Miss*Kellyxoxo's wishing for a smaller belly food diary!! Xx

Ha ha, ill not show her up, she's gorgeous lol.

I've no children! Me and hubby been trying 3-4 years now. Neither of us can have kids! Very difficult process but will be worth it in the end!

My doc is crap lol! He didn't even weigh me! Just said u need to lose weight! So annoying. Felt like a big heifer that day ha ha xx
Ha ha, ill not show her up, she's gorgeous lol.

I've no children! Me and hubby been trying 3-4 years now. Neither of us can have kids! Very difficult process but will be worth it in the end!

My doc is crap lol! He didn't even weigh me! Just said u need to lose weight! So annoying. Felt like a big heifer that day ha ha xx

Aww il bet you are too!!

Im sorry to hear that hun!! It must be frustrating for you both!! You sound as though you would make a wonderful mum!! Im sure it will happen one day for you and by sounds of things tou are doing everything possible to make it happen!!

What a muppet!! Could you not change docs hun?? Xx
Awk I've very little choice in northern ireland. Only 2 clinics do it and the other one is twice the price! Its just all ridiculous!!

I've tried really hard! Me and hubby both stopped smoking for a year and a half nearly now. I've lost 3st 9lb and joined the gym. Im sure I've said it before but Im a totally different person! Hardly even drink any more!! Which i really miss as Im a bit of a party girl lol.

I love beer and mojitos!

We've just booked a weekend away in 3 weeks time so ill be having A LOT of alcohol then ha ha!! Can't wait! X
Hi hun here to subscribe - your food looks fab and I have to say - im gonna try those pancakes they look gorgeous mmmmmmm my mouth is watering now x
Awk I've very little choice in northern ireland. Only 2 clinics do it and the other one is twice the price! Its just all ridiculous!!

I've tried really hard! Me and hubby both stopped smoking for a year and a half nearly now. I've lost 3st 9lb and joined the gym. Im sure I've said it before but Im a totally different person! Hardly even drink any more!! Which i really miss as Im a bit of a party girl lol.

I love beer and mojitos!

We've just booked a weekend away in 3 weeks time so ill be having A LOT of alcohol then ha ha!! Can't wait! X

Its outrageous how much it costs!! But worth it in the end!!

You have done amazing!! I totally get you as i too am a bit of a party girl so could understand how hard it would be to change your life like that!! So you have my complete admiration there lol!!

I love pretty much everyrhing alchohol related though wine is my downfall!! Can easily drink 2 bottles!! (god i sound like a jake'y lol!!) i love cocktails an tequila is my shot of choice!! It make me very happy lol!! Xx

Oooh where are you off to hun!! You totally deserve to go and let your hair down!! Have the best time and get pished ha!! And great opportunity for some baby making?? Or at least get plenty more practice in lol!! Xx
Good to hear everyone!! I too am looking forward to weigh in on weds mrstore!! I dont have any scalea at home, only at work and havent been in since thurs really so havent been able to have a nosy to see how i am doin lol!! So finger crossed!!

Pastagirl you have to hava a loss this week or i am comin over in a ferry to have a word with your consultant lol!! Coz her scales must be barmy ha!!!
Monday 25/02/2013: extra easy:

Breakfast: 35g coco shreddies (hex-b) and 125mls semi-skim milk (1/2 hex-a)

Lunch: birdseye ginger and chilli bake to perfection salmon, basmati rice and veg!!


Dinner: last nights roast chicken dinner, chicken in gravy (1.5) roast potatos, carrots and brussel sprouts, small yorkshire pudding (2) cranberry sauce (1).


Dessert: ww lemon tart yoghurt

Snacks: was still starving after my lunch so made "pancakes", bacon and tspn syrup (1),
2 boiled eggs at around 9.30pm and a glass of milk using milk from hex-a then a cup of black tea!!


Syns: gravy (1.5), small yorkie (2), tspn golden syrup (1), cranberry sauce (1)

Hex's: A= 250 mls semi skim milk
B= 35g coco shreddies
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Thought i could go a day without making "pancakes"!!! Nope.....lol!! Was still starvin after lunch and couldnt resist!! I think you could say im obsessed ha!!! They were really yummy though!!!

how u make the pancakes x

Mostly eggs believe it or not!! Seperate 2 eggs into seperate bowls, to the yolks add loadsa sweetener, a tspn vanilla and a pinch of cinnamon and whisk togetha, in the otha bowl whisk the whites till kinda stiff then fold in the yolk mixture and fry on a low heat with fry-lite and drizzle with syrup!! The syrup really makes them feel like proper pancakes xx
Pancake lady!! I like that lol!! I almost made more tonight!! I nees to get a grip ha!! Just had some boiled eggs and a cup of tea!! That will be me now till bed time!! Xx