MinkyDinkys SW Success Diary!!

Hello girlies!

Please feel free to chastise me and shout at me for being a completely cr@pola friend over the last couple of weeks.
What with everything that happened with Gemma (still battleing the C, bless her!), my friend coming over from Sweden for the week, my IBS was uncontrollable last week for a good 5 days and then my mum being told she has ostheo-arthritis in her knees and needs them replaced - its been pretty bladdy hectic!

Needless to say SW hasn't been at the forefront of my brain and I haven't made the best choices. 2 weeks off and I am going to face the music tonight. Thank god. I need to get back in to the swing of things and eating properly because I feel pants (not in a literal sense of course :p)

So WI tonight and then, you guys best be ready for some super positiveness and motivation..... Cause I need to get back to it!!

Hope everyone is ok? xxxx

hey hun welcome back xx i need sum ov your motivation lol hope u had a gud time with ur friend. sorry to hear about ur mum hope she is ok xx
hope wi isnt as bad as u think :)
So day 1 back on plan.... And I have a mutation of the virus commonly known as man flu!! Boohoo!

Needless to say food hasn't been awful but hasn't been great. I'm going to have a red or green day - probably green. Had some curiously cinnamon cereal for 6 syns, quavers for 5.5 and a HexA of milk on the cereal. No superfree or free but under syns so not awful.

Think I'm going to make something nice and comforting like BNS risotto or if that fails a spicy noodle soup. Or onion soup. Or go red and have bacon, mushrooms and onions. Or green and have homemade chips, mushy peas (a whole 4p a can!) and mushrooms. With quorn sausages as I have spare syns. Dunno.

What would you have??

You will get that shiny next week :)

I'd have chips, mushys & quorn sausages it's sound like proper comfort food :) and that's just what you need when feeling poorly. But I've never had quorn sausages so don't know if they are nice, but that dinner sounds nice :)
Hope you feel better soon. Xx
Sorry Minks that you are not feeling well. I would have the chips with melted cheese on top and mushy peas and sausages (I do not eat quorn or soya so do not know if they are good). Feel better soon lovely.
Well I was naughty... Shared a pizza with the OH last night. I could not face cooking - bad I know. Back on it properly today though!

Cereal for breakfast for 6 syns. Lunch is quorn sausages 2 syns, cubed potatoes, roast mushrooms and beans. Dinner is a chilli risotto inspired by mrstore - thanks honey!!

Still got man flu :( still off work so just watching movies and chilling. Should really read some SW mags and books to get inspiration back :)
Sooooo glad ur back! Can't remember if I've said that but I'll say it again!
Uve had so much going on and then with being ill as well it's expected to have had a little gain. But like youve said to me before no more!!! Get back on it minks 7stone is in sight! Xxx
ZoeSB22 said:
Sooooo glad ur back! Can't remember if I've said that but I'll say it again!
Uve had so much going on and then with being ill as well it's expected to have had a little gain. But like youve said to me before no more!!! Get back on it minks 7stone is in sight! Xxx

Yup I promise I'm back for good. I'm totally on it for the 7 stone shiner next week and nothing/no-one will get in my way. Not even a little man flu. Which is getting better might I add, except it seems to have gone to my chest :( thankfully the non smoking part means that I won't die half as much ad I would have before :D xxx
So here we have proof of foods for yesterday!

Dinner was gorge! Well worth all the stirring - even if my arm was aching after and I did get mega sweats on, the joy of cooking when ill.



I'm going to try and fit in some cycling this weekend, like a 10-20 mile cycle, I love to feel the burn in my legs....just not my chest so I the cough stays then that will stop any plans!
But back in to work today, gotta cycle there yet! No idea what to get for lunch either? Will be stopping at Tesco on my way in and hopefully will be able to make a choice by then!

Happy Friday everyone! Xxx
Weather is divine here today!! I must admit, although food is going to be tip top today I am going out for drinks tonight. Will be the usual vodka and diet coke and I won't be going mad - the man flu will take care of that!

So on the menu today is :

Breakfast banana
Mid am apple
Lunch quarter of a watermelon, punnet of blueberries and vanilla yogurt.
Dinner - well, thats the alcohol :)

Tomorrow I am going bowling in the afternoon and have a poker night but on top of that by drinking diet cokes, and eating hm wedges with cheese topped with mushrooms and onions. I will eat SW friendly 'junk' food so I don't miss out when the guys eat nor feel deprived.

Sunday planning a roast chicken - unsure whether with salad or an actual roast. But I will be having it either way. And a nice long cycle on the bike planned, why waste a nice day stuck in doors ay? Going to beat this bloody flu with healthy food and exercise - prepare to be powned bacteria!!! Xxx
That sounds like a good plan to me Minks. I do not like coughs as it seems to make me sick - touch wood this year I have been fine. Must be due to walking and being so active.

Come on your 7 stone and my 3 stone are withing reaching distance. I am going to make sure I get my shiney next week. Have a fab weekend
So got a little bit drunk last night, not horrendous but just extremely merry ;)

Punished myself by going out on the bike today for a quick ride, 4 miles, not bad with a hangover!!

Just getting ready to go bowling (yay....) and have a relatively sensible evening.

Hope everyone is having a good day xxx
MinkyDinky said:
So got a little bit drunk last night, not horrendous but just extremely merry ;)

Punished myself by going out on the bike today for a quick ride, 4 miles, not bad with a hangover!!

Just getting ready to go bowling (yay....) and have a relatively sensible evening.

Hope everyone is having a good day xxx

Wow well done on the bike ride! The most exercise I have managed today is going from my bed to the kettle! :p xxx