Bad morning. Stressful. Argumentative tw@tish customers.
5 oreos were harmed in the meantime. Faaaark.
Bad morning. Stressful. Argumentative tw@tish customers.
5 oreos were harmed in the meantime. Faaaark.
Just frigging idiotic customers. I work on a helpdesk for an energy company (its a specialist system, not like your BG or EDF) and this morning has just been full of constant ****.
Breakfast is definitely going to make a repeat performance soon as I loved it.
Lunch is prawn salad.
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Morning Minks! Breakfast looks good!
Pleased with myself this morning - just been swimming for the first time since before Christmas!!! Shattered but did it! 20 lengths done!
Have a good day![]()
How were your salmon quiches Minks and where's the next list of ingredients and your other recipe ;-p x
Urgh, I hate customers. Why do they think everything in the world is your fault. I swear got blamed for it raining on more than one occasion. This is the point when you realise they are stupid.
Poor oreos. Were they burried at sea?
I think 2 hifi lights are the call for the day. I can never pretend 1 is enough.
Just got back from Asda and look what fell in my trolley !!!
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I reckon this could be my new PMT treatxx
I think I need to try this. Whereabouts is it, what's it with? x