@ Michelle: I highly recommend
The Beck Diet Solution. I think that not only will help you whilst you are losing weight, it will help you to maintain your losses.
You can order it from Amazon.co.uk before you head out into the woods -- and it'll be there when you get back. You need to work through it order. As you are already dieting, you can work through the days (no skipping of steps) to catch up to wherever you feel you are in the programme. It is 45 day programme.
So far today, instead of eating --
I was on MMs a bit earlier.
Reading a little on the Kindle -- I quite like it, so far. I am enjoying the book, too (
Alice I Have Been).
A little housework (very little).
A little help with DD and made her lunch.
Then, my CFF came by and we had a long chat and I discussed Beck with her, and I gave her The Neris and India Diet book as it fits very well with her Atkins diet. She said that she will order Beck, too.
While she was here, I made two rolled meatloafs (very good recipe: it is assembled like a chocolate roll).
You pat the meatloaf into a long rectangle and layer ham, cheese and chopped spinach or broccoli on it, then you roll it and put it into a loaf pan and bake it.
I used the Rosemary Conley 5% fat cheese, cooked ham thin sliced and broccoli. The meatloaf mixture is 2 lbs of 93% lean mince, dried onions, parsley, seasoning, 2 eggs beaten, some A1 sauce (2 tbsp), and whole wheat breadcrumbs... but I use just enough to hold the mince together (a cup or less). Bake 170 for 1 hour.
I made one for my family and the other for CFFs, since I had four pounds of mince I needed to cook or freeze.
I am baking mine this afternoon and will let it cool. I will then cut it into slices and DH can take it to work for lunch next week.
I will make Apple Spiced Pork Chops for dinner tonight and some brown rice to go with it. (I was given some helpful hints for making brown rice more edible -- if it works I'll put it in here).
So, back to Beck:
I did week one Friday, Saturday and Sunday. I am finishing up Week One by doing a reclean/declutter/arrange of my kitchen. I did this before I started dieting On December 27th, but after DD's birthday with time: it needs to be done again.
I have cleaned the fridge and used the mince for meatloafs and decided on dinner (plus, started a grocery list).
I sorted the "candy basket" (and put candy that no one in this house will eat in a large ziplock to give a friend who works at a school).
I sorted my CD box (and I made up my order for tomorrow's CDC visit).
Next, I will work on the shelf where I keep some diet products and dog food?(And add needed items to grocery list).
Then, I will move onto the snack cupboard (tossing old things into the bird food bag, which I will take to my neighbour.
After that will be the lower storage cupboard -- with baking mixes, seasoning packets, pasta, etc. -- I will organise it, inventory and add items to the grocery list.
I will finish the food by doing the big pantry cabinent. (I will organise, inventory, toss old cereal into bird food bag, and add needed items to grocery list.)
After I have finished all this: I will make up next week's South Beach meal menu for my DH, DS, and DD -- and I will read my CD 810 booklet first in order to choose meals that will work with 810 in case I decide to do 810 next week.
Note: I am contemplating doing SS or SS+ since my losses have not been very good the past two weeks. My CD order is for 21 products and a MAM.
Anyway, I have read my ARCs twice, and made up my water one. I made a new rules for myself:
I have to have an 8 oz glass of water first thing in th emorning. I have to alternate water with ANY other beverage. So, if I have a cup of coffee I cannot have another one until I have drunk 8 oz of water. As much coffee as I drink, I should get all 3 liters in with no problem!

And, I have to take sips of water between bites when I "sit to eat".
I am trying to implement them today -- and hope to be successful with all of them tomorrow and from now on.