Morning Ladies.
Hi Stacy great to have you back we've missed you, hope all goes well with the revision and will be thinking of you next weds. Bet you will be glad to hand in your notice. When do you move to Aberdeen sooooo exciting
Zest that is fantastic 5lb off you must be so happy well done

My thighs ached a bit on the Monday after the walk and I have a huge blister on my heel but apart from that I am fine. Will not know the final total of how much has been raised until Sept, but with over 10000 people walking on Sunday it should be a good amount, I know they say that without Walk the Wight the hospice would not be able to run.
Kassy Am sure you will soon be back in healthy eating mode, it is so difficult to get back into it after a holiday. Enjoy the weekend and don't beat your self up about what you eat and come Monday you will be back on track and the Golden Girl of dieting again
Nichola Hate it when internet is down I feel lost. Have a look on the slimming world thread on here there are some nice recipes on there, do you do the Red, Green or Extra Easy? You can always mix the veg in with spag bol or lasagne that way you are eating veg but can not really taste them.
Keep posting on here it really helps
Diva A green smoothie!! Bet your garden is looking great now all ready for sitting out on the decking sipping cocktails or green smoothies lol.
I put on 1/2lb this week a bit fed up as I did that huge walk and have been good, some weeks it just does not add up, it just seems to be taking forever to come off this time. Wish my consultant was more approachable I would have a word with her, but she is really only interested in her little group of favourites! Never mind I shall keep plodding on.
Am going to see Godspell tonight at the local theater should be a good evening.
Hope you all have a good Friday and an even better weekend xxx