Hi gals, here's a quick update! Have started my new job on Monday and so far, I'm really liking it. It's only 5 mins away by car so I can lie in a bit longer in the morning

Haven't met the boss yet but did speak to him on the phone yesterday and he sounds nice.
Weight wise I'm a bit sts, might be due to the running and this week gained as it's totm. Only lost 4lbs so far but hey, it's still a weight loss right?

Yesterday I went for a run after work and I managed to run 5.13K in 40.41:77 although this included 3 one-minute walks as the area I'm running is quity hilly. Not bad though er, for a first complete 5K run

Today, I am so sore, I never thought that my delicate derriere could hurt THIS much! I feel my shins, hamstrings and glutus maximus and I walk like an old lady but at least I'm still burning the calories

No running today, tomorrow or Friday as I've got quite a busy week. Tomorrow I'm going to a bead cluster course and Friday I'm hosting a Temple Spa skin class. First run will be Saturday which is good as I've got a migraine atm so will go straight to bed after work

How's everyone going? x