Jess, thanks for the heads up on the pizza - I did see that it was 9pts in my EO guide so I reckon I'll give it a go next time.
To be honest Rob can go eat his McDonalds, it's me who has got to contend with the smelly fast food farts afterwards though

I've never been a huge fan, I went about 4 years without having one before I met him and then we ended up having one a week/2 weeks at one point! He asked me if I wanted a chip (when he used to go I would nick a chip) and I said "No ta, you're alright love!" and chomped down on my subway.
I missed breakfast this morning as I was stressing out over my bank situation and had a subway, baked crisps and a small lemon drizzle cake for 6pts, then had a yoghurt mid afternoon for a point. Which means I have 19pts to use up today

I don't think I'm going to be able to manage that, especially as I want a light tea (not hungry, plus WI tomorrow)
Am hoping for a good loss tomorrow but a SP on the Wii says I've lost hardly anything, but am a couple of lb's away from a BMI of 39

Silly how that makes me happy but alas, it does.
Ladies, you are all fabulous. Have a calorie free chocolate truffle on me, or a glass of wine if you're not fond of chocolate. If you're not fond of chocolate or wine, then I'm stumped.