Miss*Kellyxoxo's wishing for a smaller belly food diary!! Xx

Well done on losin the 2 n a half stone hun... and well done on comin back to slimmin world... it is definitly the way to go as far as im concerned... we all have our ups n downs on our slimmin journeys no matter what direction we take... iv tried ww as well n actually quite liked it but felt I used my points on too much crap tbh... love the freshness n healthiness of slimmin world... good to have you on board chick xx

That's exactly me. im not making good choices. I do weight training and just not eating good so its totally pointless. my oh is a personal trainer and there is no way I can do his diet I need allowances like chocolate and crisps lol xx
That's exactly me. im not making good choices. I do weight training and just not eating good so its totally pointless. my oh is a personal trainer and there is no way I can do his diet I need allowances like chocolate and crisps lol xx

Omg I would love my oh to be a personal trainer... you are soooo lucky but could totally see the downside to that too lol...!! Is he a protein freak ha..?? My younger bro is built like a brick sh!t house n weight trains like mad... I love doin weights and went to my first body pump class tonight... but im same as you... couldn't do without carbs or wee treats lol xxx
Omg I would love my oh to be a personal trainer... you are soooo lucky but could totally see the downside to that too lol...!! Is he a protein freak ha..?? My younger bro is built like a brick sh!t house n weight trains like mad... I love doin weights and went to my first body pump class tonight... but im same as you... couldn't do without carbs or wee treats lol xxx

well he eats meat fish and veg and I just couldn't. he is an excellent personal trainer but I cannot have him train me im forbidden lol it makes things complicated. ill let him use me as a guinea pig but that's it. I was gonna do it myself but just don't have it in me haha. xx
well he eats meat fish and veg and I just couldn't. he is an excellent personal trainer but I cannot have him train me im forbidden lol it makes things complicated. ill let him use me as a guinea pig but that's it. I was gonna do it myself but just don't have it in me haha. xx

I totally get ya hun... if my stef was in personal trainer mode after leavin his socks lyin or not liftin the lavvy pan I think I would sock one to him lmao.... best to keep business n pleasure seperate lol...

if you really want to do it chick you can do anythin xxx
Hey everyone... how are we all... didnt get a chance to catch up on minis last night.... was workin all day and it was manic then as soon as I was home I had my hairdresser comin to do my colour.... she didnt go away till after 10....!!! And I was seriously shattered.... was in bed half an hour later...!! Xx
Evenin all.... how are you all?? Awk my hair nothin special lol... just really gettin my blonde touched up... im naturally reallllllly dark brown so the roots are a killer... went a little lighter blonde for my hols.. will have it done once again before we go to brighten it up....
Went to a body attack class tonight and really enjoyed it and didnt find it that hard... although I seriously need to invest in a decent sports bra... my boobs were swingin around all ova the place lol.... soooo uncomfortable! !! My body still in serious agony after the weights class on mon but cant wait to go to anotha one... xx
Evenin all.... how are you all?? Awk my hair nothin special lol... just really gettin my blonde touched up... im naturally reallllllly dark brown so the roots are a killer... went a little lighter blonde for my hols.. will have it done once again before we go to brighten it up....
Went to a body attack class tonight and really enjoyed it and didnt find it that hard... although I seriously need to invest in a decent sports bra... my boobs were swingin around all ova the place lol.... soooo uncomfortable! !! My body still in serious agony after the weights class on mon but cant wait to go to anotha one... xx

Just laughed out loud at the thought of your boobs swinging around everywhere!! :-D you're doing fab though with all the exercise! Keep it up xxxx
Just laughed out loud at the thought of your boobs swinging around everywhere!! :-D you're doing fab though with all the exercise! Keep it up xxxx

Lol.... it was really not nice.... the way it felt and bloody looked... thanks honey... I am in real pain but it has to be done xx
Breakfast: alpen light cereal bar and a coffee!!

Lunch: spicy butternut squash soup and a wholemeal roll with honey roast ham, spring onion and a laughin cow blue cheese triangle!!

Dinner: beef savoury rice with chopped chicken and cooked onion mixed through and a hot and spicy burger with melted cheese on top and a tspn extra light mayo and tspn tomato ketchup!!

Hex a: 1 blue cheese triangle, 60mls milk and 20 grams low fat cheese!!
Hex b: wholemeal roll!!

Syns: alpen light ( 3.5 ), burger (1), tom ketchup (0.5), mayo ( 0.5 ) = 5.5!!

Exercise: body attack class, 30 min dog walk!!
mmmm the spicy soup sounds good. How is that made? xx
mmmm the spicy soup sounds good. How is that made? xx

Mornin hun... its lovely.. I make it alot and so easy... I just chop butternut squash and some carrots...I dont really measure but try and put more squash than carrot... an onion... one or two garlic cloves or granules to however strong you like it and a red chilli...its up to you if you leave the seeds in or not lol.. and then soften the veg in fry lite and a tspn or 2 of ground coriander.. then add vegetable stock and cook for around an hour and then just before blitzin with a stick blender I chuck in a huge handful of fresh coriander....whoalah.....!!! Xx
This mornings brekkie... 1368095123748.jpg
