MinkyDinkys SW Success Diary!!

Have a good day minks :) xxx
Sazbirl said:
Well done on the half marathon, you are an inspiration :) x

Thank you! Next year full marathon - BRING IT ON! ha ha! Xx

emma_partington27 said:
Afternoon minks u having a relaxing evening?

Alreet Ems, didn't have a relaxing day as it was my nephews 4th birthday but yesterday I was off and I done sod all! OH was working till 2pm and he even came back and cooked me lunch (boiled eggs and dippy soldiers yum!)
Back to work today though :( xx

Purple*Tortoise said:
Glad to see you completed the walk ;)
I did indeed, and I am thoroughly overjoyed I didn't die :D xx
jo-85 said:
Hi Minks :wavey:
so sorry ive been gone whilst you did your walk, you did sooo well and your photos are great. well done you should be so proud of yourself I am :) x
welcome back Jo Jo! I am proud of my achievement - my first ever!! Woo! Thanks for the lovely words and support as always sweetie xx
MinkyDinky said:
And you too Zoe :) sun is out here and I'm off out for dinner tonight so no cooking or washing up - could Tuesday be any better?! Xxx

What is this sun you speak of? I think I remember what that feels like but I haven't seen it for months now! Enjoy ur dinner out always good when u don't have to prepare it! Have a good day xxx
MinkyDinky said:
And you too Zoe :) sun is out here and I'm off out for dinner tonight so no cooking or washing up - could Tuesday be any better?! Xxx

Do you mean the yellow thing in the sky? We can see it too! Maybe its an omen?

It could be Friday? That would be better!
Arctic-BNG said:
Sun is shining in the sky,
There ain't a cloud in sight,
It's stopped raining, everybody's in the lane,
Don't you know its a beautiful new day.

Ahhhhh that's made me smile it reminds me of being at the football it's one of my clubs songs "mr blue sky" :)

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Good luck for WI!!! 3 st in 3 months I would say no but it's u and u can do it!!! Or get bloody close! Xxx
I'm not going to WI tonight - shock horror!!
Ha, I'm out for dinner for my managers leaving do so I'm going to get into work late tomorrow so I can go to the morning group instead. I'll take whatever I can on the scales.
With all the exercise I was super hungry after and ate the free Danish that you get (for sugar level reasons of course!) and have been eating loads. All on plan but more than I ever eat to be honest. Carb over load! So what ever te scales say I will be happy with and aim for my 7 stone shiney next week woo!

Then the battle really commences!

I so want to get to target in 3 months. It would be freaking awesome. I always say it's not a race and it's not, but with hard work I can pull off some epic weight loss I'm sure :)

Determination, planning and not going off plan are key ;) xxx
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Lunch was delish! Got a thing for chicken at the moment so a nice chicken salad and couscous for a whole syn! Banana and mango to follow!
