MinkyDinkys SW Success Diary!!

Evening Minks - hope the week in London passes quickly for you hun, all that trashing back and forth is tiring I bet.

Looking gorgeous in the pics hunni wit woo and loving the hair x
Hi Minks. New to posting on your diary but had just finished reading it all when you went for your brief sojourn. :D but I couldn't resist adding to your pet peeve about Slimming World name. My consultant when I used to go to group had signs to help newbies navigate to the right room and you've guessed it. They had slimmers world on them. I can only imagine she either didn't notice or was not sufficiently computer literate to type up new ones. :D

I have a little more sympathy for the sin thing as up till about 10 years ago they did use sins and made a big hoo ha about changing it to syns and struggling to explain it was for synergy. All still annoying so you are deffo not alone. :D
Morning guys.

Quickie post - i'm shattered from all this travelling malarkey and early starts. Saturdays non alarm morning is going to be well appreciated! Yesterday wasn't so on plan, made some sh*tty choices and then the boy cooked dinner... all my request was that I had something and veg...

B - low fat yog/granola from M&S 9 syns, sausage, fruit salad.
S - there was some sort of lunch thing the day before and buffet leftovers were out... 2 x mini pork pie, 3 x mini scotch eggs, 1 x mini sausage, half a cheesw n onion sausage roll thing. About 30 syns???
L - syn free yay! Prawn, garlic and chilli pasta and fruit.
Dinner - the boys 'healthy' idea.
Quorn burgers 5syns, quorn mini kievs 6 syns, jacket/beans, tenderstem broc.
Snacks - had to go and help my mum after work to shower/wash her hair and was greeted with a cuppa and danish slice.... and got home and had a cookie. And 4 squares of white choc.

Today is a new day.

B - 2 linda m syn free sausages, 2 boiled eggs, fruit salad
L - I want a subway salad :-( but they won't be open so think it might have to be beef mooli rolls for 2 syns and fruit.
D - undecided yet.
Taking a yogurt with me - danio passionfruit one for 1.5syns.

Tomorrow I'm not in london so I am able to get to the gym before work and get back on the c25k. Cant wait.

Catch up in a bit you lovely lot! Xxx
Interesting dinner! Hope today goes better lol x

He was well impressed he got "green" on the plate. Well done babes, well done! And sure... I could have left some but I don't like waste ;)

Today is better already, got stacks of fruit with me. 5 mins from the office and I can tuck into brekkie and a cuppa xx
Just about to go underground so I can get my train at 2.57 to get home -thats when I can eat lunch!!!! Had a banana to tide me over.

Ems - the beef ribbon wraps are where the sandwiches and stuff are. I'll take a better pic when I'm on the train to show you what they look like! Xx
<img src="http://www.minimins.com/attachment.php?attachmentid=130942"/>

And a wee close up... drool!
<img src="http://www.minimins.com/attachment.php?attachmentid=130943"/>

Ive been in n seen um not sure I wud like them im a fussy bugger its the peppers and cucumber that put me off.
Cor Minks they look sexy! And they are low in cals. That's going to be on my plan for next weeks' lunch - are they filling?
Cor Minks they look sexy! And they are low in cals. That's going to be on my plan for next weeks' lunch - are they filling?

185 cals for the lot! (Incl the sliced cucumber and sauce addition that I totally didn't get in the shot!)

Well worth it, and 2 of your 5 a day! Xx
Ive been in n seen um not sure I wud like them im a fussy bugger its the peppers and cucumber that put me off.

Once you dip it in the sauce and chuck a whole one in and start chomping, you don't 'taste' the individual items, more just a melding of all beautifulness! Xx
Home and tucking into this lot...


Synfree chicken, b choice bars (actually in love with those stix!), last of my A choice in the coffee and a date with the sofa to curl up to watch secret eaters and first dates (don't judge... guilty pleasures are each to their own thank yiu very much!) Xx