Miss Kassy Getting Sassy (Re-Start)

Stacyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy !!

Hello hun, you ARE alive and kicking !!

Will be thinking about you next Wed, when you've got your exam !!!

Diva x

I am, I am alive and kicking! :D

Thank you! Got a B in my prelim, so I will be quite happy to get that in my higher too :) xx
Morning Ladies.

Hi Stacy great to have you back we've missed you, hope all goes well with the revision and will be thinking of you next weds. Bet you will be glad to hand in your notice. When do you move to Aberdeen sooooo exciting:D

Zest that is fantastic 5lb off you must be so happy well done:D.
My thighs ached a bit on the Monday after the walk and I have a huge blister on my heel but apart from that I am fine. Will not know the final total of how much has been raised until Sept, but with over 10000 people walking on Sunday it should be a good amount, I know they say that without Walk the Wight the hospice would not be able to run.

Kassy Am sure you will soon be back in healthy eating mode, it is so difficult to get back into it after a holiday. Enjoy the weekend and don't beat your self up about what you eat and come Monday you will be back on track and the Golden Girl of dieting again:D

Nichola Hate it when internet is down I feel lost. Have a look on the slimming world thread on here there are some nice recipes on there, do you do the Red, Green or Extra Easy? You can always mix the veg in with spag bol or lasagne that way you are eating veg but can not really taste them.
Keep posting on here it really helps:D

Diva A green smoothie!! Bet your garden is looking great now all ready for sitting out on the decking sipping cocktails or green smoothies lol.:D

I put on 1/2lb this week a bit fed up as I did that huge walk and have been good, some weeks it just does not add up, it just seems to be taking forever to come off this time. Wish my consultant was more approachable I would have a word with her, but she is really only interested in her little group of favourites! Never mind I shall keep plodding on.

Am going to see Godspell tonight at the local theater should be a good evening.

Hope you all have a good Friday and an even better weekend xxx
Thanks bin :) I move up on 8th September. So excited!!!!

It's so frustrating when the scales don't show the hard work you've done! But maybe next week you'll have an even bigger loss! :) xx

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Morning :)
Just to clarify, I lost 5lb this week. I've lost 15lbs in total. In 4 weeks ;) xxx

Stacey is back so where's Bella?!

Diva, post some pics of your garden?

I'll catch up later properly, it's Friday yay!!! ;) xxx

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Never fear, Bella’s here!

How are you girls? So sorry I haven’t been around much lately, things have been sooooo hectic it’s unreal. I started in my new job role 5 weeks ago and I’ve been so busy with it. So much to take in and have been shattered at the end of the day so coming home and falling asleep so early! Plus my mobile phone has broken again so I don’t have access to this site unless it’s on my laptop now.

I hope you’re all ok, I will get round to reading all of your posts over the weekend. I’m planning on doing absolutely nothing all weekend so lots of catching up to do on here!

I’ll fill you all in properly with everything over the weekend – feeling so tired now. Time for bed I think! Lol is 6pm too early for a Friday????

Anyway, I hope you’re all ok.

Bella xxx
Hi girls

Hope you’re all having a lovely weekend. I thought I would send you a nice long posting for you all to read! I can’t remember the last time I was on here to be honest with you. I think it was about 4 weeks ago? Anyway, I think I told you all that I got promoted at work to Supervisor covering maternity for 8 months (the guy who originally got offered the job has now moved to another team hence the reason why it’s only 8 months cover). The job is still in my dept but on another team. I’m supervising 9 people and learning a whole new area and there is so much to take in. I’ve been doing the job for 5 weeks already, and it has flown by. Everyday goes so quickly and I think that’s why I’m so exhausted when I come home in the evenings. I am enjoying it, but I’m also still very aware I have a lot to learn and panic has kicked in over the last few days resulting in my having a little cry on Friday! I felt so stupid afterwards but I always over worry and panic so I’m not surprised I did!

So much else has happened too! I went to see McFly in Birmingham last month with my sister and brother’s fiancé. It was brilliant, and those guys can sing so well live! I knew they would be good, but wasn’t expecting them to be THAT good! I expected to be the oldest person there and thought I would be in a room of teenie boppers, but most people were my age and above. There were even loads of guys there too singing away! It was brilliant.

I also went down to London to cheer on some friends who were running the marathon. That was amazing. We got a spot near Tower Bridge and the atmosphere was incredible and I managed to spot two people I knew who were running which was nice.

I’ve also been to a wedding recently too in Oxford. One of my friends from school, who I’ve known since I was 3, got married. There were only about 40 guests and it was such a beautiful day. It’s weird because although we’ve known each other for so long, we haven’t actually seen each other for about 10 years, and when I saw her, it was like I’d only seen her a few days before! It was so nice. They’re the best friendships!

It was my birthday last Thursday and I turned 32! I was working the day but went out for dinner in the evening with my family and had the Friday off work. That evening I had a joint party with my sister at our local because her birthday was 3 days after mine so we decided to do something together this year and it was such a nice evening. So many people turned up and although I was drunk, I managed to escape a hangover the next day! I got spoilt though – lots of lovely presents and cards, I felt so loved!

With everything going on, I’ve completely neglected my diet. Once again, stress has taken over and I’ve gained a lot of it, but I’ve changed the class I go to now so am refocused again. I was finding Saturday mornings too difficult getting up so early so I’ve joined a class on Thursday evening now. My first one was only last week so I hope this will help kick start me back into losing weight again.

I went out on a date last weekend too! Have joined an online dating site because I’m fed up of being single now and can’t seem to find any decent guys round here so thought I’d give the online thing a try. I’ve actually had quite a lot of interest which has been surprising, but also quite nice. I’m not looking for anything serious out of it, more to get me back into the dating game as it’s been a while! Lol Anyway, I met up with someone I’ve been talking to for a few weeks for coffee and it was really nice, but I don’t think anything else will come of it. He’s a really nice guy but there wasn’t any chemistry, was still a nice date though. I’ll keep you posted with anymore I go on! Me and my housemate have decided to go speed dating next!

Well as you can see, I’ve been really busy lately, but the best thing that has happened during all this time is I have had a short story published! I’m so happy. It’s on an online magazine called Glow. I contacted the editor of this magazine on twitter asking if she could retweet my blog to her followers and she came back and suggested I send her one of my stories for publication! It all happened so quickly but it’s done and has given me a much needed boost in getting more writing out for the world to read now! I’ve added the link in case you want to take a look:


Well that’s about all that has been going on in my life lately! I will have a read over the posts and catch up with what you’ve all been up to and will do my best to stay in touch more!

Speak soon lovlies

Bella xx
Wow Bella, check you out!! You have been so busy haven't you!!!!

Huge congrats on getting your story published!! I will have a read of it when I'm on the laptop later :)

It's been a glorious day here today for a change!! Much better than the miserable rainy days we've had the past week or so :) I did get some much needed studying done today though. At work tomorrow and then will have a mammoth study sesh on Tuesday before the big exam on Wednesday. Very nervous about it because my university place rests on my results! I need a C or above. I really shouldn't worry because I've been getting B's while doing past papers, but I'm naturally a worrier! lol

The countdown to me leaving work is on too! With only 37 working days until I hand in my notice :D I cannot tell you how happy I will be that day!! I will be dancing out the door lol

And also been stocking up on bits and bobs for my move over the past few days too, so I'm getting there :) was a bit emotional on Saturday driving into work as I suddenly started thinking about the day I move and how emotional everyone will be, and saying goodbye to all my friends and family :( it will be so hard!

I really want to lose weight before I go, but I cannot seem to stop eating right now :( its really getting out of control!

Wow that was a long post! :D hope you have all had a good weekend! Xxx

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Thanks Stacy, it's been a manic but good few weeks. Sounds like you're having a good weekend, hope the studying is going well, good luck with your exam, im sure you'll be great! Sounds like youve got everything planned and ready for your move. You must be so excited! Xx
Thanks Stacy, it's been a manic but good few weeks. Sounds like you're having a good weekend, hope the studying is going well, good luck with your exam, im sure you'll be great! Sounds like youve got everything planned and ready for your move. You must be so excited! Xx

Thanks Bella! :) The waiting will be the hard part - I won't get my results until 7th August!

Read your short story by the way and loved it! Very, very well done! :) xx
Wow!!! Bella not had time to read story but will later! Well done you!:)

Stacey, see, told you things would get better:) and your in the up now! Happy days!:)

Yay! We got all the gang back :)

Just a quickie to congratulate Bella on the story, I'll catch up properly later :)

Have a good day xxx

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Bella30, so glad you are back !!! Speed dating sounds like a laugh !! If I was single and ready to mingle, I would be out there giving it a go !!! ( I would be going to the Grab A Grandpa night though, being the ol' dear that I am !!)

Had a scrummy yummy meal Friday, and a delicious Cocktail, which was mixed in front of me at our table, in a proper 1930's Cocktail Shaker, lovely !!! ( big Shaker too, so enough for two big glasses!! Hehe !!!)

Sunday, Mr D and I decked in the sunshine, so really lazy day !! I resisted the beers, with WI looming it's ghastly head this a.m !!! I lost a pound, not quite sure how ?!??! Got another busy weekend coming so doing 5 days of exercise M-F and then rest at the weekend, well, that's the plan, anyway !!!

Kassy, are you re- entering the zone, yet ??? I hope so, I need all the help I can get !!! Lol !!

Diva x
Hiya gals

Yey, Bella and Stacey are back. Woooohooo, we have missed you guys. It went really quiet in here for a while, shows how much yous two like to chin wag hehehehe.

Bella - My god thats amazing, its all go for you at the mo. Had a quick skim over that piece you wrote, its great. You are so talleneted. Oh my god, imagine you can get a book deal. Have you ever tried writing a proper book? Sounds like work is going fab too and check you out - geting yaself out on dates. Thats fab. Get yasel out with lots of diffrent people for dates and keep ya options open and your bound to find Mr Right. Hey, happy be-lated birthday too. I thought you were younger for some reasonj (you look younger on ya pic). We are around the same age.

Stacey - Yey! Everything going great for you too. God, it must be so exciting. September will be here before you know it. Good luck on wed with ya exam. Anything else come of that lad texting you? Get yourseelf on those sites with Bella. Am sure she'll point you in the direction of the best ones to use. Bet you cant wait to finish work. No more hasstle and stress from them!!!

Diva - Back in the zone from today, well, hopefully. That cocktail sounds lush! I want one hehe. Yeah, egt some piccies of ya garden up se we can see all this hard work. Bet its lush.

Bin - Oh dear, its sooooo frusrating when that happens. How many calories a day you have? Sometimes you may need to up it. My Auntie wasnt losing weight coz she wasnt eating enough and when she upped her intake she started to lose again. Also, try switching diets as that helps.

Zest - How are you? Are you still geing mega good and coping okay? Hope you have another great loss this week. You are doing fantastc!!!

Ive ate so much all weekend but started my diet today and get back to the gym tonight. I think I might start keepiong a little food diary on here again too as it helped me last time - I keep a jotted down version but I think it really halps admitting to people what you have actually ate.

Scales said I am 11st 6lb so dont seem to have done too much damage but the scales are on their way out (need some new ones) so they may be wring, but will have to stick with them for the mo as dont have any money to get new ones.

Went and tried wedding dresses on at weekend and I tried on the attached dress (second dress shown) and loved it. I am defo looking at lace mermaid styles now as it really suited me. I have attached some others I like too which I have seen online). Not gonna buy yet though as booked in to try more on in Newcastle on 9th June with my mam. But I think I will end up with something simailar to those below. All these dresses velow are under £250. Great eh!

Well, am megga bust at work so will have to go for now xxx


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Yowza Kassy, those are pretty dresses !!! I went for a good walk today, it's very muggy here, so I'm sure I sweated off a few calories !!! Having a salad roll for lunch, and hopefully Veggie soup for dinner, yummy !! ( my Brekkie was nearly 500 cals so being careful for the rest of the day !!) One day of exercise done.....four to go !!! Woop !!!

We can do this !!!!!

Diva x
Very pretty dresses Kassy!! I'm sure you will look gorgeous no matter what! :)

Nothing came of the guy I was texting - he just kind of vanished off the face of the earth!! lol But I'm not worrying - maybe I will have more luck in Aberdeen!!! :D I am so excited about the move but keep having emotional moments when I think of leaving here. I've lived in this town for 25 years, so it's a huge thing for me to be doing - oh look at me all grown up! lol

So tomorrow is supposed to be lovely and hot - so I will be studying outside all day! And might get a bit of studying crammed in on Wednesday morning before the big exam. I'm getting more and more nervous about it! I will be glad once it's all over :) xx
Awwwww girls, it's lovely to be back! I really feel like I've lost the last five weeks of my life it's gone that quickly!!!!! So nice to be back though.

I'm hoping to do speed dating next month but am currently doing some more online flirting!!! Ive actually had quite a lot of attention which is giving me a bit of an ego boost! Lol I'll let you know if I get anymore dates out of it.

Kassy, the dresses are soooo beautiful, I love them all, you must be so excited about it all!

Morning Ladies

Is it nice and sunny where you all are today. I love the sun, such a shame to be stuck in work but i'm gonna go for a walk on my dinner and absorb some of the suns rays hehe.

Bella - I'm not suprised one bit that you are getting loads of attention. You are very attractive and have an amazing personality so I bet you are great at conversation and flirting hehe. Keep us posted about any hot men haha. You should write a sex in the city style thing about your findings with online and speed dating. That would be a great read.

Stacey - Bless ya, you will miss your home town at first but it will be such an adventure for you. Do you know anyone who lives there already? Enjoy ya studying in the sun :)

Diva - Sounds like you were very healthy yesterday. Well done :) Bet you have amazing weather there now. Its even nice here but think its only gonna last 3 days.

Pleased you like the dresses gals. Cant wait to try more on. My face dress above is the third one but wothout the embeloshment on the waist.

Well, I was good yesterday and had 1420 calories and burned 400 at the gym.

Were going to view a room at the castle where we are getting married tonight to see if we want it for the wedding party after so fingers crossed its nice. Looks stunning in brochure and has a terrace. Plus it means the whole wedding will be at the castle. Costs £30 per head though so I'll have to be ruthless with my invites. Planning on paying for 100 and inviting around 120 so should get away with it. We have worked out that the wedding will come to around £5500. Not bad for a fairytail wedding (thats including everything). Plus we need our honey moon on top. But its still cheaper than average. Were paying for most of it ourselves so are saving like mad at the mo. I'll be skint for a year haha but it will be worth it.

After the castle tonight were gonna grab a healthy Subway sarni and then go for a walk at the resiviour for this evebuing axercise. Mite aswell make the most of being outdoors while the sun is shining hehe.

Hope you all have a great Tuesday everyone :) xxx
That's really not bad at all Kassy for a fairytale wedding!!! It sounds like its going to be a lovely day for you both :)

It has been gorgeous here today! I've been outside studying since lunchtime. Got lots done today but still don't feel much better for tomorrow! lol

Kassy I don't know anyone up there! I have been talking to a few of the girls who'll be in my class though - 2 of them are staying in the same flat as me in our uni halls which is great!


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Wow, took ages to catch up on all those posts !!!

Kassy, dresses are gorgeous :) all so nice, am I allowed to day my favourite one???
No 3. But not much in it, they all flipping amazing! Its all sounding so exciting now, ;) xxx

Bella, I laughed at kassy saying you should do sex n the city style blog about your online dating!!! Such a good idea, that would be an interesting read for sure !!!

Diva, we actually had sun here in the uk today! Woooo! Mad isn't it, how we all get so excited about goid weather and you have it all summer dont you??? glad your back on track you were doing so good until thorntons England ;) xxx

Stacey, your sounding excited! Soon all your hard work and studying will pay off, and the partying at uni will begin! Yay ;)

Bin, did I miss your weightloss post? Kassy saying eat more? I guess your having small losses? Just keep at it. It will go. You been doing any more walking since the big walk ?

Me I'm doing fine, loosing weight bit it's a really hard diet. Xxx

Have a good day xxx

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Morning ladies! Another gorgeous day in store here, the suns already out :D but I will be stuck in my exam from 1-3:30! :( a few more hours and it'll all be over! Yay!!!!

Did anyone watch Big Fat Fetish on channel 4 lastnight??? What were your thoughts on it? I'm all for embracing your curves but I felt those women were taking it too far, where they were basically killing themselves!


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Morning all

Stacey - I was saying all last week that I really wanted to watch that programme and I was so busy last night I forgot all about it. Was it good? Was it shocking? Ive seen a similar programme years ago and it seems there is a real market for it. Do you really thibk they are happy with their bodies? Big high five to them if they are. Imagine that - being able to eat what you want, feeling amazing in yourself and being adored by men! Nice hehe. Good luck for today, got my fingers crossed for you.

Zesty - No 3 is my fave too (but without the waisband embeloshment). Only downside is that it does not have little chrystal beading on it which I would have loved, but I can always put that on myself. haha, Yeah, Bella really sould do that write up, will be great. The dietsing is so hard but stick at it, you are doing amazing andit'll all be worth it in the end. You still on the shakes and stuff?

Hope the rest of you ladies are okay. Guessing you busy but hope you come and catch up with us soon.

Its another scorcher today yippeeeeeeee. Means another walk out tonight after our healthy tea. We walked an hour last night round resiviour but at a really fast pace so much have burned atleast 350 calories. Consumed 1170 yesterday and my food diary for today (so long as i stick to it) will be 1400. So far so good.

Went to view that room at the Csatle and it was breathtaking. We fell in love with it straight away. (image below). Its a whole part of the castle which will be sectioned off for the wedding and the bar and room are stunning and the terrace is huge and if its a nice day they put all the seating outside. I'm just waiting for the woman to call me back to say if we can have it as there is a banquett booked in there on the date of our wedding so she seeing if can change it. Fingers crossed as I have my heart set on it now. Will keep you posted.

Hope you all have a great day in the sun xxx


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