Holiday Countdown!
Blimey you're disciplined going for a fast day Friday! I'm not sure I could ever manage one on a fri...I have a subconscious need to treat myself with food (even all sw free food!) when it hits the weekend!!
What excitingness is planned for the weekend?! Xxx
Ahhh but I'd rather do it today than sunday when I'm relaxing! At least today I'm in work with a structured day and distraction.
Weekend plans - tonight food shop and probably do some form of food prep/batch cooking?
Tomorrow - gym in the morn, and then going to my friends/out for a couple of drinks. Need to plan a sensiblr amount of drinks so I don't go overboard. And I'm going to make sure I have something sw friendly for when I get in.
Sunday - I think we may have got away with a lockdown again! But I might dash out to the gym. Depends on how hungover/lazy I feel!
Yourself? Xxx