I'm the same as you enjoy more cardio classes!! What is metafit never heard of it !! Hope your having a lovely weekend xx
Mornin all.... hope you are all fab and lookin forward to the weekend...
Didnt get much of a lie in.. eyes pinged open at half 8..which is maybe technically a lie in for me as its an hour and a half longer in bed than normal....although crashin till bot half 9-10 would have been nicer lol!!
Supposed to ve goin to a communion today but not sure f we gonna go... its not family so may give it a miss... and would mean having to leave the dog in all day from 10am till around 7-8pm tonight.. n im not pre-pared to do that!!
Soooooo.... gonna sneak into town shopping for a couple hours...not for me....for stef and the boys holiday clothes..... I have a few things to exchange that I dont like...some bikinis and a top...and they need suitcases too and may get our toiletries and new beach towels.... cant wait xxx
I thought you were meeting me and mum! Lol :-D
I'm the same with Alfie.... I won't leave him for more than 4 hours a day.
Oooo I live holiday shoppingdon't forget the pics of what you buy ;-) xxxxx
ohhh have a lovely shopping day don't forget pics too) xx
Evenin sexy ladies.... hope you have all had a fab day...
I had a great day out shoppin... I exchanged a top I didnt really like the shape of for a fitted mini dress from new look.... I would neva in a million years have wore a mini dress.... I really love it...!!
Also exchanged 2 of my bikinis for another 2 that I liked betta... and an oversized multi coloured neon vest to cover up at the pool and and some glittery flip flops...
Stef and the boys got absolutley tons which I am thrilled about...
And... totally away from the subject of clothes.... stef and I were havin a carry on earlier on and he actually picked me up in the air and ran around the house with me... and didnt break his back lol... he would neva have even attempted that 6 months ago.. and I woulda screamed blue murder if he tried..feelin mortified...!!! Am I a total weirdo for feelin really good bout that...??? xxx
Sounds like you've had a great shopping day siswhere's the pics? Lol.
Having a carry on ey?? Again?? Lol. I'd be bloody chuffed too if someone carried me round the house!! Fandabidozy!!!!xxxxxz
Lol wish id seen that I can just imagine you laughing and squealing
Mornin chick... I really enjoy body attack... I love when your hearts racin and your lungs are burnin lol... bkdy pump is my absolute fave though... its quite a stationary class. .not much jumpin around..but its all done with weights... it burns lime mad but I love it... cant wait to try body combat.. I tjink I will really enjoy that... and meta fit is an extremely high impact...high energy class that only lasts for 30 mins.. but apparently it works you so hard ypir body still burns off the cals for up to 24 hours afterwards... not tried it yet but have one on fri.....eek!! I think I may just about manage it lol... I have seen the results on people I know and its astounding...
What classes do you do hun...?? xxx
Haha... it maybe not the most flatterin scene in the world... stef houghin me around the livin room like miss piggy pmsl...but the fact that he managed the heave ho is enough for me lol... was wonderin how his eyes went really bloodshot afterwards lolol xxxx
Noooooo..... whats that. ..??? Really lookin forward to body combat.. think that could be one of my faves... abs love the burn of body pump though. .. xxxI've done body combat, body conditioning, circuits and boxersise I love them allmetafit sounds great tho. Have you heard of TRX ? xx
Pmsl... forgot I revealed that to you today haha...
Had a fab day thanks chick... I will be sendin pics soon....
just tried on my bikinis and im shocked at how comfortable I feel in them... ok NOT gonna be walkin bout in them... stretch mark and saggy skin issues... but he ho... that what over sized vests for ova the top of them are for lol..
Aww we have had such a laugh today and tonight... think the holiday buzz is really startin to kick in..... xxx