hi mel.
crazy day leading to a crazy week! made a list of things i need to do over the next 7 days starting monday....... 2 A4 pages.
too busy to go to the gym, too busy to do anything.
got to finish off 3 christmas cakes
got to do emily's birthday cake
got to get my nails done for my big night out
got to get my job application form in
got to go to a planning meeting for said job.
got to take dude to tumble tots
got to take shoes back to next
got to get weighed
got to not go overboard on my diet as i'm rushed
got a zumbatomic santa class to teach
got my hair that needs cutting
got emily's birthday to sort out
ems has a party at school, a school disco and dude has a party for me to get clothes ready for too.
got pressies to wrap
out for 2 meals friday and saturday
have cancelled my tuesday zumba class til january as i'm hectic. that and not going to the gym

so little time to fit all of this in this week... and more. next week..... all is quiet.