*crawling back into thread ashamed as hell :'(*
Hi girls! I am so sorry I've been gone for soooooo long!!! Things just kind of got on top of me, and I just wasn't getting the time to come on here
I've just been looking through some posts on here, and wow!!!!!
Kassy - huge huge congratulations on your wedding (photos were gorgeous, you looked stunning!!!) and on the pregnancy!!!

so happy for you Mrs! How many weeks are you now?
Everyone else, how are you all doing?
Will give you a little update on me! I'm now in my second year of midwifery! Last year was mostly great! Then I ended up having a fall out with two girls I lived with in student halls, who also happened to be my classmates - and they choose to completely ignore me now which has made things very awkward :/ I then got a new flat with my closest friend from class in June this year. Everything was going great, but then she stopped going into uni and placement. I ended up back at home for 5 weeks signed off because of back pain, and the day I got back, she told me she was moving out and was leaving the course. So we haven't really spoken, and I have a new flatmate who moved in last weekend. At the moment I am seriously considering moving back home - as wonderful a job as midwifery is, I'm just not sure if my heart is in it anymore. It's heartbreaking and is the hardest decision I've had to make! Went through a hard few months recently too as my dad was diagnosed with prostate cancer. But he had an operation a couple of weeks ago to remove the prostate and there is no sign of the cancer now

I'm in tears most days because of everything :'( and I was comfort eating a lot - I came home for the weekend yesterday, and weighed myself today and I am very very ashamed to say my current weight is 14st 10lbs! I just can't believe I've got to this weight and feel disgusted with myself :'( so I've decided to go on a low-carb diet.
Anyhoo that's my update!!
I hope you don't mind me coming back to join the thread? And I will be making this a regular thing because I really need the support at the moment