It's still a loss Miss Mac
Here's hoping this is a good week for you
Here's hoping this is a good week for you
Your food choices are still better than if you were off plan completely, all day, 7 days a week. Just be careful of a binge/starve cycle. I started abusing the packs last time hence why I then added a meal along with 2 packs back in 2013 when I felt myself doing it again. Then when I had a week left I had 1 pack and 2 meals till they were completely exhausted. Have vowed to never use a pack again as I'm an all or nothing type of girl it's far too easy for me to fall back into bad habits. I really hope this isn't the case for you. Have a good day xxx
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It really is so hard stopping and starting when I had visitors on Thursday night I just totally binged until Sunday night at midnight as I knew I was hoping to start TS again - with 7 lbs up in the process I think with me I know it's an ever ending battle as once I'm off those packs I'm a nightmare with food which I will have to work on - best of luck MM you seem to have a good plan in place with June hope it goes well x