Miss Kassy Getting Sassy (Re-Start)

Lovely to hear from you, Katierose. Hope you're ok. This dieting malarkey is a nightmare isn't it. Those tv shows make it look so easy! I think my problem is connected with my cycle because one month I'm ok, the next I'm like the incredible hulk! It's horrible. I'm going to research into it a bit more and see whether there are ways to help level out your hormones and deal with pmt because I'm fed up of this stupid emotional roller coaster I always seem to be on. Its really not helping my diet one bit!

On a more positive note, I'm chatting to a really nice guy online so that's a nice distraction! I'm also going speed dating on Saturday with my housemate so will report back and let you know what it's like!
Flutterby3 said:
I'm another one... Shame has kept me away. But Thur I start weight watchers, so hopefully it will be a REAL new start x

Flutterby....welcome back! I'm doing ww too and my weigh in is also Thursday! Let me know how you get on. Hope you're ok xx
Hi Bella x
This diet malarkey isn't easy and I must stop hiding when things feel as though they have gone wrong ! Still back on track now and can't wait to hear more about your guy online . I have done alot of Internet dating in the past ( have some stories to tell ;-) ) but am giving it a break at the moment but never tried speed dating ! So will look forward to an update :)
Hi to flutterby too x gd to see you back
I better go to bed sorry miss k for hijacking ur diary x x
Hi all

Hey Katierose, thats what this thread is for - letting of steam having a rant and getting things off your chest so your not hijacking at all. I may have started the thread but thats all and its all of ours to come on and gossip as much as we want. Ooooooooh, I want to hear more about these internet dating stories hehe. Come on, give us the dirt!!!! Good luck on your re-start. You are one of the most determined dieters I have come accross when you put your mind to it so stick with it and show us how its done!

Flutterby - Yey, welcome back my lovley. How have you been? You are sounding very positive about Thursday. Its so nice that Bella is going Thursday too and doing the same diet. Good support from each other. I think you will like WW. There is some very tastey food choices and deserts. You'll ace it!!!!!

Zesty - I'm gonna have to give this 30 day shred a whirl. Hahahahaha, yip, I do have bouncy boobs hahaha. Killer if I dont wear a sports bra haha. I know what you mean about the tummy thing too tho. My kangeroo pouch goes wild when I am on the cross trainer at the gym haha. So do my bingo wings hehe.

Bella - A new man intrest ehy - come on - spill the beans. Cant wait to hear about your speed dating. So exciting.

I stuck to my food diary 100% yesterday so am chuffed. Todays menue looks like this:

Fish Pie and vedge
Chicken noodle thing from Lidl and a pitta bread

Starting back at the gym tonight too.

We got our new mattress, a memory foam one. Its soooooo comfy but I woke up red hot. Just need to christen it now hahahahahaha ;)

Hope you all have a great day. Hi to Bin and Diva too. Looking forward to hering from you soon. Also, where is wor Stacey?

Hiya all

Well, I fell off the wagon a bit yesterday, not too much tho (please don't shout Zesty hehe). I had a bounty bar and a few jelly sweets. But I did have a little less for my tea as just has a small portion. So yesterday came to 1530 calories in total. Still good.

Today is going to look like this:

Toasted miffin and light philli
WW spagbol with a mini nan bread
WW chicken tikka and WW chips

I'll try and stay away from sweets today. So hard when its TOTM. I seem to have even worse PMT than normal too. Think its coz the doc changed my pill last month.

Didnt get to gym. Last thing I wanted to do with cramp. Gonna try go tonight. The Adonis has no gym motivation at the mo either so neither of us are dragging the other one along.

How is everyone today? xxx
Tut tut kassy!!! You should count into your points? What diet you doing then ww or cal counting?
And you need do 30day shred! I want to know what you think lol plus where's your veg??? Fruit? I'm crap at this dieting lark! But will just keep plodding along better than going up ay?!!!

How's everyone else doing? Got busy on here again then quiet now, Bella better fill us in on the date!

Hi to everyone, diva we actually got sun here today! Your wearing that treadmill out I hope!
Bin? Have you been on or am I just missing your posts I'll look back if that's the case, hope your doing ok xxx


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Yo yo yo

Just fell off wagon again but it was a little cedbury cake bar totallying 120 calories. So if I add that to my calories I will have had 1440 by the end of the day (so long as I dont cheat again).

Zesty - Yeah, I just calorie count. Try to aim for 1200 - 1500 a day. I eat so many carbs though which is my downfall. No fruit or vedge i know but I dont always have it in and I live on convenince food and on a very tight budget for food shopping so I do what I can. I love fruit tho and get it when I can. Your ight, it is quiet on here again. Hmmmm, where is everyone? Stcik at it Zesty - yournot crap at all, your losing and thats the main thing :) xxx
Evening Girls!
Just had a quick read through a few of your latest comments as i haven't been online in quite a long time.
alot of things been happening recently & dieting has honestly been the last thing on my mind, however i'm back and i'm ready to get it off me. its getting to the point where I am getting angry at myself but for some reason this doesn't make me stop eating, it makes me eat more junk! :( ..i am in desperate need of some help.
after having a huge binge on all the wrong foods today I am going for a food shop tonight with my boyfriend to get some healthy options and have a proper crack at it tomorrow and stay on track!!
sorry for boring you all.. i just feel better getting it out! lol :)
Sounds like we're all going through a tough time with our diets everyone so I'm thinking we need to do something together to keep us motivated and I have just the thing.......CHALLENGE TIME!!!!

I have my weigh in tomorrow and have just realised I have 6 weeks until my dads 60th/nephews naming day ceremony so have decided I need to buck up my ideas if I want to lose weight. My target is to lose 1 stone and my plan is to carry on with weight watchers but going to make a conscious effort to exercise 4 times a week.

Let me know if you fancy joining me!

I'm with you Bella with bells on hahaha. I dont think I can lose a stone in 6 weeks (as my weight loss slowed down as I dont have much to go and I think my body has found its natural weight) but I'll certianly jump on bord and try lose as much as I can and aim for 4 days of exercise. Sounds good to me. When are we starting this shindig? Bring it on!

Nichola - Great to see you back. Like Bella said, we have all been in the same boat for a while. Well, saying that, Bin, Diva and Zesty have been doing canny, but its so hard for all of us. If only food wasnt so bloody nice. eh? Your soubnding very motivated now though which is good. What healthy yummy things did you get on your shopping trip?

I'm really struggeling, craving junk and sweets but I havnt allowed myself to cave properly. Ended up having a few maoam chew sweets last night and a WW desert. So my total calories yesterday ended up being 1790. Although I have slipped and not being 100% I havnt went OTT and tried to contain myself so am not feeling to bad in myself. I think my problem is that I am pretty happy at the weight I am at, I'd just love to get down to a size 12 then i'd be super dooper happy. But as am happy where I am at (well today anyway haha) the pressure is off to be really strickt. I defo diet better when under pressure.

The Adonis has promised we both going back to gym next week but in meantime am gionna continue to be a sgood as I can and not cave completley. Todays food diary plans to look like this:

Chinease chicken noodles
Roast in the bag chicken and peppers, rice and pitta bread

I'm gonna try try try not to have anything extra. So hard though.

Bring on the exercise come Monday.

I think you';s lot should start popping your food diaries on here. It will give us insperation to try new healthy options. Most of my lunch time meals are ready meals and equate to 300-400 calories then on an evening anything goes and I try to stick to 600 calories. Breakfast is usually 200-250 calories.

What do your days tend to look like? xxx
Brill Kassy! Glad you want to get involved. My weigh in is every thurs evening so i start a new week on fridays, however just let me know what day you want to start and ill make a note of it.

Ive been craving sweet things lately but have been having raspberries and strawberries with a sprinkle of sweetner at lunch time or in the afternoon and have found thats really helped curbed my cravings. Ive also been having a bigger lunch than usual which is keeping me full for longer too. Heres my food diary today:

Home made ww banana and apricot muslie muffin (can add the recipe on here if anyone wants it)
Cup of coffee

Mid morning:
Ww crisps

Home made veg ratatouille
Ww bagel with light philli
Ww yogurt

Mid afternoon:

Gammon steak grilled
Mushrooms grilled
New potatoes

Hope everyones having a good day xx
Mmmmmm, i'm huingry now hehe. defo post that recepie up for the muffin and how to make. How many calories in one?

As I dont have scales I will just have to use the ones at the gym as and when I can. So I wont have a weigh in day. Also, I wont know my official start weight due to having no scales but i'm guessing am around 11.8 (ish) so I think I will make my challange to get down into the 10's wirthin 6 weeks. What you recon? I am starting my exercise as from Monday but am going to continue being good food wise this week, but make my official start Saturday and then that will take me up to Saturday 28th July to get into the 10's - I can get weighed on a Saturday or Sunday morning at the gym you see (when I'm there that is) - hate evening weigh ins hahaha).

Sounding good to me. Loving challanges. Gotta keeep coming on here tho to tell me how you doing and vice versa. Just wish I has scales haha.

Think I'll get weighed at gym next weekend (if we there) to see where i'm at with things. Hoefefully i'll suprise myself. Who knows xxx
Hiya gals !! I'm BACK, after my tummy bug thing, yuck, I hate being sick, blurgh !!!! Already, managed a quick Treadmill walk of 3 miles, planning an outside walk this evening, if I'm still feeling good !! Had the right old wobbles this week with this bug and being dehydrated, I think. Great to see some new goals posted, and to see some old faces back!!! Whoop! Whoop !!

I'm like way behind on my walking, so I'm playing catch up, and I'll be cal counting like crazy, like Kassy !! Hehe !!
I can understand what you said about a natural weight Kassy, I remember trying to stay under 11 st in my younger skinny days and I was forever drifting up and over it to around 11st 8 lbs. Funny, eh ??

Diva x
I know everyone goes through it but i'm glad i can come online and see that everyone is in the same boat, just like you all have said! :) .. I am off on holiday in September with my boyfriend & another couple, the girl i'm going with is only a UK size 6 and me being a 18-20 will look like a whale beside her, so this is my motivation!!! i have 14 weeks to go so i'm saying to myself i could have 2stone off if i loose 2lb a week but as i don't want to be disappointed if i don't get it i'm cutting it down to 1stone off for then! WISH ME LUCK!! :fingerscrossed:

anyways.. i'm 100% back on plan as off today and i am ready to kick some ass! ;) but as i'm not very adventurous with food etc i just got lots of fruit, potatoes, chicken.. things i can make good meals out of! :)
how are you all doing this week!? aahh.. im so glad to be back!
Hi Nichola, we all seem to be getting ready to be tough with ourselves again !!! Let's hope we can stay in the zone !! I sooo understand what you said about feeling like a whale when standing next to slinky, tiny people !!! A UK 6 is a tiny size, eek !!! I have some photos where I look like a big ol' flabby giant who has eaten like three people !! LOL !!
I also think the weight really aged me, I have photos of myself at my biggest and I look ten years younger NOW !!! I won't mind a bit of slack skin at the end of this, if I look a bit younger, hehe !!

Diva x
Hi girls

Yay, I'm glad you're all getting on board the challenge train with me! I Got weighed last night, and as expected, gained 2.5lbs (still totm so not all my fault! ;-) ) it didn't faze me though because today is day 1 of the challenge. I will update again later/over the weekend with everyone's targets so we all know where we are.

The group discussion this week was all about being more active, whether it's going for a walk, blitzing the house, skipping or gym, so keep that in mind this week and let's all do a bit more exercise for week 1!

Kassy, I'll post the recipes for you but it won't be til over the weekend now. I can't remember the calorie content but it will be low. I'll find out for you.

Have a good week everyone and let's do this! :)

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Hi all

Bella - Great, look forward to receiving your recepies. Your right, exercise is a huge factor in weight loss so its important to try motivate yourself to be a bit more active. We going back to gym Monday. What you planing on? TOTM is a bugger like. It that time for me too haha.

Nichola - Yes, you can do it girl! If you stay focused you can easily lose a stone. I think you might suprise yourself. Keep focusing on that holiday. And really don;t fret that your friend is a 6. In my opinion, been too skinny is as bad as being too overweight. Its not attractive. Whereas you are all woman and have curves and boobies and bum hahaha. In my book I think a 12 is PERFECT - thats my overall aim and far from any size 6. You still doing SW?

Diva - We love our calorie counting dont we hehe. So simple and you can have what the hell you want bgut you gotta make sure you count them calories. It gives to much leeway for diffrent foods and as I live on ready meals and packets stuff and stuff out of the freezer and jars its ideal for me - you can have none of that on SW. Its strange how the body kind of gets to a place it wants to be. I am determined to try get down to 10.5 though but i'm not gonna get stressed over it. I'm gonna work hard at the gym, be careful with my calories and have 1 treat day a week and what will be will be.

I had extras again yesterday - again strill struggeling to stay on the wagon but didnt binge or anything - has a packet of refresher chew sweets and a galaxy bubbly bar (gread option if you fancy chocolate - 170 caloris in a small bar). So that then took my total calories for the day up to 1540. So I am making conscious decisions to be good, even though I am being a bit naughty at the same time.

More wedding dress shopping for me tomorow. Then out for a meal on saturday night (will try and choose quite healthy though) then at a Christening on Sunday. What do you all have planned? xxx
seems like we are all in the same situation this week with our monthly friend.. one I could be doing without may I add! lol.
awk thanks, that's what I needed to hear! now that I have this app on my iphone I don't have any excuses not to be on here! :)
Oh I know, I'm trying not to fret. it's not even that she looks too skinny, she is a petite girl & it suits her and because I'm quite tall there is such a noticeable difference but at the end of the day we are two completely different people. if I lose a stone and I feel better about myself I will be grand! :)
Oh totally.. gotta have a bit of booty! hahaha..
yes, still trying to go by the SW plan it has changed so much since I went to class but getting there! lol.
I think your right having a 'treat day' I don't think I would EVER be able to do it if I didn't have a treat, i think it helps to get it out of your system! lol
Ooh wedding dress shopping.. Sounds fab! I am out on Saturday night for a few cheeky drinks but planning to go a nice long walk/cycle on Saturday or Sunday, doesn't sound as fun as your weekend though! lol :) xx

Nichola.. :)
Hi girls

Hope youre all having a good weekend. Im just waitimg for my housemate coz were off out for a few drinks. Really not feeling it though and feel horribly fat in all my clothes! :-( must get over it and enjoy my night!

Hope youre all having fun!
Bella30 said:
Hi girls

Hope youre all having a good weekend. Im just waitimg for my housemate coz were off out for a few drinks. Really not feeling it though and feel horribly fat in all my clothes! :-( must get over it and enjoy my night!

Hope youre all having fun!

Bella! I started at weight watchers on Thur.... Felt quite out of my depth when I got home with all the magazines and booklets though. I want this to be different to SW, I really do:-(

Hope you have a good night.., I've spent the past few days just sulking in bed. Hasn't been great. But I'm ready for change!xx