Day 28, 29, 30, 31, 32, 33, 34, 35, 36 - of 60
Wow! It's been quite a week.... It started off great although I've had big difficulties in getting the right food. There's no meat under 5% fat, even the steak tartar (which is the leanest mince you can get in Holland) had 10%. Not a good start! Further, no supermarket sells spray oil so I decided to do a week of Atkins instead but still kept my fat intake to a minimum. On a good note, there's plenty of oat bran on sale so bought 3 bags

AND there's a vanilla yoghurt with 0% fat and only 4.4gr sugar so less than the Muller ones.
Did some shopping on Tuesday with my mum and bought some lovely tunics in white, khaki and black with matching boleros. Then, the week took a turn for the worse.... my dad had an infection on his stomach and he received some antibiotics for it and then he got sick. Nausia, cramped up legs and back, slurred speech, high fever.... the doctor came and decided he had to be taken to hospital by ambulance. He's diabetic and has prostate cancer so she didn't want to take any risks. They checked him over on A&E, did all sorts of tests, took his temperature (it was 38.3 but it was close to 40 when we first checked it), checked his blood (his white bloodcell count was too high so that implies an infection but the one on his stomach wasn't causing it) but had no idea what caused the high fever. They decided he had to stay so that they could do more tests so I took my mum back home. The next day he wasa llowed to go home but they still hadn't any idea what was wrong with him. He could hardly walk out of the hospital and needed to stop and sit after 5 steps so I got him a golf cart so that he could be driven to the car. He hasn't been out of his bed since he got back from the hospital and even though he's feeling a little bit better every day he's still very weak

I hated having to leave them yesterday to come back home but they reassured me that he's fine and everything's under control.
I wish I could say the same about my weight, I've gained 2kg last week due to all the stress and not drinking enough water

What's done is done so no more looking back and just looking forward. Back on the water again today and a two days of PP will kick start the loss again.
All in all, I've had a great time and am looking forward to my next visit in November!
