. I will watch that episode by the weekend and hopefully it will fill me with the positivity I need again. Different things work for different people with motivation, so well done on finding yours to get you back to target and huge super well done to you for getting there in the first place xx
Ah minks, your just human - I see the opposite to letting your group down, I think it inspires them even more as they see a slim inspirational girl who has achieved so much and is still able to go out and totally let her hair down! I'm sure any new members must look at you and think WOW, if she can do it so can I! Slimming world is about living life, which your doing.
You don't need to promise us anything we've all "watched" you throughout your journey and know you'll get there soon enough

your FAB!!!!! xx
I know you are right hun, but I KEEP on doing it. I've got within half a pound of my 9 stone twice now and then boom, go out and eff it all up. I need to work out some self control. Its not actually good for me whether I am having fun or not! I need to just tone it down. I wish drinking wasn't so much fun (Is it politically correct to say that or do I just sound like an alchy?!) xx
Minks as the others have said - stop it!
If someone our age can't have a naughty weekend getting leathered and enjoying themselves then what is the point!
Worst case scenario it sets you back one week
We are supposed to be making changes that benefit is for the rest of our lives - you can't just stay in forever more!
You put too much pressure on yourself regarding your groups thoughts - whilst you think they may see it as failure you didn't hit nine stone this week, they in the real world probably just think it is amazing you have lost nearly nine stone!
Time to dust yourself off and get back on it - hopefully the weekend comedown will be over shortly
I know PT, it is 'normal' to go out and socialise and have fun. I think I just need to find a balance. Weekend comedown should be over by tomorrow and thankfully I have a drink free weekend planned along with Monday and Tuesday off so I think a bit of me time is needed to sort myself out

I agree with all the above! Minks u r not a failure u r a bloody INSPIRATION!!! I mean look at ur pics ur half ov what u were. U hav come so far.
Now wheres my positive minky gone?!?
U will get to target i know u will put they always say those last few lbs r the hardest xx we are here for ya
I'll be back with the positivity and a$$ kicking soon Em I promise

I think I just needed to get it all off my chest and I am pretty sure that once I have seen the scales and accepted the gain I can start fresh and be back on plan 100% xx
Minky, everyone else has already said it, you haven't let anyone down, and you're definitely not a failure. If it takes a few more weeks to get where you want to get, it's frustrating but it's not so awful that you can't try again until you get there. Just look at all those people who have lost 10, 15, 20 or even more stones. It's totally possible, and I bet it wasn't all plain sailing for any of them. I've met Carole Wright who lost nearly 20 stone, and Roberto Enrieu who lost over 25 stone. His weight gains used to be something like 8lb a time. Sometimes a gain isn't a bad thing it can be the kick up the *rse we need to get back on it properly! I bet next week you'll have an amazing loss. no more guilt because you've enjoyed yourself. xx
Wow that is some serious weight loss! I am not aiming for a huge loss next week and I am not even going to say "right 4lbs on so I want that off next week" like I normally would. I am just going to aim for a loss and concentrate on that xx
Minks if I had achieved even a teeny tiny bit of what you have I would be so proud of myself. You are amazing woman! Superminks! Xx
But don't forget what you have achieved hun so you make sure you are proud of yourself too. I'm just in a low place with it all and I need to take some time for my head, its just the frustration of it all xx
stop beating yourself up. So what - you had a blow out - everyone does it. we are all human. you have been on this amazing journey for 2 years now. that is very, very long time - so one weekened in the context of this is a small blip. You have lost a fantastic amount of weight and are doing amazing to keep up your motivation as well as inspiring others. Knowing you, you will be back on plan and will lose a fantastic amount of weight next week. Sending you (((((


Thanks Anju, I am sorry to have been all dramatic sounding! All of the wonderful words from you all has really been lovely and if honest, made me a bit emotional (God damn it why do I have to be a girl??!) I will be back on plan, that's the one thing I can promise but I am promising that to myself xx
I echo everything Minks. You are a wonder woman because you have inspired every one of us, you have completely changed your body and your own outlook on food, which is difficult enough. Don't ever think about letting your group down - they look up to you.
Just say to yourself what you say to all of us when we fail. We are only human, you are young and you should be carefree in life and in what you eat and drink. I know you want to get to target, and you will - but in your own time. Don't put a deadline on yourself and say "I will be at this point in two weeks" - its too much pressure. Just get there, when you get there.
We all think the world of you and we are all so inspired by you and we feed off your happineess. Don't be sad Minks. :grouphugg:
thanks Charley, you are right, I do need to stop with the deadlines and pressure all the time. It really is a case of I set a target, it makes me eat and I go the other way. When I take it easy on myself, I don't falter. Weird. I'll be normal enough soon and i'll read back on this in a couple of days/weeks and think 'WTF was wrong with me?!' I just feel a little drained by it all and that I could curl up and forget the world for a bit. so over the top dramatic and completely selfish but its just how I feel. We all get like it at times and I guess I have finally hit my wall. But its WI tonight, that's my line to draw and then it really is back to basics for me xx