Miss Kassy Getting Sassy (Re-Start)

Mowning all

Zest - hahaha, noooooo, not the tube!!!!!!!!!

Nichola - I have to admit, I want the most advenerous when I done SW - but I loved SW chips, beans and egg. Made yu feel like you were bring naught when you were bring good - made fried eggs with the 1 calorie spray. Lush! Bin is right - take a look at the SW section on here. Loads of tips. My boyfs sister does a gorgeous soup so will try think on and get the recepie for you. Just all difrent vedge mashed togeather but its yummy. Good on you for not getting disheartened as most people would. Stay strong and I bet yu have a good loss next time. Well done on not caving with all that yummy takeaway around. You are stronger then me haha.

Bin - Oh, bet you gutted they going. Look at all the happy memories you have created over the last 2 weeks tho. When will you see them again. Ibe told you - get booked up to go to Oz hehe.

Meal was lush last night. Must of consumed around 1000 calories (inc me wine, statrter and main - choose healthy options - tandori chicken to start and abriatta for main although did finish me friends pizza too - woops).

Have you all got much planned this weekend? I am having another tame one - a few drinks tonight with the Adonis (as its 'dress up night' hahaha) then tomorow we gonna pop a few cheap bets on the gee gees then we have go the kids tomorow night so gonna take them out for the day on Sunday. In between all this we need to go pay deposit for the marquee for the wedding at Knitsley Mill, buy all our toiletries for the holiday, iron all our clothes and get any other odds and sods. So busy weekend for us.

Hope you all have a fab one and speak tp you all Monday xxx
Hey ladies , day 5 on cd and I'm still going strong :)

Bin, yes I did miss my son. Although I Worried about him less, when he goes to London or reading I am constantly in edge. When he clubbing I mean, not shopping lol x bet you've loved having your daughter over, how ling she been in oz? X

Nichola, you done well not to join in the feast, hard isn't it, but will be worth it in the end. Keep at it, you'll get there :)

Kassy, your always so busy! That's new love for you, all exciting and happy, I used to do loads with my hubby, but tbh, after 24 years, it's not quite so exciting, I kind of envy the stage your at, it's so nice :)
I mean envy in a nice way, not a *****y girlie way. It's a good thing:)
Skimmed through your bit about food! I'm starving!!!

Hi to everyone, have a great weekend x

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Wow, Zesty is in the zone !!! Lol !!! Are you weighing in on Day 7, or do you have like a long first week,like 10 days ?? Do you go to see a CDC ??? I'm sure you've done it before, how long did you last..... That is some Will Power you need, well done !! I know a lot of people do a few weeks like, CD or LL, then switch over to another diet, do you think you will do that?

I had an excellent day in the City, sunny and warm, but not like temps you die in !! Did lots of walking, and had some time to shop so even more walking between my fav shops !! Hehe !!! Didn't succumb to all the yummy treats you see and smell there !! Lol !! Sorry Zesty, won't actually name the foods !!! Drank loads of water !!

I've got some last minute things to do this weekend for our trip, but I'm such an organised bod, that I already have like my travel section of bits and pieces put aside for trips, as Mr D and I like our long weekends away !!! Hehe !! Yes, Kassy the cats are off to the KittyCat Palace Hotel, lol !!! They have their own double size Kitty Condo !! ( that's what they call it!) and get taken out during the daytime for playtime with the lovely Ladies there !! They get pampered there, I swear !!

It's lovely and sunny here again, so I'm heading out for my walk today, my legs are aching from yesterday's miles!! I will try and catch up of my jog/ walk bit later on the Treadmill, for now I'm off to the River Trail to catch the sun..... And exercise, of course !!

Have a great weekend, gals !!

Diva x
Diva, yeah it's hard and yes I've done it few times, but I do struggle and give in easy. I'm desperate this time. I've left it too late for conventional diet and exercise to work, summer is almost here and I'm still fat. My fault! I will stay on it as long as I can then will do another diet, just need a boost to get me going x
I'd love to be organised, just doesn't come natural to me. I'm a complete scatter brain, get bored super easy and although I like some sort of order and to know what I'm doing, I hate routine. You know people that say oh I can't meet you Tuesday, I always go shopping at 11 on a Tuesday. I couldn't live like that.
But I would definatly like to be a more organised person x
Have a good weekend :)

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Hello Ladies,

Zest How is it going? it must take a lot of will power and real determination, I know I could not do it I would end up bingeing when is you first WI, fingers crossed for a big weight loss for you :). My daughter and her husband moved to Oz two and half years ago ( she is my step daughter but lived with me and her dad from the age of 13 so is more like a daughter). They live about 30 mins outside Sydney and love it there.

Nichola What sort of meals do you like, I tend to eat alot of the pasta/rice meals, I love SW carbonara made with Quark and SW chicken chop suey is lovely I think it tastes just like a take away. Will put recipes on here if interested. Just an idea as you can not get to class you could do your own evening with a few friends all weigh in and take different food to try (with a glass of wine once you have weighed in;)).

Kassy Your meal sounds lovely, are you all ready for your hol bet you will have a great time.:)

Diva Hope you have a safe journey and great time in UK. :)

Had a nice farewell meal with daughter and husband a huge Chinese, my daughter and I got through almost 3 bottles of wine:D, but we had a really good evening just sad to say goodbye on Sat. Weighed myself yesterday have put on 4lb in last two weeks:eek: so am back on track now!
Went for a 6 mile walk today over the downs and went through a forest which is really lovely and peaceful. Felt I had better get more training in for Walk The Wight only 3 weeks away now:eek:

Hello to everyone else hope you all had a good weekend. Take care xxx
Morning everyone

Just realised this thread has been going for almost a year hehe. How times flies.

Hope you have all had a great weekend. I have ate and drank pretty much all weekend. Dont want to even think about the calories Ive consumed. I'm already in holiday mode haha. Am starving this morning too and Ive just had my cereal. Do yous find if you have a few days of eating loads you end up more hungry?

Bin - Sounds like you have a fab relationship with your daughter in law, thats so nice. Thats lush to how they have been togeather for so long - school sweethearts. Such a nice story. 4lb in 2 weeks isnt bad at all. I hope I just put 4lb on and not more but I know i will end back up over 11.7 when I come back from Tunisia :( Only downside to holidays. Need the time off though. Mmmmm, what did you get from chinease? I love chinease.

Zest - You remind me of me in so many of your posts. I'm exactly the same - very unorganised most of the time. I'm much more of a wing it kind of gal haha. I get bored easy too and hate routine. Good luck with ya weigh in, hope its a big one! I'm sure it will be, you have been so good.

Diva - Have a safe journey over to UK. Still got my fingers crossed that the weather picks up for you. That kitty cat palace sounds amazing. I know I will end up using cat hotels at spme point but at the mo i get them babysat while I can to save pennies. My anxiety starting to really kick in now about leaving them. Makes me really weepy. I can tell the girl cat (Kassy) knows I'm off on my travels soon as she being really clingy. Dreading seeing her little face when I get the suitcase out :( We have a real bond. The boy (Stig) is a bite more 'not arsed' he'll be happy wit anyone as long as he gets lots of cuddles haha. Kas is so loyal to me though. Whats your cats names again?

We got pretty much all packed last night. So excited. Its roghly 25 degrees there now so just nice.

Will ckeck in with you all tomorw though for a quick goodbuy xxx
Yay !! For Mondays AND for holidays, hehe !!! I dropped another half pound to make it to the exactly 5 stones gone mark !
Can't imagine carrying another five stone around on this body !!! Not when I think I have another two or three of them to get rid off !! Eeeek !!!

Mr D and I celebrated an Anniversary last week, so we did go out to our fav Italian for a lovely meal, and the Diva drank some wine ( and a beer or two ! ) so expected a STS this week. Mr D surprised me with a diamond band ring and diamond earrings, I was not expecting anything, so he earned mega bonus Hubby points for that !!! These are the kind of carats, a gal just can't have enough of !!! LOL !!!

My cats, brother and sister are now over 18 mths old !! ( got them at 3 mths!!) the girl is called Ariadne ( yep, I like Greek Mythology !!) and the boy is called Gideon ( from the Bible ) they are great cats and even Mr D who was not really a cat person, is now super soppy with them, hehe.... He's been converted !! I'm happy for them to go to the Kitty Hotel, and it's not super expensive, plus it's close by and convenient at short notice if we decide to go away for the weekend too !!

Bin59, that sounds like a lovely walk and great training for your big walk coming up !!

Right, I've got to rush around and finish the last jobs on my list now before we go !!!

Diva x
Hi Girls

How are you? Sorry, haven't been around much have I? Things have been hectic. Where do I start? Well...I was offered a promotion at work on Wednesday and had to give them an answer that day so said yes! Wanted so badly to tell you all but couldn't until today when it was official because I was off on holiday on thursday and friday! Anyway, it was announced today so I can tell everyone now! Yaaay! It's a supervisors position, still in my dept, but on another team. I had a handover day today and start tomorrow! Oh my God, I'm so nervous!!! Actually feel a little bit sick! lol It's an 8 month secondment covering maternity leave and comes with a payrise too, so that's an added bonus! Just hope I can do the job! I got called into my bosses office on wed and they offered it to me without advertising it or having to be interviewedm so very happy! Since then, things have just got better! I went to Birmingham on Thursday with my sister and soon-to-be sister in law to see Mcfly at the o2 academy and they were fantastic! We stopped of at Las Iguana's for some mexican food and buy one get one free cocktails first and then went to the show. Those boys are so talented, it's unreal. If you get a chance, go and see them! I was blown away by them. Friday was a quiet day, but got my hair done and then ssaturday was my WI and I lost half a pound - not bad I guess but that 16lbs gone now so can't complain! Then my housemate and I went to London in the afternoon and stayed with my aunty who treated us to a Goan Curry (was lush!) and then on Sunday we met up with some friends at Canary Wharf to cheer on some other friends who were doing the marathon. We then all piled into a small quirky pub behind Buckingham Palace and had a few drinks before coming home! It's been a fantastic few days! Oh, and also......I've been retweeting my blog to people on twitter and an editor of an online magazine got in touch with me and asked me to send her one of my short stories with a bio and pic of myself for possible publishing in their next edition! How amazing is that! I sent it off on Friday and am waiting to hear back now, so please keep your fingers crossed!

I hope you're all ok. I will have a read through of your posts later this evening and catch up with all your losses and progress. Hope you've all had a lovely weekend.

Speak soon

Bella xxx
Morning Girls

Bella WOW what a few days you have had, brilliant news about the promotion, dont worry you will be fine they know you can do the job as they asked you without any interview etc you will be fine:) and a payrise is always a nice bonus. Good news too about the online magazine, bet you are really excited. How did your friends do in the London Marathon? One of my friends did it years ago she was thrilled she had done it but said never again:D Well done with the weight loss 16lbs is fantastic.:)

Kassy It is my step daughter not my daughter in law! But she and her husband did start going out when they were 14/15 and they are now 31/32 so were child hood sweethearts. Hope you have a lovely time in Tunisia and look forward to hearing all about it when you get back, enjoy all that sunshine:D

Hope the weather here is better today, yesterday it poured all day and was soooo cold I had to put the heaters on at work and at home! I can see a speck of blue sky up there!

Hope you all have a good Tuesday xxx
Hi all

Just skimmed over ya posts, sorry I cant reply in full but I have so much work to complete before I jet off so just wanted to say hi and bye really and will miss our chats but speak to you all when I get back.

Diva - Have fab time in UK xxx

Bella - Nice to see you back. Huge woop woop on that magazine possibly publising something - keep us posted xxx

Bin - God, am such a dufus hehe. I had it in my head she was your daughter in law but you did say stepdaughter hehe xxx

Hope everyone else well and speak to you all in a few weeks xxxxxxx
Hey Girlies, have a great hol kassy x
Not had s read yet but I lost 9lbs yay :)
Catch up with posts later, it's got very quiet on here? Xxx

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Evening ladies!!!

So sorry I haven't been on in a while - it's all gone a bit crazy here again with work and college. I have Just under a month now until my higher exam - plus another 2 smaller exams to fit in before that, so I'm studying like mad for it! And also finally just getting over the excitement of getting my uni offer :) Still so happy about it though!

Bella - sounds like you've been having a great time!!! So happy for you, and will def keep my fingers crossed that your writing gets published! :) I have seen McFly 4 times now, and they never dissapoint! They are great live!

Kassy - have a great holiday mrs! Can't wait to hear all about it when you get back!

Zesty - Hi!! :) Awesome news on losing 9lbs! Well done!

Hi to all you other lovely ladies :) Sorry it is a quickie.

Oh, and on a completely different topic, my huge obsession with Robert Pattinson seems to be over, and someone new has taken his place:

Chris Evans.JPG

Chris Evans - nom nom nom! Aka the Human Torch from Fantastic 4, or most recently Captain America :D I am in love! lol Yes I know that's sad, but I can't help myself :D

anyhoo, a little bit of eye candy there for you ladies for tonight :)

I will catch up with you all again very very soon!

Morning Girls:)

Zesty Woop Woop 9lbs is fantastic bet you are really pleased, well done:D

Stacy Good luck with your exams what date have you got your higher, sure you will be fine with all the studying you are putting in, really nice you are still on a high about getting into Uni so pleased for you:D

I expect Kassy is out laying by the pool in the sun sipping cocktails!:)

Have a day off today got to pop into next town as have got to buy couple of BDay pressies, just hope the rain stops it has thrown it down over the last 48 hours and really heavy winds:(

Hope you all have a good Thursday xxx
Thanks bin :)

My higher is on 23rd May, and have a unit exam and top-up prelim on the 10th May!

Have a good day off today - I hope it stops raining for you!! It's been the same here - just miserable!!! :( xxx

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Diva.... Look what I just seen, x

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Hiiiiii ladies! I came to visit the boyfriend and he's sleeping. I'm hungry and have been trying to wake him up but failing hhaha
Morning everyone :)

How is your weekend going?

I went to see the Avengers Assemble lastnight in iMAX 3D and it was absolutely amazing! Best superhero movie of all time by far! And had plenty of Chris Evans to keep me very happy too!! If you haven't seen it yet, and like superhero movies, it's a must see! :)


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Evening Girls,:)

Stacy Glad you enjoyed the film, I dont often go to the cinema only been about 10 times in last 20 years!!! Dont watch many films on telly either I get bored and end up doing the housework while it is on!!:D

Zest how are you doing are you still doing the CD?

Had a brilliant day yesterday went to the last football game of the season we had to win to go up the the Premiership, we won 4 nil, so next season we will be playing the likes of Man Utd and Chelsea etc:D Atmosphere was fantastic, afterwards we went to another fans house for champagne to celebrate, then we were out in the evening as it was my sister in laws 60th, we had a surprise party for her, so we spent all day celebrating and drinking!! Will have to start saving for next season ticket as the price is bound to shoot up now we are back at the top.

Back to work tomorrow:( getting fed up with work at the moment need a holiday me thinks.

Have a good Monday everyone xxx
Hi Girlies :)

Hey bin, yes I'm on cd still, but had a wedding which set me back a bit. It is bloody hard though to stick to! Mainly due to social events popping up x

I've not had much chance to read through, posts but will do this evening to see how your all doing xxx

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bin59 said:
Evening Girls,:)

Stacy Glad you enjoyed the film, I dont often go to the cinema only been about 10 times in last 20 years!!! Dont watch many films on telly either I get bored and end up doing the housework while it is on!!:D

Zest how are you doing are you still doing the CD?

Had a brilliant day yesterday went to the last football game of the season we had to win to go up the the Premiership, we won 4 nil, so next season we will be playing the likes of Man Utd and Chelsea etc:D Atmosphere was fantastic, afterwards we went to another fans house for champagne to celebrate, then we were out in the evening as it was my sister in laws 60th, we had a surprise party for her, so we spent all day celebrating and drinking!! Will have to start saving for next season ticket as the price is bound to shoot up now we are back at the top.

Back to work tomorrow:( getting fed up with work at the moment need a holiday me thinks.

Have a good Monday everyone xxx

Football, honestly, my husband been driving me mad!!! Watching results, listening to it, I got so bored!
Sorry I'm sure you did enjoy it, just my husband gets obsessed!!! X

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