Silver Member
Hopefully today!
Great, might do a challenge thread on it? Have done a search and there doesn't seem to be one x
Done ittttttttt..........Dooooo iiiiiittt!!!! Xx
Woop woop nice work on the loss! So not far to go to get to target! Ridonk!
I'm on a mission to hunt out your stinky prawns for lunch today! Tesco right?!
Morning mInky....pick your brains time
I don't get to Tesco Often (its mega miles out) I did go and get that brisket in ale you mentioned & it was bloody lush! thanks. Any other stuff you recommend for my next trip please?
Oooooh & update on the Dyno Rod experienceI've been losing 2lb each week now AND THE POO FAIRY VISITS EVERY DAY WHOOP WHOOP!!! lmao xx
Thanks lovely're a star !
I think there have been a lot of complaints about the Poo fairy....I hear shes on a final written warning for being a lazy biatchxx
She's been slaking round my way too, thanks to your strongly worded letter to her she paid me a visit this morning!lol x
Nice one Minks, you are really galloping down the final strait arent you! So close to target, can you feel it? can you? CAN YOU?!
Sounds like a great idea- yum! Hope your mouth has calmed down now hehe xx
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