Miss Sarah's before and during... (2st 5lbs off so far)

You look great :)

K xx
Just found this and wow what an inspiration :) This has motivated me to keep at it; i want to be the same size as you as we are the same height :D

Aww thanks lovely. After a rather naughty weekend your message was exactly what I needed to drag me back on track! Sometimes you get so focused on how far you have left to go, you forget how far you've come! So huge thanks! You're doing really well so far and I'm sure you'll be heading for target in no time! xx
Aww thanks lovely. After a rather naughty weekend your message was exactly what I needed to drag me back on track! Sometimes you get so focused on how far you have left to go, you forget how far you've come! So huge thanks! You're doing really well so far and I'm sure you'll be heading for target in no time! xx

I'm glad I helped. I can't stop thinking how great you look in that photo with the bike, i want to look that slim! You have motivated me sooooo much, managed to stay on plan much easier this week

Wow if I had a tummy like that I would be super chuffed :D xxxx
Aww love you, Jessy! I hate my tummy - it's mega jiggly...hence you can only see my (lack of-) muffin top in this pic! I've never been brave enough to put up any which show more. Hopefully once I'm at target and have done some toning, it will stop wobbling! ;) xx