Missie plus LM plus Greta equals fat fighters extraordinaire ...

You will be able to hun cxxx
Caught up :) Well done girlies for your losses!!! Thats bloody good going! Youd all better be here to help me in may!! I like reading what ur up to, but missing that i cant join in!! Ive had awful flu this week and have lost 2lbs lol so il take that!! Haha 13 wks left!! Hurry hurry hurry!!!!
Left pic is now at 26 wks, top right is with my first at 27 wks, bottom pic is my second at 24 wks,
I think im smaller for sure this time?!


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Hey gorgeous hope your well xxx

Yh you do look smaller this time xx you must be so excited xxx mays only round the corner xx
Bump envy...and mine hasn't even gone yet :D you look gorgeous.
I'll deffo be here in May, I'll have Vegas weight to get rid of and whatever I didn't manage to get off before the wedding.

Struggling today. Tired and I want biscuits. Went to Lidl earlier and they'd just done a load of baking. I nearly died.
Someone will. There are plenty of good dress makers out there babe. Just make sure they are good as you don't want it ruined like a friend of mine had hers ruined. Get one that works for a shop. Shame your not down here as I know a great one. Soooooooo do we get to know what it's like????

It's all long and floaty and very boho which I love :D hope you're having a good weekend.
Can we see a picture of the dress? X dying to see x

Really fancy a wine a was a fool to think I could ever not have it in my life lol
Where did the weekend go! Drink.....I'm never drinking again! Great weekend lol.

Omg mf ive been mega broody lately. No idea why. I need a holiday now lol
Made it through without burying myself in biscuits. I've got a horrible sore throat and bub was up every 2 hours last night so I'm ridiculously tired today...help!!
made it through yesterday without kettle crisps and sweets and hot chocolate etc!!!! god knows how but i did

Focus until sunday when i have a roast to deal with. I will be eating meat and veg only........she says!
I'm struggling big time. I'm so tired and pretty sure I'm coming down with a cold.
All I want to do is get a bottle of red wine, order a takeaway and sleep for longer than an hour and a half at a time...
It must be a Monday thing

Hate Mondays they are depressing
Trying not to cry. Didn't cave. Have stuck to it 100%. Thought I'd get on the scales to show myself why I'm doing this, I know it's a day early, but I've lost nothing. Not even an ounce. I couldn't be more gutted.
hold out til tomorrow......trust me it makes a massive difference....

Thansk god its not monday anymore!!!!! Im so depressed on the shakes lol.....need the summer like NOW
Meh. Feel so disheartened but I have no choice but to carry on.
I've only had one period since having Jonah but if by some crazy miracle my cycles are regular already I am technically due on in 3 days or so. I'm probably retaining water and the sensible part of me knows this. I learnt it last time. I normally only have 2 decent losses a month. Still, annoying and not helping when I've been so close to cracking. Grrrrr.

Anyway, how are you? How's it all going? X
And I have this face to cheer me up


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awwww thats the cutest picture.......and im not even maternal loool!!!

Hi Ladies- I'm wondering if you have room for an intruder?? I love how positive you all are and I'm currently doing LT but see some of you are doing CD so maybe you won't mind?

No worries either way great to see the positivity and motivation here!
Hi Ladies- I'm wondering if you have room for an intruder?? I love how positive you all are and I'm currently doing LT but see some of you are doing CD so maybe you won't mind?

No worries either way great to see the positivity and motivation here!

More the merrier :)

Although, positivity?? Are you sure you're in the right thread?? :D

How are you getting on? How long have you been doing it?
Hey welcome great to have someone else to moan with loooool!!!

What is LT? How are you getting on?