Miss*Kellyxoxo's wishing for a smaller belly food diary!! Xx

Aww listen... I totally understand the sts... I deserve it after last week!! Im sorry girls but have had a bit off tough time tonight, will check in tomoz xx
Thankyou for my gorgeous wee alfie.!!! Keep typin a sentence out bout my situation n deletin it, dont think it appropriate...!! Bein silly xx
Just hope its nothing serious hun hope tomorrow is a better day for you. Its no good typing stuff if your uncomfortable with it. Sleep on it chick x
Just a bit of crappy time with OH..... Been long time comin to be honest?? Just wish i was strong enough to walk away at times....!?!?!' xx
Sorry to hear it hun. Wish there was something I could say to make you feel better about it. Just hope you get sorted. Im sure any of your many friends on here would be there for you to sound off in private if you need to rather than in here. Here if you need an ear hun xx
Sorry to hear it hun. Wish there was something I could say to make you feel better about it. Just hope you get sorted. Im sure any of your many friends on here would be there for you to sound off in private if you need to rather than in here. Here if you need an ear hun xx

Thank you!!!! Its just silly..!! Used to sortin out on my own....?? That is sweet thinkin of havin friends in private who could help?? Xx
It's a bit late now but I was going to say the same as texty......if you don't want to blurt it out in here for everyone to read, I'm sure a pm or two to your lovely mini mates might help. That's what I did a few weeks ago......I left a rather cryptic post on the DYJHIW thread and I was amazed by everyone's concern, and ended up pm'ing a few people. It felt sooooo much better to get it off my chest rather than bottling it up.....

Anyway, hope you're ok sis, and me and wee Alfie are thinking of you and we're here if you need us ((((hugs)))) and a lick from wee Alf ;) cxxxxx
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A little piccy from wee Alfie to his aunty Kelly to cheer you up xxxxxxx hope you're ok xxxx


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Hey Kelly!! Hope you're ok chick!! Sorry, wasn't even on yesterday much. Been super crazy busy last 2 days.

If there is anything at all i can do to help just shout hun!! Scream if u want to. Xx
Hi everyone.... Thankyou for your kind words.... You are all so lovely and its nice to know people genuinely care....!! Things are much better today!! How is everyone...?? Hope you have all had a great day...xxx