Miss Mac diary - A fresh start!

That sounds great Miss mac :)
Maybe a longer time JUDDDING will give you a slower loss. Either way if it's helping you maintain that's great :)
Well things aint working out to plan at the minute food wise.
Ive got a couple of food things on this week and next so ive decided im going to go back on TFR on 17th november for 4 weeks.
I am scared to step on the scales i think its that bad!!

I have been taking a packed lunch into work but most days not eating it and no one bats an eye so im sure noone will notice that im not eating because im doing tfr.
Strange thing is, i kind of came off tfr early because of the new job but i needn't have bothered!!

So just going to try damage limitation until 17th :)
Why are you not eating your lunch Miss Mac ?
Are you eating other stuff instead, or too busy or something ?
Why are you not eating your lunch Miss Mac ? Are you eating other stuff instead, or too busy or something ? :)

Just havent really fancied it to be honest.
I have time to eat in this job which is nice :) but maybe im just used to being too busy too.
I can go all day with no food, no problem but evenings im like a tazmanian devil ;)
And even if i eat breakfast and lunch it doesnt make a difference, i still over eat at night :(
Just havent really fancied it to be honest.
I have time to eat in this job which is nice :) but maybe im just used to being too busy too.
I can go all day with no food, no problem but evenings im like a tazmanian devil ;)
And even if i eat breakfast and lunch it doesnt make a difference, i still over eat at night :(

Oh, I know how that feels :(
It is so difficult to get out of that habit :(
But keep trying :)
Keep trying and keep posting MM. You are not alone xx
Feel rotten today. Sore throat, stiff neck and i ache :(
So pleased its friday so i can have a lie in at the weekend and nothing planned so duvet weekend for me i think!!
It might stop me eating for a while though eh ;)
Hope you feel better soon Miss Mac.
How you feeling now MM x
Well 17th for a start date is off as im on a 4 day course in Birmingham next week.
Will have to start the week after. Should still be able to squeeze 4 weeks TFR in though before christmas!!
I really need to watch what im eating though as its been out of control really. Hopefully i can get out of last supper mode since im not starting for another couple of weeks but hotel food and buffet lunches aint gonna help but on the plus side, not having anything to pick at or graze on should help a bit :)
At my hotel and just ordered room service. Had nothing to eat all day though so hopefully damage limitation.
Wont be having a full english breakfast tomorrow either as you have to go to the dining room for it and i wont do that as im by myself.
They do a room service breakfast hamper but its nothing i fancy so will just go without.
Not sure if there will be lunch at the venue tomorrow or not as its 9.30-14.30 and classed as a half day course so possibly not.
Going to try and do 3 days TFR thursday, friday and saturday. I dont particularly like going on and off TFR but i can feel my clothes getting tighter and hotel living next week wont help so doing what i can, when i can.

Not impressed with this hotel either. Its supposed to be posh but there is no bath, just had to contact reception as room is freezing and heating doesnt work only to discover they have to reset it from there and no room service hot breakfast!!! :(
3 simple things keep me happy....food, bath and heat and they have failed on all 3!!!! ;)
Oh dear, that's a bit disappointing MM. :sigh:. Are you only there for one day?

I'm sure 3 days TFR will make you feel a lot better in yourself but I know what you mean about starting & stopping.

Hope the course was interesting & that you are now full of new knowledge :D x
Oh dear Miss Mac :eek:
I hope everything got resolved :)
How's it going MM?

Business stays in hotels aren't all they are cracked up to be - and believe me, I know :rolleyes:

......one classic stay in a place that became......ahem, a 'rendezvous' for certain services after dark :eek:
Off on my trip to Birmingham soon.
I was quite relieved and very chuffed this morning as getting dressed i was dreading putting my jeans on incase they had become very tight again, but to my total surprise, they are still quite loose :D
I havent weighed for a while and all attempts to reign it in or tfr have failed so i was expecting the worst!
Maybe the scales wont be as horrible to me as i thought.
Planning on a week or 2 TFR starting next monday so will weigh before i start that to see where im at. But im so pleased about my jeans, makes me feel much better without knowing what the scales say :)
That's good news about the jeans MM. You couldn't have put on as much as you thought.

Hope the course is interesting next week & the hotel is better than the last one x
Well this hotel has a bath and even though im in their upgraded room its pretty poor!!
In comparison, the other hotel was much nicer, more spacious and better view.
Good job im not a hotel critic as i think im very picky.
Saying that i know im not snobby or posh coz i actually prefer the holiday inn hotels ive stayed in!!
There is a pool, sauna, gym and jacuzzi if i want to use it though, will see what time course finishes :)