Breakfast! Nom nom nom!
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Damn, I have binned them !!! So to confirm whether its EE or green I can have the flavoured phillis as a HE? ..... please says "yes" .... please says "yes"..... please say "yes" xxxx
I like it, its nicer if you leave a little bit of water in there to keep it moist rather than as dry as normal couscous but not so it is like soup - if that makes sense?? xxYum! Whats the sweet cous cous like? I tried quinoa sweet before and wasn't convinced. It wasn't awful but just not as I thought it would be....
Its lovely and filling and the great thing is that its ok cold so no having to worry about a microwave and is a lot lighter than magic porridge xxOoo now this looks like my kinds brekkie! Not a fan of porridge...but this looks like a fruity summer porridge-esque thingy!
Thanks for stopping by Fillymum and your sweet wordsHi, I just had to visit you after seeing you in other diaries.
This morning I took the trouble to read your stats..............Well done, I am mega impressed. What an inspiration folks like you are.
You look fantastic.
I use the flavoured phillis as a hexa, hold my hands up! Princess Stevie on here asked her consultant ages ago, who then rang syns hotline, who confirmed the flavoured phillis can be used as hexaso I just go by that lol
Even more confused now! So on EE the flavoured philli are syns, but not on green as a HEXB? No wondered I get muddled up!!
Damn, I have binned them !!! So to confirm whether its EE or green I can have the flavoured phillis as a HE? ..... please says "yes" .... please says "yes"..... please say "yes" xxxx
Hi All, hope everyone is having a good start to the week????
I am a ball of nerves and a nervous wreak all rolled into one ........ I so desperately want to lose 2lbs tonight to get my 3 stone award but I dont think I have done it - I have been on plan all week but dont think it is going to happen. I have put so much pressure on myself this week to try and make sure I stick to plan - there was an extremely hard trip to Sainsburys on Saturday where all I wanted was to pull the cakes off the shelf and shove them in my gob but I resisted and legged it out of there as quickly as I could - it was a close call!!!! Then there was the night where we were late home, nothing ready to eat and my partner went for fish and chips (wiht my blessing)- I sooooooooo wanted them but made do with a leftover mish mash from the fridge instead - that was really really hard.
So, after going through all that I guess I just really really want to see that 2lb loss tonight - possibly I am screwing things up by tying myself in nervous knots!!!!!
ARRRRRRGGGGGGGHHHHH why do we do this to ourselves????????
Because its fun obviously?!kidding!
Sweet, you have shown amazing restraint in a couple of circumstances where most of us would have taken the easy option!
Take 5 mins to have a nice cuppa or glass of water, chill out and enjoy the sun (if you have any there? Its gorge here!) You know you have been on plan and I'm pretty certain that the scales will show the proof!
If - and thats a mighty big if! - the scales don't say what you would prefer then come on here and we can have a little chat about what it could have been.
But let's not think negatively, all fingers n toes crossed and I'm thinking positive 3 stone shiny thoughts for you hun. Just relax! What times WI? Xxx
Countdown to 9 is on! XxThanks Minks - got to run to a meeting but weigh in is at 7pm - wont be home till after 9pm as I am on social team and have to pack up.
Trying not to think about it..........
Will let you know........ and thank you {hugs}
Its really easy hun! Spray frying pan with frylight (or use a tbsp oil), get hot and add a can of drained mixed beans, 1 tsp cumin seeds and 1 chopped fresh red chilli. Spray again with frylight. Leave till they start popping slightly and getting crispy, shake up and leave for a couple more minutes. Add cooked rice (I used microwave rice) and squeeze over the juice of 1 lemon. Leave to heat through for 2-3 minutes. Stir and serve! XxFood sounds lush today! Well, apricots asidecould you poss share the bean and chilli rice recipe? Sounds yummy xx
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Dinner which was gorge! Tagliatelle with philli, asparagus, grilled peppers, red onion and garlic.
<img src=""/>
Yummy scrummy! Still have an A and B... may have a milky hot chocolate and 2 hifi lights. Could murder a packet of biscuits.... good job I have none in! Xx
It was indeed lush, peppers and onion tasted so much better grilled rather than fried xxlooks lush hunyou are on it.
I left about a ladle or 2 of the pasta water in the pan and then added the philli (150g - 2 portions/hexa) and stirred till melted, then added all the veggies and pasta and stirred. Low low is gorge for pasta too xxOoh this looks beaut! Did you just stir through the philli or add any stock to it? I've used lowlow as a sauce before which was nom
Hi minks just as you seem to be expert on all things slimming world could you explain the idea of green or red days simply? Bit lost! Thanks![]()