Gold Member
"caught up in your wishing well....."
LOVE WET WET WET! and marty pellow 
dissshhhhy x
This has brightened up my day
This has brightened up my day
Hi Chris, glad to see you've had such a great time in Holland, I hope I am so lucky with the weather like you have been! Had a bad week food wise last week and gained weight but I don't care, will be doing lots of running this week and plan to do my 5K every day next week when in Holland. It'll be easier there as there's no hills lol.
Had my first skin care class last Friday and managed to sell skin products for a whopping £632!that's £150 going straight into my pocket so not bad for a couple of hours work!
The last guest didn't leave until 4pm though and I felt real rough on Saturday but that past quite quick.
Have been really lucky this month with the migraines, normally the last forever but now I've only had to take 2 migraine pills instead of the millions (I know, am exaggerating a little bit lol) I usually have to take.
Re my name, your tour manager wasn't right, you pronounce it Miriamx