Gold Member
I'm totally going to the fish counter next time I'm in your tesco!!xx
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Ahem. We'll need some shopping for our meets
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I'm totally going to the fish counter next time I'm in your tesco!!xx
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Hands off my fish man!!
So shall we say that both 11th and 25th are viable dates so far? Xx
Good for mexx
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Good for mexx
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Good for me tooan even bigger incentive to finally hit this damn 3 stone! Xx
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25th sounds good. We should ask Gingaling too - she is London-ishxx
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Hello!! (Waves excitedly!)
I'm free on 25th too..!! although will be on bridesmaid duty on 26th so bride may pull me into wedding tasks last minute...but for now, woo for 25th!xx
<img src="http://www.minimins.com/attachment.php?attachmentid=87089"/>
Awww man! You do know you don't need a passport to get into the south from the north right?Hope u all have funi wud love to come but ive neva been to london or anywhere near there lol hope to see plenty ov pics ov food and ov u all havin fun thou xx
yay!! 25th seems the most convenient for majority so date is officially set! XxI'm free on the 25th! At college 11th and 18th x
Hope u all have funi wud love to come but ive neva been to london or anywhere near there lol hope to see plenty ov pics ov food and ov u all havin fun thou xx
yay!! 25th seems the most convenient for majority so date is officially set! Xx
me too.....of the fish man not the fish.....well not till its cooked and looking yummy anyway!I want a pic lol. What did he look like??? Xx
me too.....of the fish man not the fish.....well not till its cooked and looking yummy anyway!