Hey everyone,
Am back from WI with some lunch inside my belly (which was growling throughout) and time to reflect on today before I b*gger off to Ipswich for the evening.
I lost 5.5lbs at WI which I was utterly shocked about. Which means I got my 10% keyring as I hoped, and also got my 2nd stone pebble and 4th silver 7! Sheesh!
Silver sevens!
I was very quiet about it because a lot of the people in my group a) don't really need to lose weight and b) lose little amounts, whereas me, being a big gal, lose more. I've been tracker religiously as well, so this is paying off! My leader came to me during the meeting and told the group that I'd lost 2 stone, which everyone clapped too, and then forgot to give me my keyring in the meeting so gave it to me afterwards
I felt really silly going up to ask for it but I wanted to show my Mum so much!
So, very chuffed - I think I may treat myself tonight when we go out for dinner, I know some people have a treat day after WI but I've had a small lunch to make room for a bigger dinner!
Am back from WI with some lunch inside my belly (which was growling throughout) and time to reflect on today before I b*gger off to Ipswich for the evening.
I lost 5.5lbs at WI which I was utterly shocked about. Which means I got my 10% keyring as I hoped, and also got my 2nd stone pebble and 4th silver 7! Sheesh!


Silver sevens!
I was very quiet about it because a lot of the people in my group a) don't really need to lose weight and b) lose little amounts, whereas me, being a big gal, lose more. I've been tracker religiously as well, so this is paying off! My leader came to me during the meeting and told the group that I'd lost 2 stone, which everyone clapped too, and then forgot to give me my keyring in the meeting so gave it to me afterwards
So, very chuffed - I think I may treat myself tonight when we go out for dinner, I know some people have a treat day after WI but I've had a small lunch to make room for a bigger dinner!