Mirjam's Cruise diet

Are you going Alottolose?
Hi Chris, glad to see you've had such a great time in Holland, I hope I am so lucky with the weather like you have been! Had a bad week food wise last week and gained weight but I don't care, will be doing lots of running this week and plan to do my 5K every day next week when in Holland. It'll be easier there as there's no hills lol.

Had my first skin care class last Friday and managed to sell skin products for a whopping £632! :wee::wee: that's £150 going straight into my pocket so not bad for a couple of hours work! :D:D:D The last guest didn't leave until 4pm though and I felt real rough on Saturday but that past quite quick.

Have been really lucky this month with the migraines, normally the last forever but now I've only had to take 2 migraine pills instead of the millions (I know, am exaggerating a little bit lol) I usually have to take.

Re my name, your tour manager wasn't right, you pronounce it Miriam :) x

Ah right it sounded a lovely name though perhaps he misunderstood me ...... have a great time when you back home in beautiful Holland x
:wee::wee::wee: I'VE GOT 2 TICKETS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :D:D:D
Yes Chris, this will be the second time this year I will be seeing him after meeting him in London in January :)
Ohhhh lucky lady - enjoy!!! xxx
Thanks Chris, I did, only it was too short :( but we're going over in June for my dad's 80th birthday so that's in a couple of weeks :)
Haven't been writing in my diary for a long time now so will have to give you all a catch up. I've stopped SW as this is definitively NOT the diet for me. Instead of losing weight, I stalled for weeks and then I started to gain weight rapidly.... Guess my body's not used to eating carbs anymore, at least not in the quantaties that you are allowed. So, started CD yesterday as I didn't want to go back on LT due to the nasty person at the pharmacist. Met with the CD rep last Friday and she's a nice lady, bit ADD but hey, I can live with that :) Have porridge in the morning and shakes for lunch and dinner and also some grilled chicken at dinner time too. It's about 600 cals per day and already lost 1.5kg since yesterday. I know it's water, but it's a start :)

Job's fine, I am enjoying it a lot and my boss is really nice. Also, finally it was D-Day on 28 april, Run Balmoral Day. I was quite nervous as I'd only ran the 5K twice before and couldn't run it in one go. Managed to cross the finish line at 39:17, my personal best so far! Received a medal, t-shirt and certificate and I'm proud I did it. Will keep up with the running, there's a park run every Saturday at the beach boulevard so will do that. Also, can focus on bodybalance, zumba and weights now as well so will start doing more exercising on different levels. Will write more frequently now in my diary, but can't promiss it will be every day though :D x
It's not that bad Sara, I've done Lipotrim before so i know exactly what I'm in for.... only thing I'm not looking forward to is the headaches :( At least I do get to eat something, and I can be on phase 1 for as little as 1 week, but I prefer to stay on a bit longer to make the weight loss go quicker :)
Day 3 of CD. Not feeling too bad, had a bad case of the headaches yesterday though. Am already in ketosis, pretty quick in 3 days, last times it took me at least 5 days so I'm pleased :) A bit of a "heavy head" but hopefully the headache won't settle and will go away. Food wise it's very simple, breakfast is porridge, lunch, and supper are shakes and dinner is 170gr of grilled chicken. According to my scales already 2kg (4.4lbs) gone so that's a good start. Will have an early WI this Friday so am curious to see what the official scale will say.
Glad to hear you back on a plan that suits you and that you know and trust...... I loved the bars on CD - did two weeks solely on the porridge and don't think I could even look at a bowl without wanting to be sick!!! Overkill I think you call it..... CONGRATS on your 5k run - that is a fab time and great that you are gonna continue with it..... You will be at TW in no time on CD - just then gotta find a plan that works for you long term - like most of us I think the carbs are the issue - don't know the ideal but perhaps after CD you could try conso with the very controlled addition of the cheese/bread etc???? Just a thought..... Good to see you back Mirjam.
Yeah, that might be an idea Trudy, but I might also just go low carb. I love the low carb wraps so I could have those instead of bread, only have bread on occasion. Good to be back! :)
Good to be back Chris! :)

Day 4: feeling good, had a Temple Spa meeting last night that didn't finish until 11pm so it was 11.30 when I came home and I still had 1 shake left. Did have my chicken before I went to the meeting but was pleasantly surprised to find that I wasn't hungry at all! Scales keep on going down, onofficially I've lost 2.8kg (6.16lbs) in 3 days so that's really good! Can't wait for my first WI this Friday night.
First weigh in and lost 3.2kg! That's a good start... am so pleased this diet is so easy! Did eat some extra extra protein yesterday as i was quite dizzy after my zumba class. Bought Biltong and had that, I love that stuff! :)
Btw, support on CD is far less than on LT or here so have decided not to write in my diary every day but will do it once a week after WI. x