***RAMBLE ALERT***** I have a rebellious inner child that comes into play in times of stress, In general I consider myself to be a responcible adult however this generally applys to others rather than to myself. When dealing with other peoples drama I am a pro literally I do it for a living ! Somehow when its me all about me I have this angel devil deal going on only its with an internal petulant child. Now my question is is this child within me such a bad thing? To put in incontext yes she stamps her feet demands chocolate mitiagates my poor food habits and promotes genral missbehaviour with food. However she also allows me to stay sane. I still love a blanket fort however this is now a king size bed with duvet that allows me to pause the world as getting off is not an option. She also allows me to stick my tongue out behind my bosses back when an impossible deadline is created . I stay sane by singing rather rude songs in my head , jumping around sticking two fingers up to the world when no one is looking. Its odd talking aboput part of myself as a seperate entity but in many ways as we all have different parts to personalitys which make up our complex nature sometimes to seperate is to understand. I have realised getting old does not mean growing up its exprience which allows us hopefully to make better judgements when faced with the situeation again. With this in mind . Why is it through expreince I know fire will burn so dont touch it,getting run over hurts so use a crossing , forks in toasters not a good idea. Yet still when things get stressful the answer should be deal with it all will be fine just breathe however my answer is still sod it wheres the phone take away is the way forwards and wine makes it all make sence? Although we change shapes and sizes do we change the things that make us who we are, is this a part of me I will ever gain full control over ? whats more does it matter, if the childish days are in the minority? Maybe somewhere in between would be good recognising and understanding the things we do is fundermental in the process of change so maybe I am half way there ? I did warn you there was a ramble ahead lol x