Miss Kassy Getting Sassy (Re-Start)

Hi all,

Sorry to hear your sad news Bin, heartbreaking when they finally go, Even though we know it's going to happen. Life is simply one thing, precious.


On that note, it's time I got it into my head, life is precious it's too short and it should be amazing, I am the only person that can make me be who and what I want to be, i can tell you now it's not a fat frumpy women that is brilliant at making excuses not to exercise and doesn't have the willpower to turn down a cream cake just because it's there!

Time for change....


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Bella - I totally get chocky cravings too when am due on. I wonder wy that is? I mean I love chocolate all the time but I REALLY crave it wen its TOTM. I'm having a constant battle with myself in my head today and trying to remain focused. Yes, lets do that. If I dont go tonight I'll defo go Sat and if I dont you can set me a dare and I'll have to provide photo evidence hahahaha. Same goes to you. Deal! haha. Hey, this is a good idea, we should start this off.... What do you say girls? Are yous in?

Karen - Some true words of wosdom there. I'm with you!!!!!! Although, as you say, we only get one shot and life should be fun, so there is a fine line between wanting to be thin and enjoying yourself and being abale to eat and drink nice things or being thin nd not being able to eat/drink anything naughty. Its all about compromise isnt it.

Still thinking of you Bin.

Kassy, maybe that came accross wrong, it's not about being thin and not eating. It's about not having toast with lurpak, loving it then having another two slices then a cake I don't even want, two packets of crisps while I watch tv, when I'm not hungry. The list goes on and on.
I want to be healthy enough to have a wonderful life, slim enough to feel good about myself. I think it's a terrible thing when I look in the mirror and don't see ME looking back, If that makes sense?
Nothing I like better than good food with good wine with good friends.

Hope that makes sense?
Think I'm cranky at the moment, giving myself pep talks. I'm sort of thinking out loud, well writing out loud lol

Beautiful day today, lovely and sunny but omg it's cold. X

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Yeah Karen, totally get what you mean. Here here!!!! hehe. I'm with you on the cold front too. Its blumin freezing brrrrrrrrrrrr. God, Lurpak is the daddyo of al butters like isnt it. Other spread just dont make the cut. I used to be really bad for not being able to control my overeating. I still struggle but it has got much better this past year so I have all the faikth in the world that you can conqor it and say NO that the piece of cake. This is YOUR year so rock it hehe xxxx
Oh no Flutterby3 ..... Sounds like you derailed and there was one helluva train wreck !!! Eeeeek !!! Can you turn it around and restart ?? Katierose is restarting Monday ..... No totally giving up allowed on this Thread , we are all supporting each other on the way, so you can stray ..... But you can't fall of the face of the Minimins Earth !!!
Did something trigger it ?? Can you plan a week's Menu and stick to it ? Break it down into little goals, so that you have something to aim for AND achieve in a few weeks, rather than months ? I usually kick myself up the bottom, by looking at some awful fat piccies of me at 261 lbs !!! That's enough to shock me away from the snacking.... :eek:

Diva x
Need to turn it around Diva because right now, I feel like a complete pudgy lump of yuckiness. Just want a quick fix, to find somewhere in me the ability to say no to food and to feel good in myself. Doesn't exist though does it :-( HELP ME!!

Still thinking of you Bin, and much love to all you other ladies xx
Go Karen, go! Woop Woop! You CAN be the person you want to be, in fact we all can. What a great and inspiring thought.

Kassy – I was going to mention the photo thing too…that could be hilarious! You’ve got yourself a deal lady!

Flutterby – are you ok honey? What choices are you making? Can you get back into the zone as Viva says and start again from Monday? Perhaps we can all do a challenge together to spur us on? What do you think?

Viva – hope you’re ok. How’s the walking?

Well girls I caved in tonight, but not in overload. I had a cadbury fudge, a turkish delight and a WW caramel Sundae Ice Cream! lol Not sure how much that's tipped me over the edge with my syns but I'm hoping it's not too bad. It’s not a massive indulgence and I’ve done a lot worse but I still need to be really good for the new few days in the hope the scales will be nice to me on Monday. Not planning on doing much this weekend so won’t be drinking and I’ll make sure I work extra hard at the gym. I’ve literally just rang the gym and booked in for spin on Saturday morning and will also stay afterward and do some more work on the tredmill. Kassy, don’t let me down…we need to burn those calories! xxx
Morning Ladies

Flutterby - I am struggeling this week too. Must be summit in the air. Why dont you re-start with me and Katierose on Monday. We can all help each other along and take on a challange like Bella said. What do you have in mind Bella? How about a weekly weight loss challange. Or a 1st of March challange? What do the rest of you think?

This morning when I got to work I had a mini binge and had a wagon wheel, a twix, 4 liquorice allsorts, 2 shortbead biscuits and 4 quality streets. grrrrrrrr. Epic FAIL!!!!!!! So dissapointed in myself. I just cant focus at the mo. Dam TOTM!!!!!! So I def need something to focus me.

Bella - We will defo do the dare and pccy thing then hahaha. I pledge to go to the gym on Saturday and Sunday so if I dont I will be truthful and tell you and you can set me a dare haha. What challange shall we start Monday then? (ontop of this execrise thing we have going on).

I bet I am gonna be crap with my eating all weekend now and for the rest of the day. I'm in hungry binge mood an cant shake i. Will try not to go OTT though as have my engement party in 2 weeks and want to feel great. I will be getting a new outfit as that pink dress will still be a tad tight by then but I'll keep it new for Benidorm.

Oh, we have decided to dress up as Disney characters for 1 night for the hen doo and I am mini mouse. Just ordered my outfit of ebay hehe. Here is it...

Deluxe Fluffy Mini Mouse Hen Night Fancy Dress Outfit M | eBay

I am gonna wear it with thick black tights though. Or get some of those dark tan tights that dancers wear and wear black knee high socks haha. No one knos me over there any way and in Benidorm anything goes haha.

So come on girls, lets all make a pact and do some serious dieting come monday coz we have to get me looking great in above outfit and all start to fee bloody wonderful about ourelves coz were worth it(in the words of Cheryl Cole haha).

Yous all got much planned this weekend?

I'm going for meal and to the Metro for a new phone tomorow night with the Adonis. Think we going Pizza Hut. Desperate for a new phone coz I dropped mine dwn the toilet yesterday and its well knackered haha.

Speak soon you lush lot xxxxx
Kassy, I love that outfit! That's gonna look so good on! What phone ru getting? I dropped mine in the car park on Monday and shattered the screen so also need a new one too!!what r we like!!! Lol

Re the challenge, I was thinking more of a daily one rather than a long one coz that might help keep us focused and carry each one on to the next day. Eg Monday: no chocolate, tues 30 mins of exercise plus no chocolate. Or we could just be really random and do stuff like choose an ingredient/food item and we all have to come up with a recipe to use it in and make it that day? Don't want to restrict us too much so rather than put pressure on ourselves, let's make it fun? What do u think? Xx

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I like the idea of a daily challenge bella - like you say, I think it will keep us more motivated rather than a longer challenge!

In other great new..... I have a uni interview for midwifery!!!! In Aberdeen on the 7th March - I can't tell you how happy I've been today since I got that email!!! :D

I'll catch up with you all properly tomorrow though since I'm at a friends and on my phone just now :) xxx

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Happy weekend gals !!! I'm going to try to NOT eat the fridge !!! Also, look at my snack today.... Skinny fruit !! Hehe !! Now all I need to find is instant Skinny in a can and I'll be SORTED !!! :D

Diva x

P.S I finished my miles!! Just off to polish my halo !!! Yay !!


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I really want Pizza Hut so bad. Like a huge slice.

...yes, this was random lol
Snow eeeek! Looks pretty but is a nightmare.

Hi ladies,
I'm toying with cd diet, done it before lots of times, but just for short time, few weeks at a time. I'm just loosing few pounds putting them back on again, I need a solid loss to spur me on. think might do it this week cos I'm off work.

Woke up so early today, annoying, but hate just laying in bed.

Watched obese year to save my life few times now, such a good programme, one thing though, they have to fit in four hours of exercise a day! I was like wow, that's a lot! But the results are amazing, but four hours!!!! A day !!!! The PT is my ideal man, looks, personality, happy, full of life... Sexy, hot, fit, wow!!!!

Have a good day ladies, be good :)

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stacy87 said:
I like the idea of a daily challenge bella - like you say, I think it will keep us more motivated rather than a longer challenge!

In other great new..... I have a uni interview for midwifery!!!! In Aberdeen on the 7th March - I can't tell you how happy I've been today since I got that email!!! :D

I'll catch up with you all properly tomorrow though since I'm at a friends and on my phone just now :) xxx

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That's amazing news! Well done :)
bin59 said:
Morning Ladies,
Just a quickie to say my Dad died yesterday morning. Will miss him so much but many happy memories of a fantastic Dad.
Speak soon xxxx

Bin, sending you a huge hug. It probably won't make any difference now, but in the future you'll be able to tale comfort from the fact that you were able to say goodbye xxx thinking of you
Evening ladies. How are you all doing? I hope you have all had a great weekend!

Bin, I hope you are doing ok. Still thinking of you here xx

Shelski thank you - I'm still so excited! I have so much preparing to do for it! Lots of articles to read up etc! lol

We haven't had any snow up here at all! :( I'm so dissapointed! lol xx
Hi girls

Just a quick check in with you as weighed in this morning and put on 1lb! :( Am gutted but it's my own doing thanks to the mountain of chocolate I ate this weekend! I hate my hormones! Hopefully it will be gone by next week plus a couple more if I can do it! That's the problem with TOTM, no matter how much I try and control what you eat, I just can't do it. Chocolate always wins! There must be a way to deal with it, but I've never found it.

Stacy - that's great new about your interview, you must be so happy! I'm really pleased for you.

elm - did you stay away from pizza hut or did you cave in?!

Viva - any luck with finding skinny in a can? If you do, send some my way!

Karen - what's CD diet? I love that programme too but purely for the PT instructor. He's sooooo hot! lol

Anyway, must go now girls, am at work early because of the snow. Was a bit worried about driving to work but it wasn't so bad and now it's starting to rain here so should be clear later on!

Chat to you all later xxx

p.s my challenge today is to stay away from chocolate!
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Hi ladies x
Well restart today & am not happy how the weight has piled on but I really have to get a grip.. Am not happy fat! Went to my company do on Sat and my latest photo was taken then but had to squeeze myself into clothes :mad:
So my challenge today is to be positive :D
You have all been doing so well but Im back to get rid of this weight xx:D