MinnieMel is nolonger considers herself a CDer. One final post.

What I am (and will be) doing instead of eating today...


Thanks. Two is a big improvement of the previous two weeks! I am chuffed. My life is not so busy -- it should be. I tend to procrastinate and get easily side- tracked.


March 9, 2011 -- Ash Wednesday

Today is the first day of Lent. It is the start of a six week period in which all Christians are asked (or used to be) to make some sort of sacrifice in remembrance of what Jesus did for us.

I have decided to make a few:

1) I am going to stop using profanity (As Dicken's wrote: "Profanity is a crutch for a weak mind.").

2) I am going to work at least 30 minutes each day at getting rid of accumulated clutter (starting with the home office and art/craft supplies). And, as a part of this I am going to reread/finish Does this Clutter make My Butt Look Fat? It is a book that links the accumulation of clutter with the accumulation of excess body weight. It has some good information, valid points and strategies.

3) I am going to work on at least one of my long-term "to dos" each day. (This should help with #2, but might make me want be to break #1.)

Today's fitness activity is pilates. We did this class last week and really enjoyed it. There could not be a better option for me today, as my left inside heel has a horrible popped blister spot on it. It was so painful I had trouble getting to sleep last night. (Pilates will be done in socks.)

It is an early class (9:30), and that is good. I can get home (although, we may go for a coffee afterwards), showered, dressed -- and out the door to run the errands I did not yesterday.

Then, it is home to do the cleaning that has been long-delayed, fix dinner, pick up DD from her afterschool activity, drop by her friend's (briefly), and home for dinner, homework, etc.

DS -- will likely need some of my time today, and that means the housework may be sidetracked, again. (Unless I do it after dinner, tired or not.)

Tomorrow is a long day out, but I may give this a miss. Especially, if things are done around here. It is not an essential activity -- and I do see running this household as my "job". (And, if I were my employer, I'd fire me!)

Well, the sun is out YEAH!!!

Time to shower up and dress for pilates.

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MinnieMel;3356089I am going to work [I said:
at least[/I] 30 minutes each day at getting rid of accumulated clutter (starting with the home office and art/craft supplies). And, as a part of this I am going to reread/finish Does this Clutter make My Butt Look Fat? It is a book that links the accumulation of clutter with the accumulation of excess body weight. It has some good information, valid points and strategies.

MM would you recommend this book? I have huge problems with clutter, which I believe definately has a deep routing in my emotional past. I have never known quite how to address the issues. Ieally I'm looking for a Beck style book to help me!!

Actually, he has an earlier book and workbook that is addresses just clutter and is supposed to be fantastic. Very like the Beck thing --

It's All Too Much: An Easy Plan for Living a Richer Life with Less Stuff [Paperback]

Peter Walsh

You can read the reviews on Amazon.com. He has been endorsed by major American Women's magazines, Oprah, etc.

It is worth a look at what other people have said.

The one I am reading was given to me as a joke. I have had it for some time... then, I started reading it and realised that it was not a jokey book, but a tool to help your get your life sorted. I have started and stopped it a couple of times, but am going to make myself read it through -- along with working the Beck book.

I am going to try and work on the weight and clutter simultaneously, now that I have been steadily losing for ten weeks.

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Thanks M. I will order something similar I think. My clutter drives my OH crazy. It would be good if I could address it. After CD and dedcluttering I will then be perfect!!!!! hehe!
After CD and dedcluttering I will then be perfect!!!!! hehe!

Hee Hee... Me too! (Except for being too talkative, bad tempered, ADD, etc. ;) )!!!
Not really... I have been testing out all these classes with my friend, so that we can come up with a fitness plan that works for us. We are trying to be gym buddies.

However, I think that I'll be doing a few more classes than she will, as she does not like Zumba and I am going to keep going to the Monday one for the next couple of weeks.

Also, she is scheduled for an operation on March 23, so she won't be working out for at least 6 weeks.

So, I'll be doing my own thing for some time and that'll probably be Monday night: Aquafit, Wednesday day: Zumba and then Friday day: Pilates (if I can get in that class, it gets booked up).

I want to have built into my schedule three fitness classes a week. Then, any other exercise is "bonus".

It is only way I will maintain my losses.

Wish I lived nearer to you MM, then you could drag me kicking and screaming to all these classes. I need someone to go with that would not let me back out of going......I know every excuse there is not to attend a class once I've been once or twice :(

Thanks. Two is a big improvement of the previous two weeks! I am chuffed. My life is not so busy -- it should be. I tend to procrastinate and get easily side- tracked.

I do that, go to tidy a cupboard and have to go ooh and aah at everything I pull out, till receipts, old photos etc., then run out of time and shove it all back in again. :D
March 9, 2011 -- Ash Wednesday

Today is the first day of Lent. It is the start of a six week period in which all Christians are asked (or used to be) to make some sort of sacrifice in remembrance of what Jesus did for us.

I have decided to make a few:

1) I am going to stop using profanity (As Dicken's wrote: "Profanity is a crutch for a weak mind.").
Mel, I must have one seriously weak mind and I am well aware of how much I cuss and swear. But every so often circumstances call for an expletive, i.e. when stubbing ones toe on a chair leg......only a good old bo££ocks will do......I find :D
2) I am going to work at least 30 minutes each day at getting rid of accumulated clutter (starting with the home office and art/craft supplies). And, as a part of this I am going to reread/finish Does this Clutter make My Butt Look Fat? It is a book that links the accumulation of clutter with the accumulation of excess body weight. It has some good information, valid points and strategies.
I de-cluttered a few years ago........I divorced the bar- steward lol.
3) I am going to work on at least one of my long-term "to dos" each day. (This should help with #2, but might make me want be to break #1.)

Today's fitness activity is pilates. We did this class last week and really enjoyed it. There could not be a better option for me today, as my left inside heel has a horrible popped blister spot on it. It was so painful I had trouble getting to sleep last night. (Pilates will be done is socks.)

It is an early class (9:30), and that is good. I can get home (although, we may go for a coffee afterwards), showered, dressed -- and out the door to run the errands I did not yesterday.
I did pilates once (what did I say earlier?) and we were told to "Fire up xxx muscle" which was located somewhere in the pelvic region, I spent the whole of the next hour hoping and praying I could hold onto the parp that was brewing. Never been so stressed in all my life lol
Then, it is home to do the cleaning that has been long-delayed, fix dinner, pick up DD from her afterschool activity, drop by her friend's (briefly), and home for dinner, homework, etc.

DS -- will likely need some of my time today, and that means the housework may be sidetracked, again. (Unless I do it after dinner, tired or not.)
I used the get-out clause, when mine were at school, that things were taught differently in my day and therefore could not help ....... genius :D
Tomorrow is a long day out, but I may give this a miss. Especially, if things are done around here. It is not an essential activity -- and I do see running this household as my "job". (And, if I were my employer, I'd fire me!)

Well, the sun is out YEAH!!!

Time to shower up and dress for pilates.

You sure you are not dressing for pirates???????? Now that is one class I would go to on a regular basis !!!!

Wish I lived nearer to you MM, then you could drag me kicking and screaming to all these classes. I need someone to go with that would not let me back out of going......I know every excuse there is not to attend a class once I've been once or twice :(

LOL -- You're not kidding. CFF called this morning at 9:05 -- I was just putting my hair in a ponytail (I had everything by the door, coffees in the togo cups, etc.). She said she'd overslept, and that she'd just woken up.
I said, "So get up and pull on your sweats, because I am going to be honking in front of your house in five minutes!"
And, I was. It took her another five to get out of the house, and she had to fix her hair and face, but we made it to class on time.
I told her... I am going to start sending you a text one hour before pick up!

used the get-out clause, when mine were at school, that things were taught differently in my day and therefore could not help ....... genius :D

I can't really get away with that one: I was a history teacher in the U.S. and still do a lot of tutoring.

Hey MM, just thought I would check in and see how you are?? Blinking busy by the looks of it? Hows it going my lovely??? I weighed myself this morning on some new scales....and was 4lbs up so am feeling pants right now lol..its always the way!!! Anyway, am going to tweak a few things and see what happens next week.

Hope your well

@Michelle -- Great attitude. That is the right approach: what I am doing isn't working, so I am going to try something else. You can do this. Thanks for checking in... I was wondering how things were with you.

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Morning Mel, Thanks for the post, yay you for compliment at pilates..you must be good! Enjoy aquafit & shopping today
@Lelly -- I don't about that... just have done pilates before, so I have some idea of what I am doing.
Oh, and most pilates and fitness instructors initially think I am very fit because I am so flexible. I have hypermobile joints (aka double jointed). So, I can bend all kinds of ways, touch the floor flat with hands, etc.

It is genetic condition -- that has good and bad elements.

Bad: People with HMJ are much more likely sustain injuries to their ligaments, dislocate things, and wear out their joints pretty fast (my father has artificial knees and has needed them since he was in his early 40s... but he put it off and lived in pain for years).

Good: Very flexible: you can scratch your own back with no problem. And because the extra collagen is through out your entire body -- your skin is very elastic.
I had a 9lb 4oz and a 10lb2oz baby... and have NO stretchmarks! I also have fewer wrinkles than most people my age.

Well, I will have to post what I did later on... because I need to go and DO IT! ;)

The SUN is out! YEAH!!!! :)

@Chels -- Yes, giving birth (or attempting to do so) to such large babies was unreal. I foolishly bought into the whole "natural childbirth" had a midwife (she was brill), but no pain killers, etc. for DS. And, he was face up and had to be turned... soooo painful. I was in labour for something like 36 hours (2 hours in tranistion and pushing). I could go on and on about the misery of this first pregnancy and birth... but, let's just say there are good reasons my children are nearly 8 years apart in age.
Then, child 2 (DD) was even larger (thankfully not as much mornign sickness). However, even with inducing me early -- three days of that -- when I got dilated, they realised that she was face up. They tried, unsuccessfully, for an hour to turn her (thankfully with an epidural this time... but still so agonising) -- I had a C-Section. I am thinking that DD should get a little job and save up to pay for my tummy tuck, as a few months after DS's birth you couldn't even tell I'd had a baby.

This is WEEK 10!!! I had no idea... it'd been this long.


The sun is out and I am feeling energised... I hope it lasts. I am feeling guilty about so many things atm.

My house really needs attention -- way behind on cleaning and have to get motivated about the clearing clutter and organising; I have errands that I really need to accomplish (bills to pay, shopping, etc.); I have birthday gifts and cards to get posted (some are already late -- :( ); and I did not my planned fitness yesterday.

I ended up not going to aquafit (even though I was booked and will have to pay anyway :( (and wasting money makes me feel guilty) -- because I did not realise that my friend was fasting for her lab work, and did not want her to have to wait the extra 90 minutes before heading over to the lab. (We were riding together and going have a shopping day.) As it was, she ended up running late, and I probably could have gone with no issues. Also I did not accomplish all of my shopping -- the perils or riding with someone who had pressing business that needed to take precedence -- so I feel as if I wasted a lot of my day/trip.

I can't redo (or undo) yesterday -- but I can try to get a lot accomplished today, and possibly do a fitness class (or at the very least a workout), as well.

And, I did use some of of my "waiting around time" to read through some Beck, write in my journal and even make up a couple of ARCs.

Note: I should do Beck asap, and get my "to dos" organised and started -- but remember that I should not beat myself up over not being "perfect".

Because --What I shouldn't (apparently) do is GET STRESSED!

I know that I am not a patient person, am easily annoyed, and can allow myself to become stressed over things that I cannot control, etc.

However, I was reading an article (yesterday) about how "stress makes you fat". It is not just that people stress eat, but they stress eat because when a person is stressed his/her body releases hormones that trigger hunger, and encourage the body to store energy for future "threats". So, keeping calm helps with weight loss!

So, it the interest of be "Beckish" -- instead of focusing on that I did not get accomplished -- I will give myself some credit for what I did accomplish, yesterday:

In addition to doing my Beck work (credit). Sticking to my diet. (credit) Being organised with my DD and an the BFF (who was here due to family emergency). (credit) Getting a few things done in the house, incl. BFF's laundry for school (credit), being ready and organised when CFF showed up for our day out (credit), helping CFF with her stressful "to dos" (credit), here are a couple of more -- related to taking care of "my man" (hee hee -- sounds so 1950s):

My DH has lost over 2 stone, and I have been telling him for a few weeks now, that we need to get some smaller trousers. I picked up five pairs while shopping.

He started South Beach on January 2nd wearing tight 34x30s (he is 5'6" and I am 5'4"). He is wearing 33x30s (which has been his standard size for years), for about a month. But, now he can wear 32x30s (for the first time maybe 10 years) -- and they are not tight at all.

So, I bought my DH four pairs of work trousers and one pair of jeans in 32X30. They all fit -- in fact -- two of the pairs (same manufacturer) fit okay in the waist, but had loads of excess fabric in the bum and thighs. I thought they looked like clown trousers. So, those are going back I'll see if I can find another brand (slim cut? No bum cut?). I could tell he was very pleased (and maybe just a little proud of himself). So, extra credit -- for making DH happy!

Oh, and I managed to get dinner started in the slow cooker before I left - so, dinner was ready when I got back. DH, DD and I sat together for the meal. And, DS brought a friend home after their evening class (unplanned) and had dinner with him, because DS knew it was cooked and we had plenty. It was a quite nice. I felt that my son gave me a "vote of confidence that the house and food would be company okay with no planning. (Not even a call as they were leaving class.)

I am enjoying the sun shining on me atm, and will check a few more diaries before getting busy. I feel as if I am recharging. :)

Well done Mel. You have achieved so much, and are definitely giving yourself credit where its due.

Try and focus on the positives through the weekend!

Hoping my de-cluttering book arrives today (should have been here yesterday) do I can focus on that this weekend.
Well done Mel. You have achieved so much, and are definitely giving yourself credit where its due.

Try and focus on the positives through the weekend!

Hoping my de-cluttering book arrives today (should have been here yesterday) do I can focus on that this weekend.

Thanks Janelle,

We'll both be tossing, turning, sweeping and burning (those calories). ;)


The sun is out and I am feeling energised... I hope it lasts. I am feeling guilty about so many things atm.
Yay for feeling energised.........not yay for feeling guilty. What is it with us girls???? Guilty if we do, guilty if we don't. Such a sapping emotion MM. xx

So, it the interest of be "Beckish" -- instead of focusing on that I did not get accomplished -- I will give myself some credit for what I did accomplish, yesterday:
That is the thing to do MM. I just thought of a little slogan....... "Just get Beckish when you're peckish"

In addition to doing my Beck work (credit). Sticking to my diet. (credit) Being organised with my DD and an the BFF (who was here due to family emergency). (credit) Getting a few things done in the house, incl. BFF's laundry for school (credit), being ready and organised when CFF showed up for our day out (credit), helping CFF with her stressful "to dos" (credit), here are a couple of more -- related to taking care of "my man" (hee hee -- sounds so 1950s):

My DH has lost over 2 stone, and I have been telling him for a few weeks now, that we need to get some smaller trousers. I picked up five pairs while shopping.

He started South Beach on January 2nd wearing tight 34x30s (he is 5'6" and I am 5'4"). He is wearing 33x30s (which has been his standard size for years), for about a month. But, now he can wear 32x30s (for the first time maybe 10 years) -- and they are not tight at all.

So, I bought my DH four pairs of work trousers and one pair of jeans in 32X30. They all fit -- in fact -- two of the pairs (same manufacturer) fit okay in the waist, but had loads of excess fabric in the bum and thighs. I thought they looked like clown trousers. So, those are going back I'll see if I can find another brand (slim cut? No bum cut?). I could tell he was very pleased (and maybe just a little proud of himself). So, extra credit -- for making DH happy!

Oh, and I managed to get dinner started in the slow cooker before I left - so, dinner was ready when I got back. DH, DD and I sat together for the meal. And, DS brought a friend home after their evening class (unplanned) and had dinner with him, because DS knew it was cooked and we had plenty. It was a quite nice. I felt that my son gave me a "vote of confidence that the house and food would be company okay with no planning. (Not even a call as they were leaving class.)

I am enjoying the sun shining on me atm, and will check a few more diaries before getting busy. I feel as if I am recharging. :)

Well done for achieving all that, you accomplished many things and lots of credit to you for that.

Superwoman, I bow to you xxx
Mel, just popping into your diary - it's great, l love your positive attitude, you achieve such a lot each day - credit to you. :)
What I was (and will be) doing yesterday and today...

Monday starts Week 11 of the year and this diet... most days it does not seem as if it has been that long, then sometimes it seems as if it has been forever.

Yesterday, I accomplished several errands (yeah -- credit), and even managed to get DS's haricut and my eyebrows done (credit). I got dinner cooked, and DS off for the weekend to visit a friend (credit). And, I had a lovely meal out with my friend (partial credit).


Anyway, I am not a big one for "food confessions" -- it might help you unburden your conscience, but I think it might also give others the "Oh well, 'I'm not the only one' excuse." But, by my choice -- no Beck struggle involved -- I decided to have a meal out with a friend last night.

I had the family's food prepared so they were set, and my friend offered to drive my DS and me up to the big town to the train station, so that we could jump out and I buy his ticket so he get to Liverpool to see a friend this weekend without having to struggle to fins parking at rush hour.

It was very kind and she would take no money for petrol. We left as DH and DD were sitting down dinner -- and I already missed lunch because of errand crunch.

And, I had wanted to take her this local place for her birthday in November, but her birthday was on Thnaksgiving, so she came to ours for that meal. Then it was the holidays and everyone was busy, and two days after Christmas I started my diet. So, it was a good night to go out for a meal, unplanned.

So, I know this place i wanted to take BFF could work well for CD 810 meal, as this particular pub does this very cool thing with a Hot Rock. You order your food, they bring it to you with a stone that has been heated to 440C! and you cook your food on the rock. It is good fun and delicious.

No sauces, oils, etc. are added to the meat (or cheese - they do Haloumi for veggies). The meat is accompanied by roasted veggies (peppers, onions, mushrooms, etc.), and those are roasted in just a bit of olive oil. I choose prawns and my friend had the rump roast (hers smelled divine and was quite large, and my portion was about 10 medium prawns). But I like prawns, so I did not feel cheated.

The downside is that the second side dish is either chips, wedges, mash or a baked potato. I opted for the potato with the butter on the side. I know should have asked for extra veggies and no potatoes -- and am not sure why I did not do that, except that it was very late and I let myself get way too hungry.

What I can say is the potato was fairly small (luckily) and I only put about 2 tsp of butter on it. I also ate it with the protein and veg, and my drinks were sparkling water followed by coffee. No dessert, either.

However, since I had so much food last night (as I usually only have a CD product or smallish 810 meal -- which this was close except the potoato) -- I thought that this morning I would do the Beck activity of missing a meal and recording how I feel (the learn about hunger activity).

I usually am awake and moving about before 7 (anywhere from 6 until 7), and I have my water, then coffee and delay breakfast until after DD has left for school or had hers. So, I have my porridge sometime after 8, but usually before 10.

However, it is only just after 10:00 and I have had water and coffee, but I am feeling very hungry now. It is interesting (as I skipped lunch yesterday unintentionally was just plain cranky, then "compensated" myself with the potato last night). I think that I am feeling so hungry because I am analyzing it, but also because I did have so much food last night. Overeating begets overeating... i.e. you eat more, then later you are hungry because you ate more. It is a vicious cycle. My stomach is actually growling!

Flavoured water coming up! And more coffee. ;)

FOOD OVER!!! lol

Anyway, so in addition to reading through the next day in Beck, reading through my ARCs, finishing up this delayed exercise, working on my Lent commitments: I really need to try to catch up on chores and do some planned exercise (as I am now two days off from planned fitness!!! The horror!!!)

So, I am going to give a quick read of the diaries, check for a daily thread - I've not been posting on that for a few days -- and get at it!

I hope everyone is having a good weekend, so far.
