Miss*Kellyxoxo's wishing for a smaller belly food diary!! Xx

Mornin all.... how are we doin today... just on my way to work... had a yummy fry up for brekkie as I had time to cook as I dont start till 12 today.... I am serious need of a supermarket trip as I have no fruit or veg whatsoever... I have been livin out my cupboards and freezer lol...

I have a yummy pasta cooked for dinner at work and have a burger prepared for lunch...cant wait...

No exercise classes tonight as dont finish till 8 but I will take hunter a big long walk...

Literally cant wait til tomoz as I am goin on an all day shoppin spree with my friend for holiday clothes...she goes away the week before me... then we are havin dinner n drinks afterwards.... I will be saintly wen it comes to food tomoz but im afraid I cant say the same for alcohol.... but I have saved syns so hopefully will be ok xxxx


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Mornin hun... its lovely.. I make it alot and so easy... I just chop butternut squash and some carrots...I dont really measure but try and put more squash than carrot... an onion... one or two garlic cloves or granules to however strong you like it and a red chilli...its up to you if you leave the seeds in or not lol.. and then soften the veg in fry lite and a tspn or 2 of ground coriander.. then add vegetable stock and cook for around an hour and then just before blitzin with a stick blender I chuck in a huge handful of fresh coriander....whoalah.....!!! Xx

mmmm that's on my list xxx
Mornin all.... how are we doin today... just on my way to work... had a yummy fry up for brekkie as I had time to cook as I dont start till 12 today.... I am serious need of a supermarket trip as I have no fruit or veg whatsoever... I have been livin out my cupboards and freezer lol...

I have a yummy pasta cooked for dinner at work and have a burger prepared for lunch...cant wait...

No exercise classes tonight as dont finish till 8 but I will take hunter a big long walk...

Literally cant wait til tomoz as I am goin on an all day shoppin spree with my friend for holiday clothes...she goes away the week before me... then we are havin dinner n drinks afterwards.... I will be saintly wen it comes to food tomoz but im afraid I cant say the same for alcohol.... but I have saved syns so hopefully will be ok xxxx

Good afternoon!! Tomorrow sounds like a fab day sis..... Can I come?? Lol :-D All that walking round the shops is thirsty work hey??? ;-) xxxxx
Good afternoon!! Tomorrow sounds like a fab day sis..... Can I come?? Lol :-D All that walking round the shops is thirsty work hey??? ;-) xxxxx

Oooh I would love you to come sis...that is exactly what you need... an all day shoppin session n some girly laughs and drinks xxx
Ahhh have a fab day hun I love girly days shopping and drinks, Ive got a day off work booked to go out with Daughter on the 30th. She has promised me lunch lol. I miss her being at home as we often used to shop, but she works shifts now so its not always possible
Ahhh have a fab day hun I love girly days shopping and drinks, Ive got a day off work booked to go out with Daughter on the 30th. She has promised me lunch lol. I miss her being at home as we often used to shop, but she works shifts now so its not always possible

Thanks chick... im defo plannin on makin the most of my day tomoz... your day out sounds fab... I wont be able to look forward to days out like that as I have a son lol... dont think he will wanna hang around with his mum when he older haha.. xx
Food today...

Breakfast: sw fry up!! 1368131677767.jpg

Mid morn snack: banana!!

Lunch: smoked bacon, red onion and mixed olive pasta and a ww lamon tart yoghurt!! 1368131785324.jpg

Dinner: wholemeal roll with beef and chilli burger with cheese onion and tomato ketchup!!1368131876467.jpg

Evenin snack: supernoodles with spring onion and cheese!! (Didn't have a big dinner so have some supper)!!1368131957063.jpg

Hex a: 40g low fat cheese!!
Hex b: wholemeal roll!!

Syns: square sausage (1), burger (1), pasta sauce (2.5), tspn tomato ketchup (0.5)!!

Exercise: 30 min dog walk!!
Ermmm yeah of course! :-D pmsl. Aww hope you have a fab day, can't wait to hear all about it........ This time tomorrow I'll be freezing my wotsits off in a tent again!! Xxxx

Its only a couple hours on the train and you can stay at mines lol...

I will post loads of pics of the clothes I buy... and some cheeky drinks pics from the pub too prob lol...

Oooh where you goin camping this time hon...same place as last time?? Xxx
Its only a couple hours on the train and you can stay at mines lol...

I will post loads of pics of the clothes I buy... and some cheeky drinks pics from the pub too prob lol...

Oooh where you goin camping this time hon...same place as last time?? Xxx

Ooo yes I like the odd pic or two lol :-D
Same place as last time, but with Kev's mates, a couple of other couples I think. They've forecast rain :-( so not only am I gonna be cold.... I'm gonna be wet too lol xxx
Mornin sis.... yay its friday....... and for a change im not workin today or tomoz woop woop... just about to go tidy up the mornin madness in my house then im off to get ready for my all day shoppin trip..... xxxx

Well I hope the weather up there is better than what it is down here!! Lol. You'll have a fab day xxxx
Well I hope the weather up there is better than what it is down here!! Lol. You'll have a fab day xxxx

Aww is it rubbish hun??? Its bright and sunny here but to be drizzly later on so not to bad... wont stop me wearin a nice maxi dress lol... how do you cope with rain n stuff wen you camping??? it is honestly my idea of my worst nightmare lol xxx
Aww is it rubbish hun??? Its bright and sunny here but to be drizzly later on so not to bad... wont stop me wearin a nice maxi dress lol... how do you cope with rain n stuff wen you camping??? it is honestly my idea of my worst nightmare lol xxx

It's miserable :-( I don't cope lol. And it's my worst nightmare too..... Kev seems to think up in the Welsh hills it'll be drier...... I don't think it will lol. Xxx