Well Done Caroline --
Looks like you have had a very productive day. And, I am sure the dream was not a psychic vision. Just a bit of jitters.
5) walked dog in rain , dried dog
6) took Jeep to oil change
7) walked in rain to bowling centre -- bumped into someone I am supposed to be working out with (oops) -- agreed to start Tuesday (Monday is an American holiday)
8) had coffee with workout partner and the mother of one my son's friends -- had "Uni kid" talk
9) walked back to Jeep, drove it home, got Honda, drove it up for oil change
10) walked from car appt to base craft shop to check on order/not done

11) walked back to car -- car not done

DH put wrong fliter in car
car guy drove me to shop on base to buy correct filter, finished car, paid
12) checked mail on base -- yeah! Coffee order here (I bought DH a posh one cup coffee maker from the States it's German -- a Kreuig. They do not sell them in the UK. I have order the coffee from the US!)
13) drove home, made a coffee! Drank it. Had first soup of the day -- it was 2:30!
14) finished sorting big pantry cupboard (threw out a couple of out of date items)15) filled coffee pod holder & put coffee away
16) cleaned out/organised 5 kitchen drawers
17) cleaned out cupboard and tossed old vitamins/medicine
18) cleaned off and organised kitchen shelf with all teas
19) cleaned/organised out pan drawer
20) cleaned/organised out bakeware cupboard
21) cleaned out/organised under cooker storage
21) cleaned out/organised baking supply cupboard
22) DD made her own dinner (--age 10

, while I had 2nd soup
23) whilst doing these things -- washed three loads of laundry (currently drying and folding and putting away -- and these are American loads... so, can be 3x at British load)
24) stripped DD's bed -- and need to remake it now (she is watching a DVD before bedtime)
so, to be continued...