Missie plus LM plus Greta equals fat fighters extraordinaire ...

Better day for me!! Had 3 shakes plus some fruit & yoghurt. Lots of water and a spin!!!

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well done honey bunny I did spin this morning and it killed me!!!!! started at 6am agghhhhh
Hmm I shall research Botox more in depth

Well I failed big style yesterday. And predictably woke up with stomach pains this morning. I get this a lot and I'm convinced it's because I shovel food in at midnight ... Crackers with cheese followed by chocolate and ice cream is bound to have an effect! And that's on top of a non stop snack fest all day

But no more! I've been good so far today - two products down and one to go and I will complete a full day if the effort kills me! Determined!

I've booked my wedding! Eek! Now, I've just got to tell my other half heh heh. I was a bit thrown when I phoned to make an appointment to pop in with ID etc and they told me I had to book the actual ceremony before I could make the ID appointment so I just came up with any old date. So I'll see if it suits later when he gets in from work . Ummm, fingers crossed it will?!?!

Anyway, assuming it's a goer , it gives me about 8 weeks to get in shape. God, the gym could be calling me again?

firstly contrats on getting a date booked ooooo so exciting....are you gonna tell us the date....i have 8 weeks around about too :) thats mad if we get hitched the same day...

Im so stressed trying to order stuff and the flowers are coming in at like £830! Although parents have offered to pay for them i still think thats a lot......LM how much did your flowers come too?

Also i really wanna get a photobooth but my ok is like no we have spend enough money....shall i just pay for it anyway out of my money???

PS thansk for saying 20 something but nope im not im 35!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Im still going strong apart from a couple of raw mushrooms last night!!!! Im I allowed to be jealous of your binge!
Wow u crazy lady. 8 weeks to plan? !!!! Eeeekkk so exciting tho. Its a great goal to work towards tho. I cant believe how small I looked on my day.... if only I was there still now. Iv done ok today.... not perfect but ok!!!

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Booked for 29 august and no planning required! No flowers no photographer, no bridesmaids nothing! Close family and friends only, registry office and then lunch somewhere nice. It'll cost me a few hundred and that's that!

Here is a pic of how I look now

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Is it mad that I wish I looked like u..... and u think ur fat lol!!! Haha. Good for u. Doin it just for u guys - its lovely.
Missie my flowers were approx £400 just for my one. 2 bridesmaids and 5 buttonholes :O

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I look at that photo and see chubby. Really chubby. I look like a sumo wrestler. And those jeans and top are size 8! With loads of stretch in them obviously!

I'm down 3 lbs and onto day 2 of being good. Hopefully! Started the day with organic rice pop things and natural yogurt with a bit of grated pear. Think I'll have mushroom soup for lunch and take a protein bar to work for later.

Blimey! Flowers are expensive then! I just don't want to spend money on this stuff - maybe an age thing? We've just bought the house and been to America and although we've got a couple of grand in savings, I'd prefer to keep that for emergencies. I also don't like being the centre of attention and can't picture myself in a wedding dress ! I've seen lots I like .. Not wedding dresses but nice ones. I like Coast, French Connection and Mint Velvet and I like plain dresses that make me look very slim. This dress hasn't been invented yet
i am so feeling like that wish we had gone abroad its so much to think about i really cant cope.

Greta you look lush and your in size eight clothes i have never been in that in my life!!!

Anyway great news...........................lost 5 lbs so back on track cant tell you how much better I feel.....even after my job this morning ha.
Also honest opinion do these look pants?


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Morning people went off the rails yesterday! Had two large wines and couple if vodkas then a bag of chips!!!!! Back on it today though but feeling rough already missed my body pump but trying to get myself together for step!!!!!

I'm sweating out lol

Does the yellow go with the gold?
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How's everyone!? Or have I bored u all to tears lol
The Little jars are lovely missie

I'm here! Day one again and determined. Just about to start work so I'll be back when I have a break

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My first day of being good. 2 shakes plus steak & roasted veg for tea. Spin & lots of water!!

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Well done mumma that smashes it xx

I had a rubbish weekend so trying to be extra good this week 100 % yesterday and circuit class

Looking at my products I have hardly shakes mainly porridge and soups so need to get some shakes in as they are my favourite!!!! Anyone heard if shake that weight
Eating a bloody flapjack

I'm useless

I'm getting married on 29 august

I must get a grip!!!

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Get a grip on the flapjack looool xx
God we are useless

Ok another attempt today. One shake and one protein bar down. Water. I'm going to try today!!!

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