MinnieMel is nolonger considers herself a CDer. One final post.

I don't get it! Can you explain it to me?
"gilty" as in gilding something (putting a thin layer of gold on a less expensive metal of wood making it appear to be all gold).

A guilty pleasure is something one considers pleasurable despite feeling guilt for enjoying it. Often, the "guilt" involved is simply fear of others discovering one's lowbrow or otherwise embarrassing tastes.
13/01/2010 continues...

31) Unloaded and reloaded dishwasher
32) Hand washed pans
33) Made a cup of decaf coffee and drank it while I -
34) Talked to former co-worker on the phone
35) Got back on the computer minimins and to finish an email saved in drafts

Ahh I get it now cos of the gilding thing!
14/01/2010 (after the date)

I just realised that I posted NOTHING for yesterday. LOL To tell the truth, I did not do very much and I did "cheat eat" -- so, that's what happend when I do not focus on "things other than food".

1) got up, got DD off to school
2) emptied, reloaded dishwasher
3) wash laundry
4) spent hours and hours doing a mani/pedi and watching tele that I had save on the Skyplus
5) was on computer
6) finished cleaning/sorting the dry goods cupboard and (finally) put the stuff back in it
7) tried on new Sketchers Shape ups and gave them a little go
8) showered/washed hair/dressed
9) took DD and friend to gymnastics
10) made dinner for DH
11) played a little DS Suduko
12) watched "The Diets that Time Forgot" -- still loving it


I barely made made my DSlite PersonalFitness Coach: Walking step quota yesterday -- very slack day. I was at less than 5,000 -- which is half of what a healthy person should do. And, since I started using it a few days ago... I have not gotten to 10,000 once!

Today, I...

1) got up, had coffee, got DD off to school
2) unloaded dishwasher, am running it now with a cleaner thing in it
3) on computer, talked to friend on the phone (can't do coffee as planned: she is waiting on repair men and I have two back-to-back oil change appointments)
4) checked and replied to emails

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MM, yesterday was yesterday and today is a whole new day so put that cheat eat behind you and don't look back! Today I:

1) Got up
2) Spent about 20 minutes reassuring myself that the dream I had about my university presentation which went horribly bad is not a sign of how it's going to go next week!
3) Sent off for the application forms for a graduate job I like the look of
4) Caught up on emails and facebook

And now I'm going to go and have a shower, grab a cup of tea and do my official weigh in! And put the heating on, because I'm sure it's been turned off, again!
5) Did my WI
6) Updated tickers and challenges
7) Caught up with minimins
8) Caught up with a reptile forum I'm a member of
9) Weighed and measured my geckos... they have weekly weigh ins too!
10) Applied for a job
11) Went to see my Health Trainer
12) Arranged a job interview

Have been a fairly busy one for me! I might go and watch a bit of TV, something I don't often do actually.
Well Done Caroline --

Looks like you have had a very productive day. And, I am sure the dream was not a psychic vision. Just a bit of jitters.

5) walked dog in rain , dried dog
6) took Jeep to oil change
7) walked in rain to bowling centre -- bumped into someone I am supposed to be working out with (oops) -- agreed to start Tuesday (Monday is an American holiday)
8) had coffee with workout partner and the mother of one my son's friends -- had "Uni kid" talk
9) walked back to Jeep, drove it home, got Honda, drove it up for oil change
10) walked from car appt to base craft shop to check on order/not done :(
11) walked back to car -- car not done :( DH put wrong fliter in car
car guy drove me to shop on base to buy correct filter, finished car, paid
12) checked mail on base -- yeah! Coffee order here (I bought DH a posh one cup coffee maker from the States it's German -- a Kreuig. They do not sell them in the UK. I have order the coffee from the US!)
13) drove home, made a coffee! Drank it. Had first soup of the day -- it was 2:30!
14) finished sorting big pantry cupboard (threw out a couple of out of date items)15) filled coffee pod holder & put coffee away
16) cleaned out/organised 5 kitchen drawers
17) cleaned out cupboard and tossed old vitamins/medicine
18) cleaned off and organised kitchen shelf with all teas
19) cleaned/organised out pan drawer
20) cleaned/organised out bakeware cupboard
21) cleaned out/organised under cooker storage
21) cleaned out/organised baking supply cupboard
22) DD made her own dinner (--age 10 :), while I had 2nd soup
23) whilst doing these things -- washed three loads of laundry (currently drying and folding and putting away -- and these are American loads... so, can be 3x at British load)
24) stripped DD's bed -- and need to remake it now (she is watching a DVD before bedtime)

so, to be continued...
Thanks MM, feels like a productive day today! Sure the dream was just my mind too, it'll all be fine!

13) Told my sister that I'm doing CD again
14) Found a new CDC
15) Put my new ebay bargains away (If I see clothes in sizes along my CD journey that are about to end at a bargain price, I buy them, means I have a bit of a stash in most sizes, but just a few basics)
16) Had vegetable soup - not too sure on that one!
17) Played guitar for a bit
18) Nearly killed my housemates for cooking Pizza and making the entire house smell of it
19) Dug out my Aroma melts warmer to make my room smell lovely
20) Stripped and washed bedding
21) Tidied bedroom
22) Realised that a guy I thought I really liked I'm actually completely over that now
23) Made Strawberry mix-a-mousse

And now I'm about to settle down and watch a movie with my mix-a-mousse :)
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Oh... and this!


Organised all my CD stuff into my CD drawer by type and then in alphabetical order... sad I know!
CG --

Not SAD -- I LOVE IT. I love organising! It looks fab!


P.S. What DVD are you going to watch?
Well in all the boxes it was taking up 2 drawers!

I've finally settled on hitchhikers guide to the galaxy. I think!

Sounds good. I've never seen it -- my DS and DH did and liked it. I read the book before you were born.

I haven't seen it either. I've had it on DVD for absolutely ages and just never got around it to. HAven't read the book either!
I've got a month's supply though, so it's looooads! And I'm fairly OCD... all my DVDs are in categories and alphabetical order!!

I don't miss those days, not when it gets really confusing, and then the feeling isn't mutual! When I said crazy about a guy... that's a slight exaggeration really. But I did for a while really think I liked him and I went to see him and came back and it was this whole big confusion of whether he liked me or not, and mixed signals, blah blah blah. Eventually said something and he said he really likes me, but doesn't feel anything more than friends. At first I was a bit like... oh. But now I'm actually completely cool with it and I realised that I think part of it was the idea of him liking me, than liking him himself, if that makes sense. But I really do like him as a friend, he's a great person, so I can see why it confused me!

I have the most confusing life of all, I always like people I shouldn't. So trying to work on that. There's still one guy that after 2 years I still every so often get that twang of hmm I like you. But hopefully that'll go away soon!
Thanks NN. CG -- I am very happy with the man I have... and wouldn't trade him for anything. Well, I might do a short term swap with George Clooney's lady friend. LOL

Anyway... 16/01/2010

1) up, showered, dressed, coffee out the door by 7:40
2) walked with friend from MOT place to Tescos
3) coffee and chat
4) shopped
5) walked back
6) called 999 to report Christmas tree on motorway!
7) 999 called back to say they couldn't find it!
8) went to base, looked for DD & DH -- they'd been and left
9) had another coffee and checked on the framing order (still not done)!
10) went home, friend stayed and chatted a bit
11) cleaned another kitchen drawer
12) put shopping away
13) read the paper and magazine
14) watched tele with DH
15) help DD with Girl Scout Cookie poster (advert)
16) checked email on minimins

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Sunday, Jan. 17, 2010

What I am doing instead of eating...

1) got up, had coffee
2) did a little laundry
3) after DD and DH had breakfast tidied dishes, ran dishwasher
4) watched tele and did suduko, while DD played on computer
5) helped DD finish cookie advert
6) helped DD research Uruguay for Girl Scouts
7) cleaned another kitchen drawer (big kitchen LOL)
8) restocked coffee pod holder
9) caught up on emails & minimins
10) showered, dressed and took dog for 20 minute walk
11) helped DD fix her dinner
12) researched fitness classes to make a schedule... decided that Rosemary Conley was too expensive -- if not doing the diet
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