Thanks Anju, I know everything you and everyone else has said is 100% on the nail. I have times where food / dieting consumes my everything and dominates my thoughts and how I feel. And the real crazy thing is? I feel fatter today than any time I was at my biggest!! I never had those 'fat' days before, but now, more than ever.
I think the other annoying thing is that I see people day in, day out that just eat whatever they want (typically sandwiches for lunch, normal dinners, etc) and never an ounce gained. I want to be normal! And when you get to target you obviously have your 3lb either way for 'normal' fluctuations but no one ever takes that in to consideration when you are trying to get to target!
thinking out loud there... probably not explained in the best way but I can't find the right words to articulate it properly
