Gold Member
So I went to work first day in my new role and all hell breaks loose!! In a nut she'll my darling daughter is driving everyone to the absolute edge. Now the other half is apparently leaving me on Wednesday . As he needs me time and I need to sort my daughter out..... To be honest I probably should be more bothered? ? I mean I know she is being incredibly challenging but she is my daughter and however hard she pushes I'm going nowhere. Sometimes I could run and keep on running but that's life surely? Ah well let him walk One less thing to stress about. 1. He is the adult 2. Kids go through phases and push boundaries 3.get a grip LolSent from my GT-I9505 using mobile app
lol did work go ok tho? Girls especially go through phases and it's important for them to feel secure even when they are being devils lol
Why are men such big women? Would he be the same about ur youngest?
I'm really proud of you for staying on plan.
Hopefully he will realise he's being childish and gets over himself as they say lol
I was emotional wreck last night lol (found wedding photos) totally out of the blue! We have soap opera lives lol xxx