Morning by Boooootiful minimins
Stacey - I defo think its the time of year to struggle. Dieting alone is hard, nevermind without the dark nights and damp weather. I turn into a squirrel most Winters and come back out to play in Spring, but am determined this year to try keep on top of things and enjoy the festive season. Seen as though your family away, why dont you get some yummy healthy ingreedoents and cook proper low fat meals. Shame not all the girls are coming round now. Hope you still have a nice weekend though and enjoy having the house to yourself while you can.
Katierose - Still doing flab-e-loss I see hehehe. A full 3 stone gone forever! You are right - we should call it a lifestile change. Thats what I do too. The word diet sets you up for a fall i think. Thanks for those really kind words. You sorted for Xmas?
Flutterby - Hope you are okay. I have to admit, I found the battle of self image much worse when I was younger like yourself. I think self confidence comes with age and things will get easier for you. You have to believe in youself. Dont put too much pressure on yourself. Start to compliemnt yourself and embrace what you have. Do you do exercise? That can make you feel loads better.
Bin - Yeah, I think the TOTM had loads to do with it as I have perked right up now. Any foosball this weekend? How is your Dad? Asda and Tesco have loads of coats online and not too pricey either. You must take a look.
Stacey - Or should I say Miss Gok hahaha. Infact, your new name is Gokette hehehe. Fantastic advice I will certianly take on board. Thank you

) You sound like you are still doing fab. keep it up. Have you seen any other musicals? Have you seen Phanton of the Opera? Its amazing. I defo reccomend it. What you up to this weekend?
Well ladies, I was good again yesterday and had around 1200 calories. Still no gym but will be there over the weekend probally. Plus I am starting netball on Monday and jogging on a Tuesday. I am gonna really try hard to get into exercise and fitness for 2012.
You will be all pleased to her I have pulled myself togeather and am feeling more like the old me again. I defo think it was hormonal. The things us girls have to go through!!!!! Still not 100% but I know a few weeks of being good will give me the boost I need, then I plan to shop till I drop.
Have you all got much planned this weekend? Me and the Adonis are going Xmas shopping tonight and to find me a pair of jeans and boots then tomorow night we are at my brothers house warming party then sunday I am at a posh hotel for a pamper day. So all in all a canny weekend in store.
I will speak to you all after the weekend and I wish everyone a happy Friday, Saturday, Sunday xxxxx