Are you a bit constipated MM, that would explain the bloated feeling x
Ha ha, its a very frequent conversation that us nurses have x
I've suffered from stress related ibs and trapped wind was one of my symptoms, my tummy would swell up massively and I couldn't sit or even button my bigger trousers. If look about 7 months pregnant honestly. Hope your symptoms improve with the meds. Xxx
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Congratulations MM. Boy or Girl. Any names yet x
Congrats on auntydom MM. I hope you find your IBS trigger soon. It's bananas and avocados which trigger mine so badly I can hardly breathe. I absolutely love both of them too
Seeing new babies make everything seem wonderful. Enjoy!
How's it going MM?
Have you found your trigger for IBS yet MM? I gave my boy avocado the other day and had a spoonful. BiG mistake, I was bent double for about 3 hours. I didn't think such a small amount could trigger it but it did.
Head space is most of the battle getting back on track. I'm struggling too. I've picked a date after Easter and hope to be back in the TS then. Hope you have a good week x
Sometimes it seems tougher and tougher to get back to TFR after each break. Hope you manage to get to plan this week MM x